An Authentic Testimony | 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 | Pastor Jose Brevil
All right last week. We looked at a model from Ministry. We saw a model preacher there in Paul where Paul was a being a child before his ministry were a lot of people were talking bad about Paul saying that he was in it for himself. He was there like to take advantage of people and Paul went on a mission there to defend his ministry and by extension really defending the gospels of Paul reminded them. That he was not in it for himself and last week. We saw that as a model. We saw three marks of a Godly of a christ-centered Ministries, which was really 5 but I treat you and I told you it was three Godly Ministry is fruitful eventually, even when you may not see the fruits right now, but eventually a Godly Minister will be fruitful because God's word never return void. Although there was a caveat also to know that the same word that brings life to some but it's the same word also that will condemn some that refused to receive the word of God. Then we saw that a Godly a christ-centered Ministries was faithful requires faithfulness when God calls you to serve you have to be faithful no matter how bad I guess no matter of raw feed cats. You have to stay faithful. God calls us to faithfulness not necessarily success in our own definition, but what God calls us has to be faithful. If God calls you to do something you be obedient you do it if you have put in your heart to speak to somebody when you go to Walmart, what do you need to do to be faithful go open your mouth and speak to them. It's not up to you whether they receive what you said. It is up to God, but you're calling in that moment is to be obedient and to be faithful to God because God called you to speak to that person. I have God in your heart something that needs to be done. If you look around your community, you saw there was a great need and God put that in your heart. You need to be fat. Full and obedient to do it if you see something in the church that bothers you that mean maybe God is speaking to you that you need to do something about that thing that is bothering you and that's when you do something about that thing that God puts in your heart when it comes to your heart to see if you don't act on it, you lose it or when you see that guy keeps tugging at Your Heart by the same thing over and over and over and you never do anything about it you being disobedient and that doesn't mean that it's only just in the church. It might be that it's a business idea that God has birth into your heart that it would less people and flu that you can use the prophet to bless others. You can use the profit to a blessed Ministries bless people who are in need or meeting a serious need in the community when God put something. In your heart you need to be obedient and act on it and Paul was faithful in his ministry. Even when the going gets tough. Even when they come for him in jail, baby p.m. For was still going even when Paul was Shipwrecked for was still going even when Paul was bitten by snake ball boy still going Paul new. The call of God in his life was to preach the gospel and nobody was going to stuff for everybody in the book of Acts. God told Paul. I will use you as a tool as an instrument in my hands and you will see how much you will see a 4 x 6 x 12 minutes calling when God Called Paul in the book of Acts. That's why God says you will suffer from me. I'm going to use you as a tool in my hand. And Paul never let go despite all the sufferings that we know that Paul face. So not only a Christ into the ministry will be fruitful eventually needs to be faithful. The christ-centered Ministries needs to be loving truthful and caring loving truthful and caring for remember last week. We saw the example of a apparent like a a minister of the Gospel is like a parent both a mother caring loving nursing supporting but also a father being truthful encouraging but also exhorting strongly and rebuking so Paul is saying that ate they are one in the same. You don't want a pastor as a just like a mother or you don't want a pastor that is just a father you are a pastor that is a parent that does both a mother and a father while I'm loving you and caring for you, but I also need to be a father and exhort you rebuked you and encourage you and Paul showed and explain to them like how he met that call. He really love them. As a nursing mother caring for your child. He didn't want anything from them but to love them and bread wanting to see them to walk worthy of the gospel because the goal of sharing the gospel the goal of serving others ultimately is transformation Paul. Just wanted to see their lives transformed. So as Paul was nursing them loving them but also find it necessary to exhort them to work to be even better for Christ. So that was last week now we going to be Continuing in verse 13 and today I have and title our message on offense take testimony. So going from Ministry to testimony during from our ministry testimony. So we need on a phentix testimony. We need an offense take testimony. So let's go ahead and read verse 13 to 20 and then we'll come back and look at three marks of enough entok testimony testimony. That's what shows a How that you really living for Christ? It shows that who you really are. Okay, so we need to have a fantastic testimonies so that we can have a fantastic Ministries. So let's read together enjoy starts and it says and we also thank God constantly for this that when you receive the word of God, which you heard from us, what did you do? You accepted it. Not as the word of man, but as what it really is, what was it the word of God, which is at work in you Believers. So the word is working then verse 14. It says for you Brothers became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea for you suffered the same things from your own Countryman as they did from the Jews who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out and displease God in a Bose all mankind. So they were not afraid to do what?
