Having the proper persepctive
Intro: During WWII General Creighton Abrams found himself and his troops surrounded on all sides. With characteristic optimism, he told his officers, “For the first time in the history of this campaign, we are now in a position to attack the enemy in any direction.” General Abrams had the proper perspective for a military general, Likewise, During times of trials we Christians must have the proper perspective as citizens of heaven.
These past two weeks we have been talking about trials. We have learned that through trials God tests our faith in order to make it pure and complete. In light of this we should have joy in spite of our circumstances and pray in faith for wisdom so that we can see things from God perspective, knowing that He is working all things for His glory and our good.
Today we will conclude this study on trials as James us an illustration to teach us to have the proper perspective on life regardless of the difficulty of our circumstances. He uses a trial common to people still today, financial circumstances.
CPS: The proper perspective is to view all things in light of the kingdom of God.
I. The Trial of Poverty (9)
I. The Trial of Poverty (9)
A. The Circumstance
There are many trials in life, the word trial/ temptation used in Vs. 2 and 12 is peirasmos which means examination, or to submit to a test in order to find the true character of a person. Poverty is certainly common trial today. There are more impoverished people in this world than rich ones. In a fallen world it takes money to buy the basic necessities of life.... food, shelter, and clothing. Poverty is beginning to spread like wild fire as many people are going broke at the Grocery store and Gas station. ILL: I was talking to our Brotherhood Mutual Rep. last week and he said “everything is doubling.” I responded, “yes, everything but our pay!”
Poverty has been an issue in since man was forced to leave the Garden of eden. Contrary to the prosperity gospel of Olsteen and Prince, etc.. many Christians are impoverished today. James is speaking to the brother of low degree. CHRISTIANS!
Low Degree, means meek, implying those who are ofa low social status. It is the person of the Humble Circumstance (NASB) who lack even the basic necessities of life.
B. The New Position
Notice James instruction, “Let him Rejoice.” [(verb) kauchaomai] We are to rejoice in our trials! It means to glory or to boast. Most of us are fimilar with boasting.
ILL: A sightseeing bus was making the rounds through Washington, D. C., and the driver was pointing out spots of interest. As they passed the Pentagon building, he mentioned that it cost taxpayers millions of dollars and that it took a year and a half to build. While everyone was looking at it, a little old woman piped up: “In Peoria we could have built the same building for less, and it would have been completed even sooner than that!” The next sight on the tour was the Justice Department building. Once again the bus driver said that it cost so many millions to build and took almost two years to complete. The woman repeated: “In Peoria we would have done it for less money, and it would have been finished much sooner.” The tour finally came to the Washington Monument, and the driver just passed slowly by without saying a word. The old woman was curious. “Hey,” she shouted to the driver, “what’s that tall white building back there?” The driver looked out the window, waited a minute and then said, “Search me, lady. It wasn’t there yesterday.”
When we think of boasting we think negatively but the brother of low degree boasts in a positive way. It is because he knows his exaltation. Exaltation means a high rank or position in life. James is talking about the status as a citizen of the kingdom of God. In God’s realm there is a reversal of order, the first is last, the last is first, the one of low status is exalted to the highest status. The person who receives meager things in life will wondrous things in heaven. ILL: In Luke 16:19-31 we are introduced to a poor believer named Lazarus who was laid at his gate, covered in sores, longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from q rich man’s table; besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores, he died and was ushered to Abraham’s besom where we are told by Jesus,”but now he is being comforted here.”
**Luke 6:20–21 “And turning His gaze toward His disciples, He began to say, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. “Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.” **
C. The Proper Perspective.
We Christians must view our life in light of who we are in Christ and all that He has done for us! This world is not pur home, but While on earth Glory in your position as a child of God one who is forgiven of sin, and who has a glory future as heirs with Christ in His kingdom!
II. The Trial of Prosperity (10-11)
II. The Trial of Prosperity (10-11)
A. The Circumstance
There is another trial that James calls to focus, Prosperity, being Rich [plousios] this means to be wealthy and have an abundance of material things. Being rich is a trial many of us would like to try out, right! But notice that James has more to say about the prosperous, it is a greater trial poverty! Those who have wealth are more likely too depend on their wealth and covet it. With wealth it is easy to oversee your deep need for dependency on God.
Jesus *(Luke 18:18-30) tells us of a rich ruler who asked what shall I do to inherit eternal life, the ruler said he had kept the Law… but Jesus said sell all your possessions and give it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven: come and follow me. But when He heard what Jesus had to say he became sad for he was extremely rich. Jesus looked at him and said “How hard it is for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
ILL: Jesus tells us how hard it is for the rich to be saved, in Jerusalem there were low gates inside the city walls that keep people from riding horseback through the town at night. These gates were about as tall as this pulpit and a little wider, a man would have to get off his camel or beast of burden to go through the gate. This gates were called the “eye of a needle.” A camel could get through it if stripped of all its cargo and down on its knees ducking its head it could just squeeze through. Like wise, the wealthy have to strip themselves of all things and total depend on the Lord. It is only by grace through faith in Jesus that anyone is saved.
B. The New Position
In Christ the rich are Made Low [tapeinōsis], this means to be humble, it is the quality of unpretentiousness. It is a low estate! In God’s economy there is a reversal, the one of high status takes a lowly status and humbles himself not trusting in his efforts or riches but in Christ. He too has the position of Child of God, forgiven of his sins, and a glorious future that only heaven can reveal!
ILL: An ambitious young man said to a multi millionaire you are to be envied more than anyone I know.”Why so” asked the millionaire, “Im not aware of any cause for which i should be envied.” Why you are a millionaire, think of all the thousands your income brings you every month! The millionaire replied “All I get out of it is my food and clothes, and I can’t eat more than one man’s allowance, and wear more than one suit of clothes at a time. Even you can do as much as I can, can’t you?” Yes, but think of the hundreds of fine houses you own, and the rentals they bring you.” “What better off am I for that? “I can only live in one house at a time; as for the money I receive for rents, why, I can’t eat or wear it; I can only use it to buy other houses for other people to live in; they are the beneficiaries, not I.” And then, finally, after a little more discussion, the millionaire turned to the young man and said: “I can tell you that the less you desire in this world, the happier you will be. All my wealth can’t buy a single day more of life—cannot buy back my youth, cannot procure me power to keep off the hour of death; and then what will all avail, when in a few short years at most I must lie down in the grave and leave it all forever? Young man, you have no cause to envy me. Luke 6:24 “But woe to you who are rich, for you are receiving your comfort in full.”
C. The Proper Perspective
This brother has the right perspective! He understands that all he has acquired in life is vanity and is fleeing fast. You can’t take your wealth with you, you exit this world as you enter with no material possessions. James quotes, Isaiah 40:6–8 “A voice says, “Call out.” Then he answered, “What shall I call out?” All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, When the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” James says “Mister you can’t take it with you and if you trust in it then you will perish in your pursuit.
The proper perspective is summed in the words of George Beverly Shea: “I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold. Id rather be his than have riches for told. i’d rather have Jesus than houses our land, I’d rather be led by His nail pierced hand..... Than to be the king of a vast domain, And be held in sin’s dread sway. I’d rather have Jesus than anything… this world affords today.
Conclusion: These illustrations of James are not limited to financial trials but represents any trial you may face. Have the proper perspective, view your life in light of eternity and you can have joy in knowing that the kingdom of God is yours and He is working on you so that you can “receive the crown of life which He has promised to them that love Him.”