Пътуването до Рим
Раждането на църквата – Деяния на апостолите • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Деяния 27:1-28:10
My feelings toward the internet are love-hate. There are a lot of bad things on the internet, but sometimes you also find things that are helpful … strange advice but helpful. For example, look at what advice I found this week…
Strange advice that is helpful
[SLIDE 2] If your kids are hiding in their room in the house, turn off the internet and watch them magically appear.
[SLIDE 3] Ladies, if your man says he'll fix something at home, he will. There's no point in telling him about it every six months.
[SLIDE 4] Live your life like a caterpillar (гъсеница). Eat a lot. Sleep a lot. Wake up beautiful.
[SLIDE 5] Advice (съвет) for new parents: only have spaghetti on bath nights.
Many of these statements are strange… but some of them might actually be helpful.
The Bible also has a lot of advice that I think is sometimes strange…. Strange, but helpful.
The Bible tells us not to look for happiness (щастие) in wealth (богатства). That is strange that in a world where people tell you that money will bring you happiness; even though there are a lot of very rich and very miserable (отчаяни) people. This is why the Bible tells us not to try and find happiness in money, but in God’s will for our lives.
The culture around us tells us to believe in ourselves. “Just believe in yourself!” The Bible says that this is a horrible idea. It says that you should not trust your emotions, but trust in what God says about you. How many of us have “followed our feelings” and suffered because of it?
The Bible often gives us advice that is counter-cultural (контра-културен съвет). It sounds strange to us in the beginning, but when we start and think for a bit, we start to realize the truth in God’s wisdom.
Today we are going to hear advice the Bible gives us… AND some of this advice might sound strange.
It is advice on how to live above (надживеем) the storms in our life.
Any of us here have storms in our lives?
Okay… so this maybe this sermon will be interesting to you.
Context before we read:
We saw last week that the Apostle Paul was on trial before the Roman authorities (Римската власт).
The religious people wanted to kill him, so he appealed (подаде молба) to Caeser in the hope of getting a fair trial.
So, the Roman authorities send him to Rome to have his trial (дело) before Caeser and on the way, there is a huge storm and shipwreck.
Just like we have storms and shipwrecks in our lives…
As we read this passage, I want us to all consider how we also can live above (надживеем) the storms in our OWN life based on the advice we have from God’s Word.
Let’s look at Acts 27: 21-26
Take God’s Advice to Avoid Life’s Storms
[SLIDE 6] “А след дълго гладуване Павел застана между тях и каза: Господа, трябваше да ме слушате да не вдигаме котва от Крит, за да не ни постигнат тези повреди и щети. Но и сега ви съветвам да сте бодри, защото нито една душа от вас няма да се изгуби, а само корабът; защото ангел от Бога, на Когото аз принадлежа и на Когото служа, застана до мене тази нощ и каза: Не бой се, Павле, ти трябва да застанеш пред Цезаря; и, ето, Бог ти подари всички, които плават с тебе. Затова, господа, бъдете бодри; защото вярвам в Бога, че ще бъде така, както ми беше казано. Но ние трябва да бъдем изхвърлени на някой остров.” Деяния на апостолите 27:21-26
So, how do we overcome (надживеем) life’s storms according to the Bible? Three things…
In the first place, take God’s advice to avoid the storms (Слушай Божия съвет, за да избегнем бурите)
The best way to deal with storms in life is to avoid them in the first place.
Let me explain…. There are three main reasons we go through difficulties in life. These three reasons do not account for every situation, but here are the three main ones.
1. I have done something dumb, and I am reaping the consequences (бера последствия) of my actions.
For example, the Bible tells us to love people, not money. But I love money, work 18 hours a day, don’t have time for my family, and my family falls apart.
Or… God tells us to be faithful to our spouses. A person cheats on their spouse and their marriage falls apart.
Is this God punishing me? No. These are the results of my own actions. I did something God told me not to do and now I reap the consequences.
Not God’s fault. Not someone else’s fault. My fault. My consequences.
(1) We suffer because of our own poor decisions.
2. We live in a sinful world, and I am suffering because of the actions of other people.
Sometimes we suffer because someone else is sinning.
Theoretical example: I have a small restaurant. I am doing everything legally. The inspector from ХЕИ says that unless I give him 500 leva under the table, he will not give me a permit. I am suffering. Is it my fault?
