When a Church Prays 7
When a Church Prays NV 7/22/01am
OS: A My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer
Certain action produces certain results - eye off the nail/water, sunshine, fertilizer/
B What happens when a church prays?
I want us to be people of prayer because when a church prays good things happens.
Great church/Long way to go.
TS] Acts 4 – I want us to see what happens when a church prays. C,D 4:23-31
I want us to be a praying church, because …
I. E When a Church prays there is a greater awareness of the presence of God.
A. F Matthew 18 19 “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”
1. God is here in this place. (Sunday, Wed, Anytime we are gathered in His name.)
2. We should long to be in His presence. (David, Apostles, etc.)
B. Jacob wrestled with the Lord all night and didn’t know it. Genesis 32
1. Ever leave the assembly without recognizing the presence of God?
2. God ministers in the assembly.
C. Isaiah 6 (Presences of God/convicted, “Here am I send me”)
D. * Acts 431 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
1. Shaken, by the presence of God. (Literal?)
2. They were all shaken up…
TS] I want us to be a praying church, because …
II. G When a Church prays there is a greater awareness of God’s will (Mission).
A. Prayer-minded people are Mission-minded people.
B. They didn’t pray for rescue. They prayed for boldness.
C. God wants all men to be saved!
TS] I want us to be a praying church, because…
III. H When a Church prays there is unity.
A. Notice they raised their voices together in prayer.
B. Prayer-minded people have a special unity and fellowship.
1. A Church that prays together stays together.
2. When we pray in the assembly pray along (Use your imagination)
C. Many things will draw us together.
1. Illu – football
2. SBS
D. All differences and problems are solved with prayer and work.
TS] I Prayer brings us together with each other, together with God, and His mission.
Invitation: Pray everyday for Northview to become more of a praying church. Pray everyday for the harvest.