What are the Chances
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2017 ABC
Luke 2
Jesus: What are the Chances?
When many speak of “chance” today, it is often used in the wrong way. For example: “Chance brought us together. Chance brings it all together. Let us leave it to chance. Chance will find a way to get it done.” When used in such a way, it describes “chance” as something that causes something to occur. It is an agent or force of causality. And it is synonymous with fate or destiny, and God is left out of all of it. Chance is not something. Chance is no thing.
When I speak of “chance” now, I am speaking of mathematics, statistics and probability. “What are the chances that this or that could happen?” Are you ready? What are the chances that Jesus could fulfill the hundreds of prophecies that the Old Testament mentions about the coming Christ? What are the chances that one man could come and do, and be, which was predicted hundreds and thousands of years prior? What are the chances?
Some math guys say it is 1 in one quadrillion. They draw a picture by taking Texas, filling it up with silver dollars two feet deep, mark one silver dollar, throw it somewhere out there, and then blindfold one man and then ask him to walk out there and find the marked coin in one try… and there you have it… the picture of the chances of Jesus coming and fulfilling only 8 of those hundreds of prophecies.
Chance did not, could not do this. Only God could do such a supernatural thing. There is no other Book on this planet that contains such marvelous, supernatural events, and there never will be. Only God can bring all of these events, prophesies, truths, together cohesively without error and contradiction.
Luke 2:1-7 – What are the chances that Caesar Augustus would send out a decree that all should be registered, at this time. What’s the big deal with this decree?
Let’s go back in time into the intertestamental period, the time between the Old and New Testaments ( a little over 400 “silent” years). What all was going on in this gap?
Prophecy is being fulfilled. Daniel’s visions are unfolding in real time.
The Persians were dominated by the Greeks, under the leadership of Alexander the Great. Became king at age 20, ruled the known world by age 25 and died just short of his 33rd birthday.
Under the Greek influence, Aristotle philosophy, a unifying effort was conducted to bring all under Greek culture, and most adopted their ways and were Hellenized, but not the Jews for the most part. There will be Hellenized Jews (Acts 6:1; Acts 9:29).
After Alexander the great died, his empire was divided among 4 of his generals (Look at Daniel 8:3-9). The goat=Greece. The horn=Alexander. The 4 Horns=The four Generals following
Life became very hard for the Jewish community and eventually they were forbidden, on pain of death, to practice their traditional way of life, including their religious practices in the temple. The Jewish people put up with it until the day when the Jerusalem temple became a pagan shrine, and a pig was sacrificed on the alter. Who lead this?
The small horn in Daniel 8 may represent Antiochus Epiphanes, one of the rulers that came into power and also represents a type of Antichrist. His name means “god manifest,” but he became known as the “mad or insane one.” He wanted to get rid of all Jewish practices and customs.
The rebellion began after the pig sacrifices, and was led by Mattathias and Judas (called Maccabeus - The Hammer - in 167-166 BC). This Maccabean revolt and period resulted in some independence for the Jewish community, allowing them to use the temple again, and they were able to worship and burn sacrifices, and have religious ceremonies.
This event is still commemorated each year and it is called “The Feast of Lights/Dedication, or Hanukkah.” John 10:22 - Jews, including Jesus were participating in this. And this fulfills Malachi 3:1 - The Lord came to His temple.
What happens after these events?
Rome became the superpower around this time and their rule was set up in Israel as well, their rule would last until around 400 AD. Julius Caesar was murdered. There were internal conspiracies which resulted in wars among the generals and it came down to Marc Anthony and General Octavianus. Octavian won the battle and became the one mentioned in the text: Caesar Augustus, the exalted one.
Under this emperor’s rule, the Roman Empire would dominate the whole area and usher a period of great prosperity and peace; this is called the Pax Romana. Roads were built, to the point it was said “all roads lead to Rome.” And there was greater safety than ever on these roads
Ryan, why the history lesson? During this period of what has been called the Silent Years, the silent period of time in which God didn’t speak through His prophets and give us more information in Scripture, we have a lot going on… which is the backdrop and drama leading up to the time of Christ’s birth.
And all that we have been talking about, these events that took place during these “silent days and silent nights”, are not so silent after all. They speak volumes of God’s providence, God’s Sovereign action seen throughout time. Throughout these years when no one knew what was going on in the midst of all this activity, God was paving the way and fulfilling hundreds and thousands of years of prophecy.
