And His Name Shall Be: Mighty God

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Isaiah 9:6

It’s no secret that our world is experiencing what’s called a “Leadership crisis.”
Perhaps you’ve never used that term or thought about it this way, but everyone knows that to a certain extent, good leaders are hard to find.
One simply needs to google the term “Leadership crisis” and you’ll find countless articles on this.
You can go to amazon and just write the term “leadership” and there will be 60,000 results showing books and resources on leadership.
You’ll find why organizations of every kind are undergoing a “leadership crisis.”
Why our country is undergoing a “leadership Crisis” a claim made from the right and the left. Our world is starving for good leadership.
While there is a such a thing as good leadership, and it’s something that should be sought after, leadership crises is to be expected in this fallen world.
You think flawed leadership is something new and only being experienced the last few years in our country? This nothing new.
The question becomes, who do we look to? Where do we go for leadership and have confidence that power will be wielded without abuse?
As we turn our attention to our text, we must remember that Isaiah is prophesying in a time where there have been a number of powerful kings who have lead the people astray on more than one occasion- plunging the nation of Israel into deeper depravity.
Israel had one king after another fail miserably and everyone that king represents paid the price.
In fact, it could be one of the themes of the book of Isaiah to point out the failures of earthly kings and contrast that with the just rule of Jahovah God and the fact that His power is to be trusted.
just 2 chapters ago, in the midst of Isaiah warning the people of what’s to come regarding the invasion of the Assyrians to take them captive, Isaiah points the cowardice and fearfulness of King Ahaz. All of this was meant to wake up the people of Israel to coming desolation and judgement and preserve a believing remnant who will not fear present circumstances since they have a God who will still keep His promises. Though this God is the author of this coming Judgement, He is also the author of the salvation and restoration that will come.
And that brings us to the present text- a long sought-after Davidic King and deliverer will come in the future. This will be a child born of a woman and He will capture the hearts of men, establish an eternal government, and overthrow every enemy.
In a world filled with imperfect human leaders, what we must once again believe is that our Mighty God was given for us and His perfect power fills us with confidence and contentment rather than dread and despair.
4 things that will guide our hearts in beholding our Mighty God:
The Mighty God Is Jesus Christ
In the midst of the darkness surrounding Israel right now, the people have a great light and a great hope and the one who is promised is the Mighty God. And who is He?
This is of course, reaches fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God and here is called mighty God.
Is this so? What is the proof?
Proof from the old testament: Straight from our text in Isaiah 9, The coming King and messiah is explicitly called God. We’ve seen a prophesy about a child born who would be called “Immanuel” but now we have another prophesy where the name “God” is attributed to his promised child of David.
What’s amazing about this title too, is the Hebrew word is El Gibbor- Jesus is called El Gibbor and this same name is used for God Himself. In the very next chapter In Isaiah 10:21 Jehovah-God is also called “El Gibbor.” In Jeremiah 32:18; Deut. 10:17 Jehovah is again called “El Gibbor” Jesus receives the same name as Jehovah- Mighty God.
Why? Are there two Gods here? One named Jehovah? And Jesus who is called Mighty God? No! Jesus Christ is in fact the mighty God. He is Yahweh. The same God who created all things, the God who led the people of Israel out of slavery— This is Jesus. Apart from Jesus Christ there is no God.
But you will have those even right in our back yard that push back against this. One example I was meeting with a man who belonged to the cult and false religion of the Jahovah’s Witnesses. If you haven’t encountered them yet, you will encounter them. But you need to know, at the core of their teaching is that Jesus Christ not God. He is like a god and a great and high creation of God the Father but He is not the true God in their view.
They would say “Sure Jesus here is called mighty God. But that’s just one of many titles just like David is called a shepherd and Jesus is called a shepherd so just because Jahovah is called mighty God and Jesus is called mighty God does not prove that Jesus is God.”
