55 Preaching and teaching/ 2 Timothy 4:1-8: Preach the Word
Preach the Word
1. We must preach the word because it is commanded (1-2).-
It would be difficult to see how Paul could have made his charge to Timothy any more weighty (cf. 1 Tim. 5:21; 6:13). He
God desires us to live as God pleasers
The Ultimate Judge
2 Judgements
“The [Roman] Emperor’s appearance in any place was his epiphaneia [appearing]. Obviously when the Emperor was due to visit any place, everything was put in perfect order. The streets were swept and garnished; all work was up-to-date. The town was scoured and decorated to be fit for the epiphaneia of the Emperor. So Paul says to Timothy: ‘You know what happens when any town is expecting the epiphaneia of the Emperor; you are expecting the epiphaneia of Jesus Christ. Do your work in such a way that all things will be ready whenever He appears.’“
To “preach” does not imply that an ordained minister is to stand behind a stately pulpit and expound Scripture. It called Timothy to a public heralding of the gospel message, whether done in a mass meeting or person-to-person.
The What is Crystal Clear: Preach the Word
Are you ready to preach the word?
The When: All the Time:
How do we preach the word!
2. We must preach the word because of the consequences (3-5). The Problem
1. The Church will flounder.
Such teachers merely “tickle the ear” so that they turn people away from the truth on the one hand and toward myths (mythous; cf. 1 Tim. 1:4) on the other. Paul’s main focus in this passage was on the inclinations of the audience rather than, as was more his custom (but cf. 2 Tim. 3:6–7), the evil intent of the false teachers. For error to flourish both sides of the transaction must cooperate.