Joshua part 2

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Balaam and Balak
the death of Moses and the passing of the torch to Joshua
spying the promised land
drawing parallels and drawing inferences
learn and lead accordingly

Just Like Moses

Joshua commands the people to prepare to finally cross the Jordan and enter the promised land
men of valor are to go
they will obey as they did Moses
they did not obey Moses very well at all even though he proved himself to be following God over and over again
they give the same words to Joshua as God does
maybe to encourage a younger leader, maybe excited for something new

Rahab and the Spies

two spies as before
two out of twelve were good before
they go to view the immediate area they are going in to conquer
the main story is in Jericho
they enter a house built into the wall
Rahab the prostitute has heard of the story of the Israelites
the world knows the story and they fear the people and their God
Rahab believes the truth and she and her whole family will be spared because of it
the report the spies bring back is positive


a turn from what happened with Moses
God’s people and the people beyond believe in YHWH
you lead people to do things like you whether you like it or not
lead them to do what they already know is right
tell people the truth, no matter how difficult
don’t be afraid and don’t flinch and the world around you will likely do the same
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