The other one I said they were not afraid to self over 16 by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be safe. So as always to fill up the measure of their sins, but rather has come upon them at last you see the same word that blesses the same word. Also that condemns us went to receive the word. It is a blessing to you when you reject the word. It is condemnation to you been and 17th is but since we were torn away from your brother's for a short time Somalia saying hey, when did it leave on our own accord to have a choice in person but pulse at 8 not in heart. We endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face. Because we wanted to come to you I Paul again and again, but Satan and the word us Satan is real now. If you make that you're touring with saying that you toying with the devil like in that Satan is real. Was even able to handle Paul and His companion but God is greater because the Bible says he that is in US is greater than he that is in the world. But he does exist verse 19 for what is Our Hope or Joy or crown of those things before our lord Jesus at his coming is it that you need a love there? That's why we have to love people see if you don't love me anymore. This is the church for you because our mission is to love God and love people. You see the love. They're making it for. What is Our Hope or Joy or crown of boasting before our lord Jesus that is coming. Is it not you supposing a deeply loved? You don't listen to those knuckleheads. This for you are our glory and joy, so three things three things. I want to share with you three marks of an offensive Community three marks of an authentic Community testimony three parts of an offense that place though as we spend your work helped Our Testimony to become more and more offense take every day in Jesus name we pray amen. So three marks of an authentic testimony here. They are it is shaped by having fellowship with other believers and it is shaped by Our Hope for the future always anticipating the return of Christ. I will share it. I will show them with you again. So the first one unoffensive testimony is shaped by the word. Look at the first 13 with me again. It says and we also thank God constantly for this done when you receive what The word of God you heard from us. You accepted it. That means you welcomed it. Not as the word of man, but as what it really is the word of God, which is at work in you Believers. So here is saying hey I so love you Tessa lonian because when I shared when we share the word of God with you, you didn't take it as the word of all of the word of Timothy, but you saw the word exactly for what it is you and I are trying to say, oh look at that poor guy try to take advantage of us or Timothy. No, no, no. The to the word of God for what it really is the word of God in the Bible says the word of God is living and is active in the sharper than any two-edged sword. The Bible says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my word will remain a man. So he saying those people day to God's word. Seriously. He says you accepted it. That means you welcome. It's a window word game.
Welcome Little League they accepted it, but they also if it went through the hearts it did something to them and a look at the rest of the verse accepted another word of man. But what it really is the word of God and look at that last part, which is at work and you Believers. So it not only be accepted in the appropriated in the heart, but they also applied. You see the three steps there. They accepted it. They appropriated it into the heart. It's like they made it their own and then they applied it which is at work. And you Believers. That's what that should be the process for every single one of us when we receive God's word. Hey, we accepted we welcome and we are thankful for it. Then we'll make it our own that it goes deep down in our hard. We let it do its work and we apply it in our life and once we do that man transformation occurs because the word change who they were. Remember when we went back to your first test selonian verse 9 what it it says for Dayton sales report concerning us the kind of reception. We had them on you and see how you did what turn to God from Idols to serve the living and chew got the word change were they were busy that's why transformation is very important to each one of us. We have to be changed by the word. The word has to trim form a we have to let the word go to are hard. We'll have to let the word change us when we do it will be to our benefits. It will be to our benefit when we let the word changes who created us. the word is Woodward
Does God know what we need? There you go. Let the word of God sends you to become all that. God has created you to be cuz the Bible says do not be conformed to this world, but be what Transformer be changed by the renewal of your mind. How do you renew your mind with the word that by testing you may discern? What is the will of God? How do you discern with the word of God the word of God tells you what is right and the word of God tells you what is wrong so that you will do what is right and that's what you do not do what is wrong. amen What is good acceptable and perfect see the word of God determines write the word of God determines what is good good for you? What is acceptable and the best perfect means the best for you? Look at the 1st Timothy was it 2nd Timothy 3:16. What does it say some scriptures? All scriptures is breathed out by who by Jose by Paul by Timothy. Brim down by God does a mouthpiece. I just read the word of God to you. I just I just walked through the word of God. I don't give you much of Binion's all scripture is breathed out by who by God
Is it profitable to really delete that is profitable? I think that's where we feel a lot of us feel like God's word is more of a deficit keeping us from doing the things that we really want to do in life any Witness. A little much look at a guy's with as a deficit. That's why we don't do it.
