Jesus Is Not Who They Expect- Identity And Death (pt 2)

I. Introduction
1. Prayers
2. Catch-
3. Review of the book
II. Jesus teaches who He is through questions and corrections
1. Jesus’ teaching moment (18-20a)
Jesus example of prayer (18)
Jesus practice of questions (19-20a)
2. The shining pupil and correction (20b-22)
Peter’s revelation
Peter’s rebuke
Jesus Does the correcting
Peter tries the correcting
3. The call to follow (23-26)
The cost (23)
The reward (24-26)
Some have turned their back on riches and fame and taken up serving the poor and destitute in Jesus’ name. Others have given up promising careers in impressive fields and gone to seminary to learn to preach the gospel and pastor churches. Still others contend with physical disability or chronic illness every day of their lives. Some are mocked regularly and ridiculed as bigots or haters because they uphold biblical truth instead of cultural fads. Each of these instances fit into a larger pattern: the Christian life is upside down. It follows the pattern of Jesus’ cross. As he won by losing, so we live by dying. In his cross and by his death he won life for us all. So upon his invitation we follow Jesus even though it may bring us suffering, misery, and loss.