EI Board Meeting Agenda

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Here is the EI Board Meeting (Tentative) Agenda for May 26, 2007:

  • EI Organization Structure – discuss ways to make more efficient/effective.
    1. need specific areas and specific ideas

Ø     Dean, you have the gift of administration.  I really appreciate your pro-active leadership as chairman.  It is a great blessing to EI.  We continue to need your leadership and moving us forward in the right direction.  You’re doing a great job! 

Ø     Mark S. is following up with IRS issues and what we need to do in the future.  We need to make sure that the treasurer is filing the IRS forms every year, so that it becomes a “non-issue.”

Ø     Chairman, treasurer (others?), need to stay on top of EI becoming a “full-fledged” non-profit organization.  Do we need to be doing anything?  What?

Ø     Who has the legal papers for our tax exempt status – letter(s) from the IRS.  This needs to be accounted for and in a safe place.

Ø     An annual “plan” needs to be in place for Sarah S. and Tim T. to call supporters each year and ask them for any personal prayer requests, as well as to thank them for their support – to write a personal note to any supporter whom they were unable to talk to personally over the phone.  We got good feedback on this last year.

Ø     Re-vamped website – either Eric work on it or look into a Webmaster to keep up our sight (www.nra.com is a good example of how our future EI website can look like: complete with flash player, video-streaming, pod-casts, etc.).  Make regular changes to website so that people will want to return – a continuous “fresh” look.  Let’s use the media tool to full advantage!

Ø     Would like to encourage us all to strive towards continued excellence and professionalism.

  • EI Policy & procedures – Finish financial section of EI policies & procedures so that they can be completed and approved ASAP.
    1. can’t find copy of this, I only have 2003 P&P along with the table of contents for the same – Have sent to you on March 19, 2007
    2. I would suggest that we wait till after this meeting to finish these, because I am asking Mark S. to provide some financial policies guidance on some pressing items.  It would be better to refine those thought/suggestions prior to putting on paper. – Sounds good, Dean; however, I would like to make a goal to complete EI’s Policies & Procedures by the end of this year.
  • EI treasurer duties: Discuss with Robert Simmons and Mark Scroggins any treasurer responsibilities that may need reviewed and discussed.
    1. I have this cooking already, I’ll share as I get response – OK, you can present this at the board meeting.  I’ll see Mark and can go over with him personally (outside of board meeting time) about communicating with me, etc. 
  • Review and discuss duties of staff at Central Christian Church in Carmel with monthly contribution checks and reporting.
    1. again, I’m asking treasurer for input on this – I have had some input from donors who tell me that at times, their checks are not being cashed in a timely basis.  Also, some tax receipts were also not correct.  I’m not sure how big a problem this is.  When I’m in Indianapolis, I will discuss this with Robert and the team there.

  • Business Kingdom investors* : Discuss a possible strategy [resource] for Christian businesses to invest with EI
    1. Mark to give advice on how best to establish and if there are any pitfalls to be aware of.
      1. also to advise if any benefit to EI or donors using this method

Look at businesses as a resource, rather than a “method.”  We need to look at ways we can cast a vision so that “Christian businesses” are motivated to partner with EI.  Although I am not business man, I realize that businesses partnering with mission efforts is mostly an untapped resource.  I do know that more and more businesses are starting to support “mission efforts.”  One of my main reasons for returning to the USA is to think together how we can introduce EI’s efforts to businesses.  I would like to spend a good amount of time on this one.  Let’s get our wheels turning on this one.  I know Robert is a business man and may have ideas.  I’m sure you do too, Dean.

  • Board member roles as EI kingdom investors
    1. need your specific comments on what you are talking of before I can work on this

If you read any book/articles on the role/function of board members, one of these is to give financially to the “organization.”   Consequently, I would like every board member to consider giving to EI (NOT the Lillies personally), if they are not doing so already.  Some are already giving; but I’d like for you to challenge everyone to consider to give to EI.  I would like everyone who is on the board to be willing to invest in EI financially, even if a small amount each month.  I think this challenge would be better if it came from you – as chairman and already a contributor, rather than myself – but glad to do whatever you think is best. 