That's why sometimes we cheats. Why because we feel like our where you better that's why you don't we tell lies we whatever, you know, you fill in the blank, you know, what seems to be like your proclivity to do is like why don't you treat somebody right when they did something wrong to you. You think you always better than what does God's word say overcome an affair
What God's word says God says you love everyone you love those with love you and you love your friend of me. We call him friend of his because you don't even love people that you are familiar with. These are people that used to be your friend, right? These are the hardest one see we don't do it because we think that they will be deficit and then we think that we know better but God promised it says all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for why for teaching for reproof. Let me like a get it right for correction for training showing us the way in righteousness. So Do we want to go the way of God's word or our way?
Once you go God's way ultimately you win 1st. Peter tells us pretty much similar thing for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man but men spoke from God as they were carried Along by the Holy Spirit.
Be careful.
No prophecy was ever produced by the real of men. Who are you? I decree and declare.
God decrees in God declares.
But men spoke from God as they were carried Along by the Holy Spirit to be students of the word let God speaks for himself of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves for if anyone is a hero of the word another door. He is like a man will look so intensely at his natural face in a mirror for he looks at himself and goes away and when I don't forget when he was like the guy that sang when you hear God's word, you know God's word and you don't do God's word. It's like God says you suffer from amnesia.
Because you just left the mirror and you don't even remember how you look. It says but the one will look into the perfect Lord is the Bible the Lord. Is it the law of shackles The Lure of being like a prisoner? What does it say? The words crazy as you didn't need to say it was for Freedom that Christ died for us.
The Bible has freeing power. It freezes you once you living according to God's word because it says it is the law of Liberty Empress perseveres being know he werewolf forgets. But a do werewolves does what acts obedience is acting on what God's words that he will be with Kirsten is doing nothing will go well in his life. He will be what blessed in his doing and not to brag. I'm really living this. I just seen God just being obedient to God's word man. I just I just can't tell you like just how much stuff how much fing that I've seen that God done in my life and my family's life and I'm not talking about money. Cuz I've been a lot of time what comes to mind is just like it's the money for it, but it's not about money. Once you honor God. God has a way of honoring you. You know, I know I was reminded that God really works this week. But my son call me this week, you know, he had his exams doesn't care about exist like whatever happened, but it's okay. Now you got a school. That's really challenging him. He called me. I'm going to that exam I said, okay, so you playing with me?
I've been fighting with him for years to care whether we'll learn the things that you try to fix this for years and years out after I prayed with him address after that. There must be a God in heaven.
And he is great. God really promise.