But look again at the text, we see the word “Name” singular- His name shall be— and you look at this fourfold name of the Messiah and everyone of them is properly attributed to God Himself.
The JW’s also say that only Jahovah is called “Almighty”- Jesus is never called the Almighty. Really? Is that true?
Now we have to turn our attention to the New testament— How did the apostles view Jesus? As a high angelic being; a creation of God the Father who became man? Or God Himself?
Proof from the new testament: I’ll have to move fairly quick here, but the Apostle John himself calls Jesus “the Almighty” in
Revelation 1:8 (NKJV)
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
When the apostles saw Jesus they saw God incarnate.
He is explicitly called God in the new testament over and over again:
He’s called God in John 1:1; John 20:28; Romans 9:5; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:8; (NEXT SLIDE) Hebrews 1:10; 2 Peter 1:1; 1 John 5:20; Matt 1:23 Not to mention that Jesus calls Himself god in John 8:24; and John 8:58 and uses the divine name I AM on more than one occasion.
Jesus Christ is the one true God. He is of the same essence and substance as God the Father that’s why any thing that can be said about God the Father can properly be said about God the Son and of God the Holy Spirit. We believe in one true God and Jesus Christ is the eternal Son- the one true God.
He is not only God, but He’s the mighty God. This word mighty is describing the power of His kingship and reign. Jesus Christ is the all powerful, sovereign God who created all things and sustains all things by His very Word.
Colossians 1:15–18 (NKJV)
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.
He is who He said He was. He is mighty- His strength and power has no limit, His strength and power have no end.
But in the biblical story, we see God’s power on display and specifically we see this King’s power put on display in a very ironic and unexpected way...
He is...
The Mighty God who came in weakness
Some of us may really like ironic situations in life
We see the barber’s son having disheveled long hair
We see someone preach to you about eating healthy while eating a snickers bar
Your dog eats his certificate of dog-training obedience.
Your mom buys a non-stick pan but has to throw it away because the label is so sticky she cannot get it off.
Born as a baby
Do you see the irony of scripture?
The redemption story centers on the long awaited king called “Mighty God” who came to us born as a weak infant.
This is the mighty God?
The mighty God needs to be fed and nourished by His mother?
The mighty God needs to be lifted and carried from point A to point B?
The mighty God needs to learn how to take his first steps, eat on his own, learn his first words?
The world looks at this and sees weakness- The bible tells us that this is exactly how God displays His might and His power— Through unexpected means.
Right before His birth, God the Son is surrounded and praised by angels and then at the moment of His conception, he’s completely dependent upon His earthly mother, and then surrounded by dirty animals in a feeding trough.
This is the irony of the power Christ displays- He redeems the world by condescending to us and humbling Himself. Make no mistake, “this sleeping child you’re holding is the great I AM”- She really is holding God incarnate.
this baby is being fed by his mother, and is simultaneously holding the entire created universe together as well as keeping his own mother’s heart beating.
Imagine how he could have come to earth: the sky cloaked in darkness, except for a select few clouds aglow with radiant beams, as the illustrious figure of the son of God descends upon His celestial chariot, quaking the very foundations of the earth with a cataclysmic tremor, destined for a palace unmatched by any earthly king. Yet, such grandeur was not His choice. Instead, the King above all kings chose to humbly assume the likeness of humanity. (Philippians 2)
What this also means is that he took to himself everything that makes us human.
He didn’t just have the appearance of a body or simply take on a human body for Himself. When we say the term “incarnation” we’re simply meaning that God added to His divine nature a true human nature which possessed a real human mind and human soul- experiencing the full range of human emotion as well as taking to himself all the limitations that we humans experience.
In John 11 we see Jesus weeping after his friend lazarus dies. We see Jesus get angry in John 2 and methodically form a cord of whips, driving out money changers, flipping over tables in the temple because people were defiling God’s House. In Luke 4 we see Jesus fasting for 40 days and in His human nature he get’s extremely hungry. and in Matthew 8:23-27 we see Jesus sleeping in the back of a boat.
