Joseph: A Just Man
I. A Proper Man
II. A Compassionate Man
III. A Pensive Man
[1445] διενθυμέομαι dienthumeomai 1× to revolve thoroughly in the mind, consider carefully, ponder, reflect,
pen•sive \ˈpen(t)-siv\ adjective
[Middle English pensif, from Anglo-French, from penser to think, from Latin pensare to ponder, frequentative of pendere to weigh—more at PENDANT] 14th century
1: musingly or dreamily thoughtful
2: suggestive of sad thoughtfulness
IV. A Prudent Man
V. A Protective Man
Now Archelaus thought there was no way to preserve the entire government, but by cutting off those who made this attempt upon it; so he sent out the whole army upon them, and sent the horsemen to prevent those that had their tents without the temple, from assisting those that were within the temple, and to kill such as ran away from the footmen when they thought themselves out of danger; (218) which horsemen slew three thousand men, while the rest went to the neighboring mountains.