Go. What God Says In everything in your work in your marriage in your life and in your money and your fight whatever the way you raise your kids just trust God and you will see if you will not be blessed in your doing God will do it. This gas is you do it you will be blessed in your doing remember christ-centered Ministries in just your life will ultimately be careful. It's the same for your life. You're faithful to God you will be fruitful eventually. Is it free from problem? We're going to see you let people get divorces but this quick story about the parable of the sower. It says when the great crowd was gathered and people from town after town came to him. He said to them that Jesus speaking us, so we're went out to sow his seed and as he sold some fell along the path and was trampled on the food and the birds of the air the vowel word it and some fell on the Rock and as it grew up it with it away because it had what no moisture some fell among thorns and the tones grew up with it and Truck that I just hate weeds. You know, I'm pulling up in my flower bed. They get under your flower to pay them but some people that's that's what the word of God raised. You just playing a pretty flower and in the weeds come around and choking it out some of us the word Falls and that's what happened in some fill-in to good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold as he said those things. He called out he was ears letting here. So here's the interpretation of the Powerball in when his disciples asked him what this Parable meant. He said to you. It has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God, but for others they are in Parables so that seeing they may not see and hearing that may not understand now the parable is the seed is what the word of God the ones along the path are those who have heard then the Devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts so that they may not believe and be safe to some people you might be sharing the gospel then they hearing you But they not hearing you the moment. They turn around the devil come in sniffing away. Look up as a group and no one's on the Rock are those woo when they hear the word receive it with joy. That's why when you share the gospel with people you got to be praying for them to remember the first group. They will hear it. It's like they wouldn't adhering because when's the turn Laughing happens the devil steals it away now. That's why I mean share the gospel to somebody gotta pray for them that the word takes roots. Is the other group now they receive it with joy. It's got to be really talking. You know, they say hallelujah to me. It's like every word you saying they just agreeing with you and you see like all the emotional like all the excitement. But these have what? No roots, baby leave for a while and time of testing. For all the way the moment there's a problem. The gospel is working to me. Okay, then you have a tour group and ask for those who fell among Thorns. They are those were here but as they go on their way, they are truck by the cares and riches and pleasures of life and the fruit does not mature and I think that's where most of us are today. It's right here distraction. We have too many distractions in our life and as a result the word of God never took truth because we never really take time to meditate on it we hear it, but we never really meditate on it so that it goes to our heart and then it goes to our feet than our hands so we can do it because if we don't meditate on it, we don't stay on it we get choked out we hear it. We know it. But you go your truck top by the carousel. I got to work tomorrow. Oh, I need to make a million dollar by 2026.
Man, I got to go to this party.
How's your hearing the word of God, but you have a million other things that you thinking about? Oh, we got to go to the nursing home later, or we got to have fellowship with you with me. A wake up wake up. Getting now is the time for the word of God. You stay on the word of God. Don't worry about what's next. You stay and you sit on the word of God. Don't worry about O A. I have this feeling later. I have to meet with that I have The devil as a web keeping us busy so that the word never takes root in US. And that's the one that I've seen the most today not bad people. We not evil people. We really love God. They just a distraction in the business just takes away the word of God from us that the word of God doesn't really do what it's supposed to do in each of Our Lives. We're good Christian. Vision business and distractions keeps us from the men fitting been here saying it's jokes ass up never matures. And as for that in the good soil, they are those wolf hearing the word hold it fast in an honest and good heart and bear fruit with patience. Love you as you hearing me speak as you getting Bible verse you writing it down. Actual is that you are interested and then that you really tried it make that word take root in you and if you take that one step further when you go home you review your notes you review the scriptures you pray over it and you asking God to not only help you to welcome into accepted but to put it in your heart and also to apply at the you pray over it. God will do it. You see how you turn off the distraction you turn off the noise now you go from the group and make it like individual just like when we doing in life group one mean on Wednesday night we talkin about the word see it helps the word take rude because you can a simmering over it you meditating on it be because that's what the Bible says when you meditate on the word of God day and night. That's what God wants us to do and the best thing we can do for ourselves today. He's turning off the noise remove the distraction remove the business for my life, cuz the culture of gotten really good and getting us busy. And if we're not careful, we will fulfil everybody else to schedule while we never do anything about our schedule. So we said the priority for got so let's pray that doesn't that doesn't describe our life. So really the bottom line is don't just be a he were of the word but do what it says the second one. The second one is shaped by having fellowship with other believers on a frantic. Testimony is shaped by having fellowship with other believers.
Thank you, ma'am.
Alright, alright, so unfriendly testimony is shaped by having fellowship with other believers. That's why our middle here middle name here is why? Whatever middle name. Come on, what's her middle name? Thank you. Fellowship k4u Brothers became imitators of the churches of God in Christ. That's goes you crazy Jesus that are in Judea the kid. Did you hear me?
Arencibia for you suffered the same things from your own Countryman as David from the Jews. What did they do the killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out in this please God and oppose all mankind has that bashing the Jews here? He is referring to the leaders because the leaders were the one who crucify Jesus. Just what he's referring there, so he's saying you became imitators talking to the Thessalonians. Hey, they were following good examples by hindering us from speaking. Do the Gentiles that day might be safe? So as always to fill up the measure of their sins, but wrath has come upon them at last but since we were torn away from you Brothers for a short time in person that in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to
to fellowship with you K2 to grow in our relationship with you because we wanted to come to you I Paul again and again, but Satan hindered us series Fellowship important.