Consequently, our mighty God also experienced temptation.
He experienced it differently than we do whereas we experience temptations that arise from our wicked nature and desires, Jesus experienced temptation from without since He didn’t have a sinful nature.
It’s weak human bodies that are subject to temptations- but this is again, the irony- this makes Jesus a sufficient savior and great high priest. As Justin quoted last week: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Heb 4:15–16.
Yes, the mighty God was born as a weak baby, but it was through this that we see His conquering power- this leads to the next layer of this Irony.
The Mighty God who conquered through death
a place we see a lot of irony is in the gospel of Mark. Specifically Mark 15- I encourage you to read the whole chapter later.
The mighty God we see prophesied is about a King who will come in power to rule with grace and justice.
The Kingdom of God is first seen over Israel with the Jewish people and continues to unfold. But something significant about this text before us is that Mark throughout His gospel draws from the prophet Isaiah.
Isaiah prophesies about a messiah King who would come to exercise victory and establish His dominion in order deliver His people… but not the way you would think. And not the way the Jewish people in the time of Jesus would think as well.
Shockingly, The same messiah King who would deliver God’s people from oppression, is the same person as the suffering servant in Isaiah 53. And in the time of Jesus, no one understood what this meant, even the disciples.
We see at the beginning of Mark Jesus declares something: “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the gospel!”
It’s the first words out of Jesus’ mouth! There is a Kingdom mission unfolding here. He then teaches parables about the kingdom, teaching them kingdom ethics, and he performs signs and heals to display and give snapshots of the kingdom .
A King mocked Vs 16-20
In this section we see one of the 6 uses of the word “King”
But I don’t want us to miss the irony of this section.
We see the mocking of Jesus. Not just with words and laughing. But he’s dressed up by the soldiers who kill him.
Look at the imagery: He has a purple robe, a crown, but not of gold, it’s a crown of thorns. Another gospel says they hand him a reed in His hand.
They kneel now. They say (vs 18) “Hail, King of the jews!”
They then beat him with the reed, spit on him.
Do you see the irony that Mark is employing here? What’s he displaying to the reader? “what these soldiers don’t realize, is the one they are mocking as King actually IS King.”
The irony here continues into the next section.
A King who reigns even at his death Vs 21-32
This section shows us a King who reigns but not the way most would expect.
Jesus christ is now crucified and lifted up on a cross- He’s in a sense, exalted. Jesus spoke of Himself being “lifted up” throughout the gospels.
What you need to know historically about this is this was the Romans way of mocking the criminal here. They were actually creating a parody of the victims own self-exaltation. In other words they were saying, “Oh, you want to be your own ruler, well okay here you go let’s exalt you. Here’s your throne that you’ll rule from, it’s in the shape of a cross.”
He even has an inscription above His head calling Him “King” (vs26). You see, Jesus is reigning from the cross but he’s not reigning with earthly domination to overthrow Rome but rather, he’s reigning with grace to powerfully accomplish salvation.
Everyone thought that he would display his power over his enemies while he was being crucified in a different way. Remember? They cry out in essence, if you’re really powerful and mighty, come down from the cross and save yourself! I have to quote Jeremy Treat for a moment because what he points out is staggering please listen:
According to the second group of mockers (Mark 15:27-32), in order for Jesus to display his kingship, he must "save himself" and "come down .. from the cross" (15:31-32). Clearly these mockers had not been present when Jesus had turned such worldly logic on its head by teaching that one must "take up his cross" " and that he who "loses his life" will save it (8:34-35). Jesus reveals his kingship not by coming down from the cross to save himself, but by staying on the cross to save others. Jesus reigns by saving, and he saves by giving his life.
1 Cor. 1:22-27
For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men...God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong
The Mighty God who delivers us
our Mighty God was given for us and His perfect power fills us with confidence and contentment rather than dread and despair.
