Пътят към Рождество Христово • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 1 viewТой беше избран. Той беше избран да ни изкупи от тъмнината, която заплашва да ни завладее. Раждането, животът и смъртта на Исус не са случайни… и вие също не сте. Исус беше избран да спаси света. Исус избра да даде живота си за вас
Псалми 2
In difficult times it’s good to find ways to laugh. Sometimes you see something on the internet or Facebook that helps you laugh even for a little bit.
For example...
[SLIDE 2] Mr. Bean Family
[SLIDE 3] The reason why we don’t have a Christmas tree (елха)
[SLIDE 4] Why watching a baby eat spaghetti is better than any show on TV.
It’s good to laugh… especially with all the darkness in our world.
[SLIDE 5] If you have time… I recommend you go home and watch the classic Bulgarian film „Топло”. Some of you need a few hours just to laugh.
Did you know that there is ONE place in the Bible where God laughs? Yes. It’s true.
Have you ever wondered what makes the God of the Universe laugh?
Do you want to know what makes God laugh?
That is what we will see today.
Let’s take a look. We are going to begin in Psalm 2.
We are gods
[SLIDE 6] “Защо се разоряват народите и племената намислят суета? Опълчват се земните царе и управниците се наговарят заедно против Господа и против Неговия Помазаник, като казват: Нека разкъсаме връзките им и нека отхвърлим от себе си въжетата им.” Псалми 2:1-3
[SLIDE 7] The phrase „Всеки сам си преценя” - е българската фраза на годината за 2021г.
No one is going to tell me what to do. I decide!
The truth is that we all don’t like other people telling us what to do.
It starts when we are about two years old when mommy and daddy tell us it’s time for bed and we start to cry, “I don’t want to go to bed.”
It continues when we are teenagers… “Why do I have to come home at 20:00? Momchil’s parents let him stay out all night.”
And… it continues our whole life. Like when the boss tells us that we have to some to work early tomorrow.
We do not like other people telling us what to do… EVEN WHEN… even when their advice is helpful.
For example, you are talking with one of your girlfriends – “I don’t think that your boyfriend who cheats on you all the time is a good choice for you.” “What do you know! We are very in love.”
Or, when you are talking with a friend… maybe if you didn’t drink 8-9 beers every night when you got home from work you would have a better family life.” “Don’t get involved in my personal life. Everything is fine.”
We don’t like people telling is what to do… EVEN WHEN… even when their advice is helpful.
This is also true in our relationship with God.
Some people totally ignore God.
Other people want to bargain with Him. “I will come to church and give some money, so that You will help me, but stay out of my personal life.”
A lot of people are okay with religion, BUT they don’t want a relationship with the Creator.
[SLIDE 8] So, here at the beginning of this Psalm (or poem - стихотворение), the nations and the rulers get together and say, “Нека разкъсаме връзките им и нека отхвърлим от себе си въжетата им.”
We will be free! God is NOT going to tell us what to do! We will do whatever we want!
„Всеки сам си преценя”
If we are all free to do whatever we want, then our world will be perfect, right?
Are you satisfied with a world where everyone does what they want? What is your evaluation of the world we live in?
Our world is a big pile of… poo. Why? Because… „Всеки сам си преценя”
Our desire to be free from God doesn’t produce freedom (свобода), but licentiousness (свободия)
It’s like if we said… everyone can drive on the road however they like… and we see the results on the tv news every evening.
[SLIDE 9] The nations and leaders are specifically, “против Господа и против Неговия Помазаник”.
“I don’t want God or Jesus or the pastor or anyone telling me how to live. I will be free!”
This is why there are a lot of people in this town who say they believe in God, but don’t go to church.
You see… behind all of this desire for licentiousness (свободия) is the voice of the serpent.
Last week Ivan talked about the serpent and sin in Genesis 3.
Throughout all of the Bible are these links. One story that leads to another story, then another that keeps connecting us back to the beginning of the book.
When we read the beginning of this poem, the author expects that we should think back to Genesis 3 when the serpent tempts Adam and Eve.
What does the serpent say?
[SLIDE 10] “А змията каза на жената: Никак няма да умрете; но Бог знае, че в деня, когато ядете от него, ще ви се отворят очите и ще бъдете като Бога, да познавате доброто и злото.” Битие 3:4-5
“You will be like God. You can do whatever you want. You decide.”
Basically, when people say, „Всеки сам си преценя” they mean that they want to be a god. I want to rule my own little kingdom AND I don’t want the true King or His Anointed One to mess with my business.
I am my own god. The power is within myself.
So… how does the Creator of heaven and earth react to all of this? Look at verse 4.
God laughs
[SLIDE 11] “Този, Който седи на небесата, ще се смее; Господ ще се поругае над тях. Тогава ще им продума в гнева Си и в тежкото Си негодувание ще ги смути, като ще каже: Но Аз поставих Царя Си на Сион, святия Мой хълм.” Псалми 2:4-6
How does God react to our declaration, “I WILL BE FREE! I WILL BE MY OWN GOD”?... He laughs. It’s the best joke ever.
It’s like the little kid who wants to be free from his parents, so he runs away from home, but he ends up just walking around his apartment block because momma doesn’t let him cross the road on his own.
He can run away from home, but he can’t cross the street.
How can you be free when you can’t control 99% of the things that will happen to you today?