Supposedly saying hey I left. Physically, but my heart didn't leave you and Paul said a eager to see you again. I just cannot wait to come back to see you and spend time with you alone. Lee sent that mean the lonely Christian. Is very vulnerable to the attacks of Satan a lonely Christian a lonely sing is very vulnerable to be at tax of Satan.
most of the time somebody Falls away is because they're not in Fellowship because at that point you been away for so long you by yourself. There's no accountability. That's typically when Christians fall prey to the attacks of the devil. That's why we need fellowship with one another second Timothy 3:12. You going to love this verse to underline that circle is in the Bible? Okay, you ready? Embiid all we desire to live a Godly life in Christ. Jesus will be
they're fitted with country and I love that. All of us will be persecuted. If you are serving God right now and you haven't been persecuted just wait.
If you're going to be serious about your walk with Christ, you going to be persecuted they're going to come in all forms shape and sizes. But that's why you going to need other people in your life to help you when those moments come when does persecution come so they can pray for you. They can support you. They can help you. They can strengthen you when they see that you're getting lazy so they can stretch you out because John Maxwell put it this way good relationships Fellowship both comfort and stretch. You need people in your life to comfort you when the going gets tough and at the same time stretching you out. Hey, I think you can do more. I know it's the terrible right now, but I know you can do more. Thief good relationships both comfort and stretch Tony Evans put it this way God created churches so that you do not have to be a Christian alone. You are part of a body and nobody part 2 Works unless it is at that to the whole
That's good. That's really again. God created churches so that you do not have to be a Christian alone. You are part of a body and nobody part Works unless it is that that to the whole
1st Corinthians, 12 12 to 14 tells us the same for just as the body is one and has many members and all the members of the body domaining are one body. So it is with Christ for in one Spirit. We were all baptized into one body Jews or Greek slaves are free and all were made to drink of one spirit for the body does not consist of one member but of Maney members verse 26 and 27 the same chapter says if one member suffers All suffer together that's why I'm not from the idea when people have problems to isolate yourself when you're actually just help you just saying that I'm not part of the body. So if one member suffers all suffer together it was I going to do if you have a problem you isolate yourself when I have problem. What am I going to do? isolate myself to right The Bible says if one member suffers all suffer together, if one member is honored or Rejoice together. That means when you buy a house, we all need to show up you and your house pray for you rejoice with you and you cook for us come and visit you. Okay, anybody buying a house soon?
That's what about that's what the bad. It's supposed to be. Okay, when a hard time is going in our life. We need to be there for one another and when something great is happening. Also, we need to Rejoice with one another verse 27 says now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. So we belong to each other is the bottom line when the going gets tough. You need fellow Believers for support and encouragement so we can help to carry each other's burden. Do not carry your burdens alone. This is a deception from the devil, especially in our American mindset you we've been told that you know, how many self-made millionaire that you heard.
We've been told to rely on. Self I don't need nobody else but I got all this millionaire. Really. What about all those people were working for them? What about all those people was spoken word of encouragement for them when they were down? Are there really any self-made millionaire? Did I ever told you about all the people who mentored them?
There is no self-made billionaire or millionaire see Bill Gates when when Bill gets was building all these computers. Guess what where he got an internship at HP Hewlett-Packard. That's what they gave him some parts. So what do you self made? Millionaire?
You think you know how many people work for Amazon? Did Jeff Bezos just got to be a billionaire on his own?
We need to stop relying on self and relying on each other like God has designed for us to live Galatians. 6:2 says bear one another's burdens.
And I guess what when you doing that right happens.
So God says when you helping to carry each other's birth. And what are you doing you leaving the word? You are a doer of the word. I remember there was a difficult time. Anna Brother Chris offered me his car cuz my car was broken in the car. You know, that's carrying each other's burden and that's what God calls us to and anytime we forget we need to be reminded of that. God calls us to carry each other's burden. You know how much that meant to me when he said that but that's what God calls us to do. We need to be there for one another then the last one on defense. Testimony is shared by Our Hope for the future always anticipating the return of Christ. Anna fanfic testimony is shared by Our Hope for the future always anticipating the return of Christ. So let's look at the last two verses for what is Our Hope or Joy or crown of boasting before our lord Jesus that is, is it not to you for you are our glory and joy to so many times we so focus on the now and in the past, but God is saying 8 for the Christian you don't live in the past. The past is just the rear view mirror for you. You take a plane to learn from it and you move on and then you don't put all the stuff also just in the right now in the things that are not going on with all the pressures of this life take hold of you, but it's saying we need to look to the Future.
