The First Christian Sermon Part 3
To start this morning I want you to think about who was here that was hearing this sermon the people?
They were people from all over the world, and also ones from right there in Jerusalem.
It was no accident that Jesus told His followers to wait there for the coming of the Spirit.
This sermon was for this audience.
Here this morning we see a dramatic turn in the people.
The Appeal (vv 37-40)
The Appeal (vv 37-40)
This shows a great turning of the tables.
The Appeal was not from Peter to the People but from the people to the Apostles.
This shows the power and the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
These were the same people saying that the followers of Christ were drunk off new wine.
It says that when they heard this they were pierced to the heart.
This is the word Katanusso which is only used in the NT and means to stab. It depicts something sudden and unexpected.
It is used in multiple books to tell of someone who has come to the true understanding of the Gospel.
These people were stunned by their inability to evade the indictment that they were guilty of heinous behavior before God.
They were overcome by grief and remorse.
As we look at this we see serval reasons for this anguish.
They realized they had executed their Messiah.
They realized they had executed their Messiah.
The one person they had Longed for.
The one person they had been waiting on for centuries.
The one who was the hope of all their personal and national promises had finally come and what did they do?
They rejected Him and They killed Him.
They themselves had done it.
They themselves had done it.
It wasn’t the Romans that wanted it done but it was them.
Some of the people standing there that day were most likely in the Sanhedrin that night screaming for Jesus to be put to death.
Rather than celebrating Him and Welcoming Him in they handed their Savior and long awaited Messiah over to the people they hated the most and that was the Romans.
This no doubt produced heavy guilt in the hearts of these loyal Jews.
They could not imagine a greater sin than killing their Messiah.
They feared the Messiahs wrath.
They feared the Messiahs wrath.
While they understood Who Jesus was they did not understand His message or His plan.
Peter had told them in plan terms that the same Jesus they had crucified was now alive
24 God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.
31 he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.
Yet what was even worse was that he quoted a passage from Psalm 110
A Psalm of David.
1 The Lord says to my Lord:
“Sit at my right hand,
until I make your enemies your footstool.”
2 The Lord sends forth from Zion
your mighty scepter.
Rule in the midst of your enemies!
3 Your people will offer themselves freely
on the day of your power,
in holy garments;
from the womb of the morning,
the dew of your youth will be yours.
4 The Lord has sworn
and will not change his mind,
“You are a priest forever
after the order of Melchizedek.”
5 The Lord is at your right hand;
he will shatter kings on the day of his wrath.
6 He will execute judgment among the nations,
filling them with corpses;
he will shatter chiefs
over the wide earth.
7 He will drink from the brook by the way;
therefore he will lift up his head.
They were still in the mindset of Old Testament retribution, and thinking that now they will be put to death.
They were not only pleading for their spiritual lives but they were pleading for their physical lives.
This is were they are brought face to face with the love grace and mercy of the savior.
They saw and experienced the New Gospel the same one that have have today.
It gives Life
It gives Hope
It gives Mercy.
The Results (v 41)
The Results (v 41)
Anyone that wants too can be saved.
Once we see the gospel face to face we are changed forever.