The New Birth - Cross Reference
The New Birth -Cross Reference • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Pharisees & Sadducees
Ezekiel and Vally of the dry bones
Moses and the Bronze Snake
Pharisees & Sadducees
Pharisees & Sadducees
Religion in the New Testament was definitly as diverse as we (the world is now)
There was definitly no shortage of religion
Especially when you factor in the pagan gods and those that the Romans brought to the table
And of course all of those differant religions influenced those around them
We see that throughout all of scripture
From the exodus and the plagues to
Jesus asking the disciples who he was on the very place known as the gate or hell or the worhsip place for the goddess pan
However, the most dominant in the 1st century Israel was that of Judaism
Within Judaism were the priests, the Temple, the synagogues, and the Sanhedrin
And within those the main sects were
the Pharisees
The Sadducees
and the Essenes (but we aren't going to get into them)
Honestly there were an estimated up to 7 different sects
But for our study and pertaining to Jesus etc
we are going to focus on the Pharisees
the Sadducees
and the Sanhedrin
2 of which Nicodemus was a member of
Briefly lets think of the Pharisees and and the Sadducees as two different sects
with the sanhedrin being a council if you will consisting of both parties
we can think of them as the republicans and democrates
with the sanhedrin being the senate or house (70 members) 71 with the high priest
Now, with that said lets dive in because Jesus has run ins with both of these groups
Its almost easier to compare and speak of their differences than the things they have in common
One thing they both had in common was the fact that they honored Moses and the Law quite a bit
And they both had political power as well as influence
Thats why together they formed the very powerful sanderin
That and the eventual collaboration to kill Jesus is about where the similarities end
Religiously the Sadducees were more conservative one doctrinal area
they insisted on the literal interpretation of the scriptures
The Pharisees on the other gave oral tradition equal authority to God word
remember this morning we talked about them making up more rules to help follow the rules
Given they had differing views of Scritpure its pretty obvious the argued over certain things
The Sadducees rejected a belief in the resurrection fo the dead
But the Pharisees did believe in the resurrecton
The sadducees did not believe in the afterlife, they thought the soul died when the physical body died
The Pharisees did believe in an afterlife, and they thought that in the afterlife you would recieve an appropriate reward or punishment for what you have done as an individual
The Sadducees rejected any type of unseen spiritual world
The Pharisees taught that angels and demons exist in the spiritual world
A good example of this is when Paul is being held up by the Sanhedrin in Acts 23 he mentions the resurrection of the dead
Which in turn caused a lot of arguing and thus he was able to get out of there
Just a couple more things before we move on
Socially, the Sadducees were more elite and well to do, more aristocratic if you will
They were typically more wealthy and thus able to hold more powerful positions
The chief priests and high priest were both sadducees
They also held more seats in the sanhedrin
the Pharisees represented the people probably more so than the sadducees
they were more of the common folk
they also held more respect from the masses than the sadducces
The sadducees focus of power was in the temple in jeruselm
while the pharisees controlled the synagogues
The Sadducees were friendlier with Rome
while the pharisees resisted Hellenization which is essentially the influence and culture of the romans or greeks
Strangely enough Jesus had more run ins with the Pharisees than with the sadducees
Probably because of their oral tradition
notably Mark 7:8 “Abandoning the command of God, you hold on to human tradition.””
among many more
The saduceess were more concerned with politics than religion
until, they began to fear and or notice the fact that Jesus may bring some unwanted attention from the romans and mess up the good thing they had going
Once this occured the decided to settle their differences and unite with the Pharisees in order to put christ to death
The Sadducees as a group ceased to excist after the destruction of the temple
but the Pharisees lived on for a few more centuries
**modern day rabbinic judaism**
Ezekiel and the Valley of the Dry Bones
Ezekiel and the Valley of the Dry Bones
Ezekiel 37
This and Ezekiel chapter 36 were eluded to this morning when Jesus explained the wind
In Ezekiel 36 - God announced, through the prophet, that Israel will be restored to her land in blessing under the leadership of “David, My servant [who] shall be king over them
Lets read 36:25-29
which is interesting considering the state of Israel at this time
see they had moved a long way away from God
The nation of Israel was dead
her land was essentially gone
she had no king
and the temple was essentially non existent
coming together as a nation seemed impossible
how would go do this
Well, God right
so to show how this would occur we get chapter 37
God transported Ezekiel—probably not literally, but in a vision—
to a valley full of dry bones and directed him to speak to the bones.
Ezekiel was to tell the bones that God would make breath enter the bones and they would come to life,
just as in the creation of man when He breathed life into Adam (Genesis 2:7).
Ezekiel obeyed, the bones came together, flesh developed, skin covered the flesh, breath entered the bodies, and they stood up in a vast army.
This vision symbolized the whole house of Israel that was then in captivity.
Like unburied skeletons, the people were in a state of living death, pining away with no end to their judgment in sight. They thought their hope was gone and they were cut off forever. The surviving Israelites felt their national hopes had been dashed and the nation had died in the flames of Babylon’s attack with no hope of resurrection.
- The reviving of the dry bones signified God’s plan for Israel’s future national restoration.
The vision also, and most importantly, showed that Israel’s new life depended on God’s power and not the circumstances of the people.
Just like we spoke about this morning with the spirit and the wind
Putting “breath” by God’s Spirit into the bones showed that God would not only restore them physically but also spiritually. T
we know this will happen because of Christ
It is through him that our dry bones are made alive
Moses and the Bronze Snake
Moses and the Bronze Snake
Numbers 21:8 “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a snake image and mount it on a pole. When anyone who is bitten looks at it, he will recover.””
Throughout the wandering within the wilderness God was constantly teaching them correct
teaching them things about himself as well as their own sinfulness
He took them to the same mountain that God revealed himself to Moses
Then to the promised land
Then when their faith failed (the spies report)
The didn’t thing that God could overcome the “giants” of the land
He sent them back into the wilderness until that generation died out
We can see that account in numbers 14
Now in numbers 21 they are discouraged again
and again mad at moses for bringing them into the wilderness
they had already forgotten it was their own fault that they got sent back
and now they were trying to blame it on Moses
As a judgment against the people God sent snakes into the camp
People began to die
they then recognized that they were the ones in sin and went back to moses asking for Gods Mercy
Moses prayed for them and God instructed him to do what we just read
Now this taught them something about faith
We all know that it wasn't the bronze image that healed them
but in faith they were to look at it believing that God could heal them
and it was an act in faith on Gods plan that any of them were healed at all
see the serpent on the stick reminded them of their sin which brought about the suffering they were currently experiencing
But it was in thier faith that God could heal that they were saved
There really to my best recollection, isnt any correlation to this being the snake in the garden of eden that deceived adam and eve
However I could see a possible correlation
What we saw this morning when Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus was him indicate to him that this bronze snake was a foreshadowing of Him
See the serpant was a symbol of sin and judgement
it was lifted upon a tree
it was a symbol of a curse
now lets look at
Galatians 3:13 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, because it is written, Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”
The serpent lifted up on and cursed symbolized Jesus
who takes away sin from everyone that would look at him in faith
Paul here in galations is reminding us that Jesus became a curse for us
Even though he was perfect, sinless, and blameless,
the spotless lamb of God right…
2 Corinthians 5:21 “He made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”