Author Guardian
Psalm 41,
Before I started to look into what the next Psalms were and before I began to see
what the message might be , I had a vision or picture of an object coming down and
slamming into something and after time I realised that this was the "Judges Gavel"
And this confirmed to me the message about to be given
Now We are going to be looking at Psalm 38,39,40 and 41
But before we begin lets introduce what I believe God wants to bring
I wonder sometimes at Adam and Eve being disobedient and being thrown out of the
garden of Eden !!
You see in the garden of Eden they were in perfect (1)"communion with God" but there
was a (2)"betrayer"
In fellowship with God as one, in relationship with God as it was intended....in
Union with Him and in full communication with God
But I wonder what went wrong ? I wonder why being in full "communion with God" and
in "Fellowship with Him " were they found to be with the betayer and why God seemed
to " Not be there ? "
I wonder if the root of the "disobedience" was not so much taking the fruit from
the tree, ...you see God said "DO NOT TAKE" now this could have been anything...
The fact is Adam and Eve were "disobedient" ...they did what God had told them
"not too "
There was nothing magical about the fruit, but the fact is God said " DO NOT TOUCH "
But I wonder if the root of this disobedience went back further ? I wonder why Adam
and Eve found themselves in this situation with the tempter (betrayer)in the first
place ?
I wonder if Adam and Eve had already walked out of "Communion " with God ? thus
placing themselves into the situation that resulted in the tempting and resulting
final disobedience that took them completely out of Gods precence?
I wonder where the root came from ? that took Adam and Eve to a place where they
were even confronted with the "betrayer" ?
And then we read that after Adam and Eve had sinned, God came walking to them in
the garden !!
And He asked them "what have you done ? "
As if God did not know ...you see what were they doing there anyway...that God
should walk to them ?
An so Adam and Eve were cast out of this "Communion " with God and they had met with
the "betrayer" and now the cloud of Gods anger led them into the miry clay
Lets pray
Lord God we commit all things to you and we commit this time to you and ask that
we would be directed by you and not wonder in our walk but in all our ways acknowledge
yuo, that YOU may direct our paths in Jesus precious name amen
Now lets turn to
2 Samuel 11:1:
1 Then it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle, that
David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel, and they destroyed the
sons of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. But David stayed at Jerusalem.
I wonder now why David sinned ? was this an open door in Davids heart that the enemy
saw ? O how David sinned as he looked upon Bathsheba and took that which did not
belong to Him, as He took from the tree and tasted of sin.
O how he sinned as he sent bathshebas husband to his death and knowingly took her
as his own
You know its not fair really when you are a Child of God is it ?
You see the Kings of the nations and the Kings of other lands around about David
could take any women they so pleased, the Kings of other nations could live as they
so pleased , or at least seem too and get away with it !
They could have men , women and babies put to death as they pleased and treat their
subjects as if they were little more than nothing
And yet David looks upon a women and takes her as his own and what happens ?
The first child dies as a consequence,!!
David in Psalm 38 is very ill, he is on his sick bed, his back aches, he can hardly
walk,he is full of grief, david has a raging fever,exhausted and completely crushed.
He says "Psalm 38 (New Living Translation)
1 O Lord, don’t rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your rage!
2 Your arrows have struck deep, and your blows are crushing me.
3 Because of your anger, my whole body is sick; my health is broken because of my
4 My guilt overwhelms me— it is a burden too heavy to bear.
5 My wounds fester and stink because of my foolish sins.
6 I am bent over and racked with pain. All day long I walk around filled with grief.
7 A raging fever burns within me,and my health is broken.
8 I am exhausted and completely crushed.My groans come from an anguished heart.
David felt Gods anger upon him and felt that his condition was of God
This does not mean that all sickness or illness is a result of sin , nor does it
mean that all sickness or illness is sent to discipline and make us turn
But lets turn now back too the root of this sin...lets go back to samuel,
as we read this scripture again and look to where the root of the happening might
have began !!
2 Samuel 11:1:
1 Then it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle, that
David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel, and they destroyed the
sons of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. But David stayed at Jerusalem.
AGAIN....at the time when kings go out to battle, BUT David stayed at Jerusalem.
We have to ask the question "was David where he was meant to be ? "
We looked briefly at the story of Adajm and Eve earlier and we wondered if they
were where they were meant to be ...did'nt we ?
I wonder if this was where the root of this problem arose ? was David at this
point in time really listening to God ? was he in (1)"communion" with God I wonder?
If he were then surely he would have been where God wanted Him to be and not looking
towards a certain female that led to this temptation ?