Future in the future Glory cuz it's always says for what is Our Hope or Joy or crown of boasting before our lord Jesus that is coming is it not you because the Bible says there will be what we called the bema seat judgment and that the Judgment it's not God is going to give us rewards and when Pauly saying there you are our Crown so God will reward us for our services for the things that we have done in this life. And Paul is saying to them if you will be my reward in heaven when I get to heaven and I see you I can tell God to share the gospel with you. You see now they walking in Burien Heaven because I was obedient and sharing the gospel with them deposit shoe will be my crown. You will be my reward is it not you for you are our glory and joy support is not only happy that they're growing in the Lord the right now, but Paul is also looking forward to the future when they get to heaven. That he can look on his his old man. I was part of this. Will you are our glory and joy and you see that's the Christian Life. We always looking to the return of Christ will see every at the end of every chapter. It looks to the return of Christ. If you look at verse 10 in chapter 1 it was looking to the Future same here this chapter in the year. It's looking to the return of Christ for what is Our Hope or Joy or crown of those things before our Lord Jesus Christ and he is coming you see as Believers. Remember we are ambassadors for Christ. We are people were waiting and that's why in this Advent season. That means we're waiting for crisis what crisis the reason for the season and Chris the Christmas as we waiting for Christ. It is time like to be reminded that Christ is returning again. And that's why we need to share the gospel with as many people as possible so that when they get to heaven we can look on it as part of this. I was part of that I was part of this but you want to be in heaven and then like
had nothing to do with it, but I saw them at Walmart everyday.
Leaving Heaven I saw them at school every day, but I never said anything but somebody else share the gospel with them every day. I never knew they were Christian.
But somebody else is just smiling how I shut the gospel with them. That's what Paul is saying that pulses. Our glory and our joy is you because I know you made it here because I was obedient and I share the gospel With You Luke 15 verse 7 says just so I tell you there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons. We need no repentance. Is it important to God that you open your mouth and talk to people about the gossip Paul went to the test. Tessalone Ian's just to share the gospel living wherever he was one on the missionary journey spend time there with them for three Sabbath Stacy some commentators Frankie spend a little more time than just three. Sabbath day, but whatever it was. He went there to share the gospel one purpose. He didn't go there to get a job. He didn't go there to try to make more money. You need to go there to try to do things that will profit him. He went there for the sheer reason of what Sharing the gospel with them. So the bottom line is this there will be great. Joy in heaven seeing people you have invested in and have made it to Heaven because of your obedience.
That's a good place for in a man. They believe you but only one of you hurts.
Amen, that's two. Are we going to hang out at 31044 5th that we go everybody saying man, so in a nutshell? Is all I'm trying to tell you. Hey, we have the word of God and us cuz remember open take testimony starts. What? by the word So we have the word of God and us the people of God around us fellowship and the glory of God before us let us give the world on a fantic testimony worth imitating you for your grace. Thank you for your love and thank you for your mercy. The father help us. To be more and more like you. Let your word that is in a Transformer us let the people around us Lloyd. Our fellow believers. Maybe encourage and support us met the challenge us. And father me. We look forward to your glory in heaven. We love you father. We praise your name. may we be busy about Sharing the gospel making an impact in our community for you. Thank you, Lord, Jesus.
In your name we pray. Game that you see how the message just pretty much boils down to our name as a church. Bible your testimony starts with the word Fellowship we need each other so we can do the work of ministry in our backyard, which is our city or your respective communities in our case Cleveland right here. So we want to bring as many people to heaven with us. So go live out your name. Amen father help us to live out what we stand for as a church Bible Fellowship Cleveland. So may we go in and live the gospel? In all its implications in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen together.
Let's give God. Thanks for his word that sing together.