  • Discuss and approve 2007 EI budget
    1. need copy of this if you have ASAP, I want to get to Mark for him to review also prior to mtg  – Sent to you on March 5, 2007.
    2. also would like to have rough outline of 2008 budget for board to review in comparison and so we can be looking forward
      1. to get out of this pattern of addressing issues after the fact – Yes!
  • Update and discuss EI tax exempt status with IRS.
    1. mark will provide update – OK, good.
  • Develop Short Term EI organizational goals: 2007-2009
    1. need your detailed comments….............

Here are some possible goals (rough draft form) for 2007-2010 (instead of 2009) – NOT in order of importance:

Ø     “New, improved” EI website by end of 2007; possibly hire a webmaster if needed.  Or Eric? I know this depends on how much time Eric has available.

Ø     All EI board members visit Thailand by December 2010.

Ø     Everything “in order” with IRS by end of 2007

Ø     Keep tracking with IRS continuously – especially until we are officially recognized by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.

Ø     Complete EI’s policies and procedures by November 2007

Ø     Contact every supporter (prayer requests and thank yous) by December 20, 2007.

Ø     Have all duties of treasurer moved from Robert to Mark by end of July, 2007. 

Ø     Establish Mark/Sarah to have power of attorney to sign official documents for Joel/Kelly.

Ø     Mark will be able to file EI’s tax statements in 2009 (for year 2008)

Ø     Have an EI board member represent EI annually either at the NACC or national missionary convention.  This means looking into purchasing a display for pictures, multi-media presentation (PowerPoint, etc.) – by 2008 or 09.

Ø     Assign a board member to serve as a liaison with supporting churches – by July 2007.  I.e., Contacting churches by phone for any special prayer requests, urgent needs, etc.  Help to keep a “high profile presence” with our supporters (churches/future businesses).  I recommend Sarah Scroggins, since she has a lot of experience in this area.  If she agrees, she can call each church and explain her role.

Ø     Effective by June 2007, assign a specific task for each board member.  Some examples: Dean, of course, as chairman; Mark: treasurer duties; Eric: maintain and monthly update EI website (if he is able; I will send him pics/newsletters/prayer requests on a regular basis); Sarah: liaison with supporters (see above) and assist Mark; Tim: assist Sarah in contacting supporters each year; Robert: help with networking with businesses who can partner with EI.  Again, these are just examples.  But I’d like everyone to walk away from this board meeting knowing that they will contribute in a significant way with EI.

Ø     May come up with more.  This is a good start – want to be realistic in how much we can do, but yet challenge as well.  I know you’ll think of some, too, Dean.

  • I have asked Mark to give brief advice to board on what portion of travel and expenses associated with EI board mtg could be deducted from board members individual taxes – OK, thanks.
  • Additionally,  I have asked him to be prepared to: - Great!  Thanks Dean for providing the info below.  I’ll provide the first qtr 07 reports the first week of May.
    1. provide advise on consolidating stateside EI operations, addresses, incorp address, etc
    2. to advise you on housing allowance guidelines
    3. financial reports for 2006 and first qtr 2007
    4. how we could set up emergency contingency fund
    5. talk about providing more regular fin reports and annual reports to donors

I am now using the term “kingdom investor” in place of the more traditional term “financial supporter.”

          Joel, I don’t have a feel for this term and it’s popularity.  Truthfully, it seems a little cute or may even have opposite effect of giving EI a business “feel” rather than a ministry.  These are my personal comments.  I’m not stuck on them.  Just my initial response.  I’ll be 100% behind this term if that is what you and board agree to.  I will not raise my personal thought with any other board members to avoid tainting their personal thoughts.   – Thanks, Dean.  Of course, we all have our own opinions and ideas. J  I appreciate your input. I suggest we take just a few moments and get opinions of other board members, to see how they feel about it.  My sister, Sheila, really liked the term, and I thought it was “fresh” and a neat way to express to people that they are investing into extending God’s kingdom.  However, it’s not a big issue with me, and will be just fine if we stick with supporter.  Let’s talk about it at the board meeting.

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