We hear the word mighty, or powerful, or leader and immediately we can be filled with dread and dispair when thinking of the way power has been abused in our lives. And rightfully so, Proverbs says...
Proverbs 29:2
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice,
but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
So how can be we filled with contentment and confidence in the midst of our leadership crisis knowing that Jesus is the mighty God?
He delivered us then
Jesus Christ is the mighty God and He displayed his power by working redemption as He hung on a cross beaten and bloody.
Colossians 2:13-15
And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
This is how our savior won the decisive victory over every evil and power of darkness.
Satan is stronger than you. You are no match for the devil and the power of worldly seduction that we are surrounded by.
How can you have any security? How can you have any confidence? Because Jesus is the mighty God- There’s an empty cross and an empty tomb that proves it. You’re not sufficient, you’re not enough, but Christ is. and the only reason Is because He dealt the fatal blow to sin and death once and for all when He Died and rose again.
You can rest in, not just a vague sentimental version of God’s love, you can rest now in a powerful mighty love, one that delivered you 2,000 years ago. "God REST ye merry gentleman let nothing you dismay, remember Christ our savior was born this day, to save us all from Satans POWER when we were gone astray— oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.”
He’ll deliver us now
He didn’t just come once and offer deliverance, after rising from the dead and conquering death, He sent us the gift of His Holy Spirit- And what Did Jesus promise His disciples? Acts 1:8- You shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You have the power of Christ, that same power that raised Christ from the dead living inside of you- He actually gives you the power to walk in the newness of life.
“But i’m a failure of a father or I’m not a good mother, wife or husband” But you serve the mighty God who not only lived perfectly in your place, but now enables you to be the mother or Father he’s called you to be— Look to the mighty God.
“But, my sin is too great. You have no idea what i’ve done, or am currently doing. I’m surprised I don’t fall into hell right now! I keep struggling with the same sin and I’ll never be free.” Yes your sin is powerful and great but Christ is the mighty God. no sin is to great that can’t be overthrown, no past is too dark that his powerful light cannot shine in and heal, no sin stain is too deep that His powerful blood cannot erase. And though your life will be filled with struggle until you die, the power of His Spirit will be at work in you to deliver you from yourself, causing you to delight in Him and His law which guides your life into holiness.
“But, Election is coming up. I’m filled with worry. Who will be in office?” I don’t know, but what I DO know is that we serve the mighty God. His meticulous control cannot be undone and even if the present circumstances don’t align with your vision of the good life, our King is reigning over all things in the present and no puny human will overthrow his power, catch him off guard or subvert His Kingdom.
He’ll deliver us in the future
When we see all that’s going on in the world, we want deliverance now. We want our circumstances to be changed, we want things to be different.
But God may not change your present circumstances. He may not deliver you out of the horrible thing your facing in.
But according to the power that is at work in you, you can have confidence that God will deliver you by delivering you from yourself, the greatest enemy you face, and He will once and for all deliver you when He returns in power. Advent is not just about the anticipation the world felt while waiting for Christ’s first coming, it also brings to mind the anticipation we should have for His second coming.
Because when He comes, His glorious power will raise you with a new body, His power will undo all the wrongs in the world, His power will bring you to Himself for eternity.
"The first time He came there was no room for Him. The next time He comes the whole world won't be able to contain His glory." - John MacArthur
So, unto you, Christian, is born the King who is called Mighty God
Rather than filling us with dread and despair, we are filled with contentment and confidence. Our mighty God is not a wicked ruler who uses his power for selfish gain, but the Gentle and lowly one, the one who is perfectly just and strong, there’s not one weak bone in His body, the one who was born to die in weakness but be raised in glory to powerfully redeem us and defeat His enemies.
You don’t have to fall under the gloom of our present-day leadership crisis- Take heart, loved ones, King Jesus is the mighty God.
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