Romans 6:23....Life Everlasting
Romans 6:23......Life Everlasting
In 6:23 Paul concludes the chapter with what has become a famous memory verse—but one I doubt is properly understood in its broader context. Paul appeals to believers not to return to their old lives, and he offers this statement as motivation to fight the urge to re-enslave ourselves to sin
Paul forces us to consider what “wages” we will receive for our devotion. A life devoted to serving God leads to eternal life. This life won’t be easy, but we have the promise that being indentured to God will sanctify us and make us more like Him. The alternative is death—death is the “reward” for a life of sin. As believers, even though we have accepted God’s gift of righteousness by faith and we are delivered from the penalty of sin (6:1, 15), we still must choose where we will devote our lives. Paul challenges us to invest in a life that will pay the dividends that God intended.
this gift is through Jesus Christ our Lord. Christ purchased it, prepared it, prepares us for it, preserves us to it; he is the All in all in our salvation.