Men's Night 11.30.2023

Men's Night  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Philippians 2:1-18
Last time we got together, we talked through loneliness.
Our culture promotes individualism, which removes us from community.
Individualism within the church removes us from our Christian family too.
Imagine Silas saying, “You know, mom and dad, I’m glad you had me, but I think I’ll go it alone. I can eat solid foods now and I’ve even made it to the potty once. I’m thankful for all you’ve done, but if you could give me $20 and take me downtown, I’ll make it from there.”
Punk wouldn’t last an hour.
This is the story of the average church.
Thanks for Sunday, I can handle Monday through Saturday.
Most Christians think that the “Me and Jesus” model of relationships work, but the problem is that it’s far from biblical.
We looked at Ephesians 2 last week and saw (vv. 1-10) Jesus saves individuals, but he also (vv. 11-22) puts them in the Church.
“Going at it alone is not the path for a disciple of Jesus. Through grace we don’t just belong to Christ—we also belong to one another” (p. 52).
Churches shouldn’t have “lone-wolfs”
Churches should function like a good family.
Parents spend their time teaching their kids to avoid things that harm them and pursue things that will help them.
The church community out to help the “toddler” Christians grow and mature and live on mission with God.
That doesn’t happen without functioning like a communal family.
“We will not truly experience the beauty of being the body by reducing biblical community to a church gathering on Sundays”
Heart Matters:
What scares you most about living in community?
What are some advantages to not living in community?
What attracts you most to living in community?
I love Thanksgiving
Louisville, 100 people, everyone is happy you’re there.
But another feature of the day is the food.
You don’t have breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Appetizers start at 10AM on Thursday, the feast begins at 2PM (post-opening ceremony) and you don’t stop until around 11AM on Friday.
Throughout the year they set up who is bringing what and often times, it’s something they bring every year because they’re the best at making that particular dish.
Each person has their specialty.
My mother in law brings slush
Hilary’s sister, Abby brings her cookies.
Uncle Greg brings cheese ball
Uncle Scott prepares the turkey and makes deer poppers *explain deer poppers*
The greatest meals are the ones where everyone brings their best.
They’ve spent time putting their contribution together—the recipe is just right and addictive.
No one tries to top Uncle Scott’s deer poppers—They bring their own signature,
My wife’s family Thanksgiving is such an illustration to what life should look like in the church.
God has given each of us a gift specifically for us to contribute to the church.
He has crafted us in such a way with specific gifts to serve the Church.
The Thanksgiving table is not a table for one.
“The table is not a table for one. It’s an enormous banquet table where God Himself invites all to come and dine” (p. 69)
We get to bring our best dish to the table, and everyone gets to enjoy and be built up by.
Romans 12:6–8 “6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; 7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.”
“Let us use them”
“Your gifts were not designed to be used in seclusion, but to be used to serve and bless the community.”
“The goal of the gifts is not to get you to do everything, but to get everyone to do something.”
Practical questions:
What Spiritual gifts/passions do you think you have been given?
Have those gifts been affirmed by your community?
In what ways are you using your gifts within the churhc?
How can you more effectively use the gifts God has given you to serve others?
Philippians 2.
How does this chapter reinforce the value of community?
What verse did you need most?
How could you shape that verse into a prayer?
In what area do you need the greatest transformation?
How can living in community help you in that area?
What steps will you take in the next 30 days to let others support you?
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