House of Mercy

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what you’re looking for is right there in front of you

Healing at the Pool

Likely Passover
a pool by the sheep gate- the gate closest to the temple- marked as sinful for their ailment
Bethesda- house of mercy
blind, lame, paralyzed all waiting on a miraculous story to come true
removed because it was not in older manuscripts and because the validity is unlikely
Jesus comes to a man who has been there for a long time
he has been invalid for 38 years, nearly a whole biblical marker of a generation
Do you want to be healed- an interesting question to ask a lame man
the man answers regarding the miracle, misunderstanding what’s being asked
this is a turn from a lot of healing stories, including the one before where people come to Jesus to be healed
he’s counting on something he can’t be sure of, putting his faith in a story that even then should have sounded ludicrous
of course he wants to be healed, he wants life, he doesn’t want to be a lonely unholy outcast anymore
but he’s been looking in the wrong place and waiting on the wrong miracle
at the word of the son of God he gets up and is healed

Romans 1&5

as was read before people are inclined to choose to follow the creature rather than the creator
God is able to be perceived in this world as he was from the beginning
thinking they knew what they really needed from their own limited understanding
like a lame man waiting on an angel from a legend to come and stir up the water
rather than recognize the savior right in front of him
despite ourselves, Christ died for us while our sin put us in opposition with him
he dies for us even though we don’t deserve it
he reconciles our relationship, he brings us back to him despite the chasm we made between us
because he loves us, and he has mercy


we live in a world where it is easy to be distracted
its easy to devote yourself to any number of things in the information age with amazon and youtube at your fingertips
we seek joy and peace and contentment and purpose and fulfillment in created things rather than in the creator himself
we might even try by all of the wisdom we can muster to save ourselves and deem ourselves righteous
everything other than Christ and his body falls short
through him alone can we be really healed in the way all of our broken and guilty selves are really looking for
through him and him living and working through those that follow him will we find all those things listed before
don’t waste a life waiting on a fairy-tale that’s never going to come
realize the healing you’re searching for is here
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