[SLIDE 12] Big baby (Baby smoking a cigar)
So, God laughs at how ridiculous (нелепо) our claims of being little gods are.
But… soon laughter turns to anger.
[SLIDE 13] “Тогава ще им продума в гнева Си и в тежкото Си негодувание ще ги смути.” Why?
Because our desire to be little gods, while funny, also hurts ourselves and those around us.
Have you ever been hurt by a little god? Another question… Have you ever acted like a little god in your relationship with someone else?
Look throughout the history of our world up to the present day and think of all the suffering that has gone on in the world because of some petty dictator or pitiful person (дребен диктатор или жалък човек) who thinks that he is a god.
God’s reaction?
[SLIDE 14] “Но Аз поставих Царя Си на Сион, святия Мой хълм.” Псалми 2:6
There is only ONE king and only HE will rule. And God says, “I have put Him on My holy hill.”
You and I, we are not little gods. It is ridiculous (смешно) to think of ourselves as little rulers (владетели). We rule nothing. We can’t even add one day extra to our lives.
BUT… there is a King. He has been put on the throne by God the Father, the Creator of all heaven and earth.
His name is Jesus and in verse 7 we see what he will do as king. Let’s take a look…
The Lord’s Decree
[SLIDE 15] “Аз ще изявя постановлението; Господ Ми каза: Ти си Мой Син; Аз днес Те родих. Поискай от Мен и Аз ще Ти дам народите за Твое наследство и земните краища за Твое притежание. Ще ги съкрушиш с желязна тояга, ще ги строшиш като глинен съд.” Псалми 2:7-9
We are not little gods. There is one King and He is Jesus Christ. He will do two things:
[SLIDE 16] (1) He will rule all nations and people.
“Аз ще Ти дам народите за Твое наследство и земните краища за Твое притежание”
Depending on your point of view this is really good or really bad.
If you know Jesus, you love Him and you can’t wait for Him to rule this world.
We will no longer have to put up with these petty dictators or politicians who think that they are a big deal.
We will live in a world where Jesus, who loves us and sacrificed himself for us, will create a world where there is peace and harmony.
[SLIDE 17] BUT… (2) He will destroy all those pretend to be gods.
“Ще ги съкрушиш с желязна тояга, ще ги строшиш като глинен съд.”
Anyone who thinks that they are a little god, will understand that they are like a piece of ceramic (глинен съд).
The smallest little thing will break them apart and destroy them.
Also… remember how the first part of this poem should make us think about the beginning of the Bible in Genesis 3?
[SLIDE 18] Well… this part should make us think of the end of the Bible. Verse 9 is quoted in Revelation chapter 2: “Той ще ги управлява с железен жезъл и ще ги строши като глинени съдове.“ Откровение 2:27
We have in this poem the beginning and the end of the Bible.
From the beginning people have rebelled against God in their desire to be little gods.
But in the end, the true King, Jesus Christ, will show that He has ultimate power and authority.
So, what do we do if we have acted like little gods? How can we be saved from God’s judgement?
Let’s look at the last few verses…
God’s Advice
[SLIDE 19] “И така, сега се вразумете, о, царе; научете се, земни съдии. Слугувайте на Господа със страх и се радвайте с трепет. Целувайте Избраника, за да не се разгневи и да погинете в пътя; защото скоро ще пламне Неговият гняв. Блажени са всички, които се надяват на Него.” Псалми 2:10-12
We should, “Слугувайте на Господа” and “Целувайте Избраника”
Kissing the Chosen One is a old way of saying that you are friends with this person.
Even today, as a way of greeting, in France they still kiss each other on the cheeks. (2,3,4 times)
This is what it means to kiss the Chosen One… become a friend of Jesus.
How do we become friends of Jesus?
It’s easy, because He has already shown that He wants to be your friend.
Like any friendship it begins with a conversation. In church a conversation with Jesus is called a prayer.
It doesn’t have to be elaborate (сложно) or with fancy (лъскави) words, but WHAT you say is important.
Be honest. “I have tried to be my own god. I wanted freedom and ended up being a slave. Forgive me. Free me. And show me how to be Your friend.
Then… talk to someone about your decision to follow Jesus so that you can understand what the next steps are.
[SLIDE 20] Here is how the poem ends: “Блажени са всички, които се надяват на Него.”
Blessed are those who hope in Him… in Jesus.
Some of you here are not yet friends with Jesus. You don’t know Him, but today you can, if you want.
Others of you are friends with Jesus. Maybe you have even known Him a long time… BUT… But… is your HOPE in Him? Are you really putting your hope, your trust, in Jesus?
Think about various areas of your life:
Are you trusting him with your finances? Are you giving regularly to the church, and do you value your relationship with Jesus more than this (money)?
Do you trust Jesus in your relationships? Meaning… you follow Jesus as a Christian no matter what your friends and co-workers say.
Do you trust Him?
Consider one area of your life today that you could trust Jesus more.
And… what happens when you have trust in Jesus?
If your hope is in Jesus today… no matter what little gods are ruling this world or this country right now… you are blessed.
Jesus will come. He will push aside all of these tragic little rulers. AND we will embrace Him as friends. And He will reign with truth and with love.
This is what we celebrate at Christmas. God the Father has appointed His chosen one, Jesus Christ, and he comes into the world to rule with justice and peace. Amen!