Why am I suffering? Because of the sin of someone else.
Often, we suffer because of the sins of other people… someone in our family, a friend or a government agent (служител).
(2) We suffer because of the sins of other people.
3. I don’t know.
There is a third category. We all need to have enough humility (смирение) to admit that sometimes we don’t know why bad things happen.
We need to have enough faith to admit that we don’t see the whole picture.
We can only say with Job, “Господ даде, Господ взе; да бъде благословено Господнето име.” Йов 1:21
Sometimes we just don’t know the reason for our suffering because we cannot see over the horizon (зад хоризонта)
(3) Sometimes we don’t know.
(1) Consequences of my actions, (2) Consequences of other people’s actions, (3) We don’t know.
When we look at today’s story, I want us to consider most of all reason #1.
Often, we have storms in life because of our own, selfish actions.
We can avoid some of life’s storms IF we understand and live by God’s Word.
Here in this story the Apostle Paul tells them, “ Господа, трябваше да ме слушате…”
But they didn’t listen to the Apostle Paul and now they are all suffering.
If you want to overcome (надживееш) life’s storms the first thing is to try and avoid them by (1) understanding what God wants of us and (2) living out His will for our life
To do that you need (1) a Bible that you read regularly (not one on the shelf that you just look at) to understand God’s advice and (2) a group of people, a church, that will encourage you to live a Godly life.
I’m not sure what the percentage is, but probably at least half of the suffering in my life is due to my own poor decisions.
If we are talking about storms in life… First of all, listen to God and you can avoid many of these storms.
Let’s look at advice number 2 and read verses 31-35.
Give Thanks in the Storm
[SLIDE 7] “Павел каза на стотника и на войниците: Ако тези не останат в кораба, вие не можете да се избавите. Тогава войниците отрязаха въжетата на лодката и я оставиха да се носи в морето. А на съмване Павел канеше всички да похапнат, като казваше: Днес е четиринадесетият ден, откакто чакате и стоите гладни, без да сте вкусили нищо. Затова ви моля да похапнете, защото това ще спомогне за вашето избавление; понеже на никого от вас нито косъм от главата няма да падне. И като каза това, взе хляб, благодари на Бога пред всички и разчупи, и започна да яде.” .” Деяния на апостолите 27:31-35
Do you notice what the Apostle Paul does here in the midst of this storm? What did he do?
He thanked God.
Second… we need to remember to give thanks to God in the midst of the storm.
Be careful… I did NOT say to thank God FOR the storm but thank Him in the midst of the storm.
The storm is difficult and unpleasant, but the Lord is still in control of the universe.
One of the main dangers in the storm is that we become bitter (огорчени). This is actually the strategy of the enemy of your soul. The devil wants you to become depressed and bitter because of the struggles in your life.
But don’t give in. Don’t become bitter (огорчен). Be thankful to God in spite of the storm.
But you say, Tim, how? How can I thank God in this mess?
I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m not saying that your problems are not horrible. But don’t let these storms ruin (уврежда) your soul with bitterness.
Do you know people who because of bitterness have damaged their souls?
They walk around like this (mean face)
“Good day”. “Good… there’s nothing good about it.” Arr…arr…arr…
They are just sour… кисили крастивици.
Later… you find out they had some tragedy in life… and they let (допуснаха) that tragedy eat a hole in their soul.
The Bible tells us not to let (допускаме) bitterness make a hole in our souls in AND we fight against bitterness with thankfulness… thankfulness toward God.
The Psalms of David in the Bible are a great example of this. For example:
[SLIDE 8] “Научи ме, Господи, на пътя Си и ще ходя в истината Ти; дай ми да се страхувам от името Ти с нераздвоено сърце. Ще Те хваля, Господи, Боже мой, от все сърце и ще славя името Ти довека. Защото голяма е Твоята милост към мен; и Ти си избавил душата ми от най-дълбоката преизподня. Боже, горделивите се надигнаха против мен и тълпата на насилниците поиска душата ми; и не поставиха Тебе пред себе си. Но, Господи, Ти си Бог многомилостив и благодатен, дълготърпелив и изобилстващ с милост и вярност.” Псалми 86:11-15
Does this sound like everything is perfect in David’s life? No.
“горделивите се надигнаха против мен и тълпата на насилниците поиска душата ми”
He is in the storm, but he is at the same time thanking God.
