
Daniel: The Man Of Loyalty  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  35:38
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Turn to Daniel chapter six.
In Daniel 6:10-14, we learned that no matter our season of life, God never stops testing our consecration. By this time, Daniel may have been 80-90 years old, but still, his faithfulness in prayer and his faithfulness to the Lord was going to face a severe test. Daniel’s enemies set a trap and waited to see if Daniel would still pray and be faithful to his God. Daniel proved faithful. Through this test, it was also proven that he had great favor with the king. We learned that the strongest defense against character assassination is a consistent, daily walk with the Lord. That’s what Daniel had, and that’s why the king worked hard to spare him from the den of lions.


As I mentioned last week, tonight we’re going to finish this chapter and this series on the life of Daniel. The rest of the book of Daniel is heavily focused on prophecy but Daniel’s life story will conclude with chapter six.
Read Daniel 6:15-28.
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Daniel’s sentence - Daniel 6:15-17.
The king had tried everything he could to avert this disaster, but it was all for nothing. Daniel’s cunning enemies kept up the pressure and would not be stopped.
Verse fifteen - they remind the king of the law and of his duty fulfill it.
Was that really necessary? Certainly not. It was a pressure campaign. They were determined to force the king’s hand in this matter.
It seems obvious that they knew how the king felt towards Daniel. They knew that the king liked Daniel more than them. They knew he was doing everything he could to save Daniel’s life. So they knew they had to keep the pressure on the king.
Daniel: The Man of Loyalty The Mandate in the Pressure

These men insisted that the law be enforced. Evil men sometimes insist on law enforcement but that does not mean they are law-abiding people. The only time they insist on law enforcement is when the law can be used for their own personal gain.

You can count on it: evil men delight to use the power of the government for evil purposes. Don’t be shocked by it when they do. Don’t be discouraged by it either. The temptation for us is to give up in the face of such evil. The temptation for us is to despair. “What’s the use?” We might say to ourselves. Notice, Daniel wasn’t surprised when they began to twist the law and pervert it. He didn’t give up. He never threw his hands up in the air and said, “I quit, I’m not going to be involved in this pagan government anymore. It’s useless and corrupt.” Daniel had every reason to be upset. He had every reason to be angry at his enemies and at the king, but he didn’t give up.
Application: When you see evil people pervert the law and use the power of government for their own personal gain, don’t give up. Don’t despair! You do your part as a citizen and do your part to be involved in the self-government of this community and this nation. Go vote. Go make a difference in our community. Go be faithful like Daniel was.
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The king’s sorrow - Daniel 6:18-20.
The king’s sorrow was so great that it affected him in every way. He could not eat. He could not sleep. He could not bear to hear any calming music.
In a moment of thoughtlessness, he had signed a foolish law and thereby sentenced an innocent man to death. It weighed heavily on his conscience.

Sometimes a prison provides better sleep than the palace.

I suspect that Daniel slept better in the den of lions than Darius did in his palace.

“The best way to have a good night [of sleep] is to keep a good conscience, then we may lie down in peace” (Henry).

Application: Keep a clear conscience before God. That is a great treasure, one that will do much for your health and mind.
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Daniel’s safety - Daniel 6:21-23.
The last words of verse 23 are critical to this text - “because he believed in his God.”
Why did God send his angel to shut the lion’s mouths? Why was Daniel safely taken up out of the lion’s den? Why was no manner of hurt found upon him? The answer? because he believed in his God.
Perhaps Daniel was the one being remembered in Hebrews 11:33.
Hebrews 11:33 KJV 1900
Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
We find all throughout his life this pattern: that he believed in his God. Daniel teaches us something here that should be a great encouragement to us.
Application: Maybe right now you are faced with a significant trial. You feel overwhelmed by some test that God has allowed in your life. Maybe you’ve asked God and said, “Lord, I’m living faithful to you as best as I know how. Why are you allowing this to happen in my life? Why are you allowing this den of lions into my life when I have proven my faith to you in the past?”
You can’t hear God’s voice, but God just might be saying to you, “My child, I’m allowing this big test in your life because you were faithful in the little test. I’m allowing this den of lions into your life because you refused to eat the king’s meat. You were faithful in the little things, so now I will test you in great things. My child,” God says, “take heart. Be encouraged! I’ve selected you for this trial because you are ready for it. You passed the little test, so now your faith is ready for this big test. Trust me and I will see you through.”
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The lion’s slaughter - Daniel 6:24.
The king didn’t have much empathy for these wicked men. But notice who else was affected by the king’s judgement. Not just the men, but also their children and their wives.
Daniel: The Man of Loyalty 2. The Community for the Slaughter

the penalty here [against the wives and children] was in keeping with pagan laws” (Strauss).

Application: One man’s sin can greatly affect and harm not just himself, but others also. These men, the leaders of their homes, destroyed their families because they hated Daniel so much.
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Daniel’s success - Daniel 6:25-28.
Daniel: The Man of Loyalty 3. The Continuation of the Success

the continuation of his success was remarkable in years, position, rulers, and in faithfulness to God. And in all the changes Daniel experienced in life in Babylon, his faithfulness to God was the hallmark of his life. Without that faithfulness any earthly prosperity is tainted.

Because Daniel was faithful, God was glorified through his life and through the king’s decree.
Application: Follow Daniel’s footsteps. Follow the pattern of Daniel’s life, where as a captive teenager and as an old man, from beginning to end, he was a man of loyalty. He was faithful to his God. No matter the circumstances, no matter how much times or nations might change, be faithful to your God. As you are faithful to Him, you can be certain of His promise that He is pleased. Be loyal to your God like Daniel was, a man of loyalty.
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