Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Six Cities Of Refuge
The Six Cities Of Refuge,The Sanctuary Of Sacrifice,
Author Guardian
Psalm 25-27,The City On a Hill,
Transitions and changes take place all the time in heaven and in spiritual places,
we see that the spiritual is far bigger and greater than the physical world
around us and most of the time we are unaware of the battles and warfares that
rage in spiritual places
Most of us have experienced times of change when things have taken us by surprise
and we can look back and think " I never thought I would be doing this "
This study message echoes and speaks of a turning point and as you read these
prophetic words try to hear Gods voice
Firstly lets turn to scripture and we look at Psalm 26 and 27
Psalm 26 (New Living Translation)
8 I love your sanctuary, Lord, the place where your glorious presence dwells.
The life application study bible translates it as
He will hide me in His Sanctuary
Psalm 26 (King James Version)
8LORD, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine
honour dwelleth.
And Psalm 27
I love the message translation or paraphrase that reads
Psalm 27:6 God holds me head and shoulders above all who try to pull me down.
I'm headed for his place to offer anthems that will raise the roof!
Already I'm singing God-songs; I'm making music to God.
7-9 Listen, God, I'm calling at the top of my lungs, "Be good to me! Answer me!"
When my heart whispered, "Seek God," my whole being replied,
"I'm seeking him!"
Don't hide from me now!
9-10 You've always been right there for me; don't turn your back on me now.
Don't throw me out, don't abandon me; you've always kept the door open.
My father and mother walked out and left me, but God took me in.
Psalm 27 (King James Version)
4One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell
in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the
LORD, and to enquire in his temple.
5For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of
his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.
And finally the Amplified translation ( Or expanded bible )
Psalm 27 (Amplified Bible)
1THE LORD is my Light and my Salvation--whom shall I fear or dread?
The Lord is
the Refuge and Stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?
2When the wicked, even my enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh,
they stumbled and fell.
3Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise
against me, [even then] in this will I be confident.
4One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and
[insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His
presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet
attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate,
consider, and inquire in His temple.(A)
5For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret
place of His tent will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock.
and verse 8
8You have said, Seek My face [inquire for and require My presence as your vital
My heart says to You, Your face (Your presence), Lord, will I seek,
inquire for, and require [of necessity and on the authority of Your Word].
And so we come to Psalms 26 and 27
Lets Pray
Lord God in Jesus mighty name revealer and enlightener of our lifes, light up the
path ahead of us and reveal to us new things, give us hope where there is despair.
Justice where there is injustice, and shelter where there is a storm, and
refuge where the is pain , safety where there is danger and make for us those
cities of refuge where we can flee in times of calamity and danger,
in times of
trouble and despair , in times of injustice be the judge and bring sentence to
those oppressors of the truth , if they have not already been sentenced.
Lord let the words I type and the thoughts I receive now be of you and let your
Holy Spirit speak through me , that the Holy Spirit might speak deeply into hearts
and lifes and bring these things to remembrance when needed, not to debate and to
throw around as pearls before swine but to use in action in our lifes.
Let us be doers of the word in deed , thought and action Lord and let the nations
gather at the entrances to the city gates of the places of refuge,
where those
that have seen injustice or convicted by the world may flee to safety and find you
as their sanctuary and refuge in times of trouble and injustice.
In Jesus name amen
Now I have no idea where this came from and this was not pre planned but it seems
we are going to look at the cities of refuge.
The cities of refuge where setup as places to flee to ,for those who were
convicted or threatened or sentenced,
they were to be places of refuge sanctuaries, places of safety, fortresses,
Altogether there were 6 cities of refuge
We see these mentioned in Joshua 20:1-9 and Numbers 35:1-34
You see when you find or found injustice in your life you could and can and will
be able to flee to a city of refuge, you may be convicted by the world...
But you can run to a City Of Refuge, you can be set free !!
Once you are inside the City you could not leave that City for if you left that
City the avenger of the blood may kill you, you can read this in
Numbers 35:26-27.
You see if you run to one of the Cities of Refuge, you would be running for
your life literally, you may be falsely accused by an accuser who would seek to
take your life.
In Old Testament times it was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,
Matthew 5:38-48 , it was yours to avenge, if someone killed your brother even if
it was accidental, you would kill the killer
Again we read about this in Numbers 35:19 The avenger of blood shall put the
murderer to death; when he meets him, he shall put him to death.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9