Greece and Alexander the Great: Uniting cultures and forming a common language that everyone would understand during the days of Jesus, and this would be the language that the New Testament would be written in, spread out for all to read and understand. God prepared the way, and in the fullness of time Christ came and the Gospel of Jesus could spread like wildfire using this common language throughout the known world. God used this goddless man, and these terrible acts to bring about God’s plan.
The Maccabean revolt: This event allowed the Jews to be able to use the temple, and fulfilled prophecy of Jesus coming to His temple and fulfilling the Law, which involved being circumcised on the 8th day. This could not have happened if they did not have access to the temple. God used this to bring about the fulfillment of God’s plan.
The Roman rule: All of the terrible events, war, treason, and all the rest was under the control of Almighty God, Who was directing even these goddless people to accomplish His purposes. Roads were built and were made safer. For what? To bring Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem safely, and to fulfill prophecy spoken hundreds of years earlier. And these roads will make the spread of the Gospel much faster in the years to come. All of this, everything, was under the control of Soverign God. We see the hand of God, now, looking back… paving the way to this moment in time.
Daniel chapter 7 and 8 points to this moment. All of history is pointing to this time that we are celebrating. All of this was God setting the stage for Christ to be born, fulfilling all the prophecies spoken hundreds of years prior. All of His Story is pointing to this night when heaven and earth would meet together in Immanuel.
Caesar Augustus thought of himself as a god, believing that he was operating as a god, leading as a god, and was sovereign in and of himself… Not knowing that he was only a servant of the Almighty paving the way for the King of the Universe to step in.
Why is this important to me and How can this apply to my life?
Where do you want to start?
1. We have a God who is in charge, who is orchestrating all for the glory of Himself and He will do everything He has said He will do. Our God can and will use even the goddless to accomplish His goals and desires.
We don’t have to worry about time. We don’t have to worry about the future. We know the One who holds all time and who knows our future. And He says this will come to pass. And it will!!
2. When it seems that God is up to nothing; He is doing something. As it was called the silent period of Israel’s history, God was at work, and looking back… God was working the whole time.
Some folks in here today may believe the same thing. “Lord, it has been 2000 years, and we do not see what all this has to do with your plan. I don’t see you; I don’t hear you; Are you working? It’s been a 2000 year silent night.”
Church, in the fullness of time Christ came. Certain events had to take place before His coming to fulfill God’s purposes, plan and glory. In the fullness of time, Christ is coming again. Certain things must be done to fulfill God’s purposes, plan and glory. God has been working through His Story all the way until today and He is including you and me in His story, in order to fulfill His purposes, plan, and for His glory.
Some of you may have been thinking that God has forgotten about you, and all that you are doing and are experiencing are insignificant and meaningless.
Caesar Augustus issued a decree for all to be registered for tax purposes… and God fulfilled his plans through this act. The whole world saw this to be for emperor and empire, God used it for His story.
Nothing and no one is insignificant. God is using you for the advancement of His Kingdom and is paving the way for the second advent of Christ our King.
3. It was in the darkest night that the Light of the World arrived. It was during a Silent night that the heavenly hosts broke out in song. It was in the poorest of conditions that the King of the Universe arrived. It was when people thought that the promise was over that the Promise came. It was when all had lost hope that Hope arrived. It was when everyone quit expecting, that the Expected One came. When all was sleeping… only a few shepherds who were awake came to see the King in the manger.
When all was sleeping… who was ready to greet and meet? When all was sleeping the Bride-groom came, and He will come again for His bride…
Who will be awake and who will be sleeping?
Where will we be when He comes again? Will we be prepared, waiting and watching and expecting? Or will we lose our faith and our hope?
God is in control and is working everything out. It is not a matter of chance working things out. Believe. Trust and lean on the promises of God today. It is not a silent night. God is working. Look back and see the hand of God in your own life, and in world history. He is this same God yesterday, today and forever.
So be ready. Stay expecting. Trust in this Big God, as you wait in awe and wonder.
Christ has come! Merry Christmas! Christ is coming again! Don’t be caught sleeping!
Be ready like the wise men and be responsive like the shepherds. Come to the manger and to the Cross now. Receive the Gift of Life now. And you will be ready to meet Him when He comes again.