Don’t let (допускаме) bitterness make a hole in your soul. Fight against bitterness with thankfulness.
If you want to overcome the storms of life (1) avoid them, if possible, by listening to God and (2) remember to be thankful to God even when the storm winds are blowing around you and … one more thing…
Let’s look at Acts 28:7-10
Serve God in the Storm
[SLIDE 9] “А около това място се намираха именията на първенеца на острова, чието име беше Поплий, който ни прие и гощава приятелски три дни. И случи се Поплиевият баща да лежи болен от треска и дизентерия; а Павел влезе при него и като се помоли, положи ръце на него и го изцели. Като стана това, и другите от острова, които имаха болести, идваха и се изцеляваха, като ни оказваха много почести, и когато тръгнахме, сложиха в кораба необходимото за нуждите ни.” Деяния на апостолите 28:7-10
How to live above life’s storms?
(1) Follow God’s advice and try to avoid them
(2) Be thankful to God in the midst of the storm… and…
(3) Serve God in the storm
Let me tell you one of the things that happens to us in the storms of life… and it is part of the devil’s strategies to destroy your soul.
We have problems and a storm comes into our life.
The storm consumes (поглъща) all of our thoughts and energy.
Before the storm we were reading our Bible, helping people and were active in church activities and ministry.
But then the storm comes… AND… we start to turn inward.
Because we are now always thinking about the storm, we stop doing the things that kept us spiritually healthy.
We stop attending the Alpha Course or Bible study.
We become “too busy” to serve in the church.
Then, we find it hard to regularly attend church, when before it wasn’t a problem.
So, what is going on here?
This is the strategy of the enemy to isolate you and destroy (унищожава вярата ти) your faith.
If he can take you away (отдели) from a spiritually healthy environment (среда)… then he can destroy you.
[SLIDE 10] This is a picture of lions attacking a cape buffalo (бивол)
Buffalos are not small animals. They average about a ton in weight, and they are not without defenses. They have very big horns (рога).
What do you notice in this picture about this buffalo (бивол)? He is alone.
He was alone and isolated and that made him an easy target for the lions.
This is the strategy of the enemy for you and your faith.
When the storms come, he wants to isolate you, so that you are easy prey for his lies.
[SLIDE 11] This is what buffalos (бивол) do to protect against lions.
They make a circle with their horns pointing outward toward the enemy and put the weakest ones in the center.
If you were a lion, would you want to charge (нахулиш) this?
When you are in the storm and feeling weak, get into the center of the circle, and continue to serve God in the midst of the storm.
We will be there to help you.
When the storms of life come our way continue to serve and be active… even if you don’t feel it.
Look at the example of the Apostle Paul.
He has just suffered a horrible shipwreck… and what does he do?
“И случи се Поплиевият баща да лежи болен от треска и дизентерия; а Павел влезе при него и като се помоли, положи ръце на него и го изцели.”
The Apostle Paul was serving other people in the middle of the storm and after it.
Don’t isolate yourself but continue to serve other people in the storm.
Some of you here are in the middle of a storm now. Others of you will have a storm in your life sooner or later.
Don’t wait for a storm to try and understand what to do. Decide now.
(1) Try to avoid the storm
How do we do that? Understand through the Bible what God’s advice for your life is AND follow that advice.
[SLIDE 12] God’s word is like road signs for your life.
You can go 80 or you can go 200. They choice is yours, but the consequences will be different.
Pay attention to God’s road signs written in the Bible to avoid life’s storms.
[SLIDE 13] (2) Give thanks in the storm.
Don’t give thanks FOR the storm but thank God while you are in it.
Don’t allow bitterness to eat a hole in your soul.
(3) Serve God in the storm.
Don’t isolate yourself and make yourself and easy target for your enemy.
Continue to serve God in the storm.
So, where are you at now?
Are you before the storm? Check to see if you are following God’s road signs. Maybe you can avoid the next storm?
Are you in the storm and have started to become bitter because of your suffering? Make it a habit to regularly thank God.
Have you started to isolate yourself because of your suffering? Continue to serve God and grow in your faith. When the storm passes your faith will be stronger.
May God give you the wisdom to live above (надживееш) the storms in life and when you suffer faithfully for God… you will be a shining example of the Christian faith.
May God bless you. Let’s pray.