It seems there are times when we do not listen to God ? there may be times when we
are not walking with God, there may be times when it seems like God is a million
miles away , but then we find that we are a million miles away from God and God is
waiting for us to return, although He is always there with us, but our hearts may
drift away
It is very important to be where God wnats us to be...and once we are in "Communion "
with Him and sitting around His table enjoyting fellowship with Him we do not let our
hearts wonder away
Simply saying " I am going to do this or that ...so this or that must be what God
wants " is not enough
All of us know that we can wonder off, we all know that we have free will, we all
know that the Father will wait for us to return and the good shepherd will seek
and find us , and when He does he will lead us back, we all know that God will
sometimes wait for the prodigal to return and He will run to us on that "Day"
and welcome us back..
But lets go back briefly to David and being King...
I remember as a boy saying to my mother " They all do it mum, everyone else is
allowed too "
My mother would always reply, "they may be allowed to do that , BUT you are my son"
You know there were many Kings before and after David who did wrong in the eyes of
God and they came and went and they worshipped their gods and they lived their lifes
as they wanted, they seemed to get away with it as well and they seemed at times
to prosper
And here we have David, groaning in sickness and ill health and repenting before God
and asking God to turn from His anger .
I wonder if Adam and Eve repented ?
And so we have some things to ponder upon as we see that maybe Adam and Eve were
not in the place they should have been and we consider whether David was in the
place he should have been at that time
And so David seemed to be without Gods prescence like being cast out and he was in this
Miry clay of despair and it seemed as if a dark cloud of sin had blotted out the sun
Before we go on lets look at some scriptures concerning "Gods anger"
Psalm 7:11
New Living Translation
God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day.
Lets consider what the word "wicked" means ? and maybe wicked does not mean
just those who are locked away in some prison but in fact may be people you
meet everyday day or in fact those who are not walking in Gods ways or even
going against Gods will,
As in fact those who are demon possessed may not be those running around in graveyards
at night screaming and shouting but in fact may be people that you meeet everyday.
As in fact Some Christians who are oppressed by a spirit may be those you meet every
day who seem "quite normal "
I wonder why God is angry with the wicked ?
You see in Psalm 40 it mentions the heart...twice
Psalm 40:8 (New International Version)
8 I desire to do your will, O my God;
your law is within my heart."
Psalm 40:10 (King James Version)
10I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart;
And this takes us to 2 Corinhians 3:3
New Living Translation
Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you.
This "letter" is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living
God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts.
And so David waits patiently for the Lord to deliver him out of the miry clay, to
set his feet upon the rock who is Jesus
Proverbs 8:13 (New Living Translation)
13 All who fear the Lord will hate evil.Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance,
corruption and perverse speech.
Nahum 2-3 (New International Version)
2 The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD takes vengeance and is filled
with wrath.
The LORD takes vengeance on his foes and maintains his wrath against his enemies.
3 The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty
His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.
Do not forget that we were once enemies of God.....
Romans 1:18 (Amplified Bible)
18For God's [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all
ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder
the truth and make it inoperative.
Romans 2:11-12 (The Message)
9-11 If you go against the grain, you get splinters, regardless of which
neighborhood you're from, what your parents taught you, what schools you attended.
But if you embrace the way God does things, there are wonderful payoffs, again
without regard to where you are from or how you were brought up.
Being a Jew won't
give you an automatic stamp of approval. God pays no attention to what others say
(or what you think) about you. He makes up his own mind.
Psalm 90:7-11 (New King James Version)
7 For we have been consumed by Your anger,And by Your wrath we are terrified.
8 You have set our iniquities before You, Our secret sins in the light of Your
9 For all our days have passed away in Your wrath;We finish our years like a sigh.
10 The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are
eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off,
and we fly away.
11 Who knows the power of Your anger? For as the fear of You, so is Your wrath.
BUT we turn too
John 3:16-17 (New International Version)
16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save
the world through him.
Psalm 90:1-2 (New Living Translation)
A prayer of Moses, the man of God.
1 Lord, through all the generations you have been our home!
2 Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world,
from beginning to end, you are God
You see David desired in his heart to seek after God even at the point of his sickness
and his unhappiness , he desired to return to God and repented, he desired for that
cloud of sin to be lifted from him and to return to "communion " with God
He desired in his heart to be taken up from that miry clay and to be placed on that
Rock who is Christ and to be lifted up into heavenly places with Him in fellowship
Davids heart was a heart that sought after God and David waited patiently for the Lord,and when you become a Christian you know that it does'nt always happen over night ,and you may realise that the spiritual is far greater and bigger than the material world that we see, and although it all happens in the spiritual it may be some time before you see it in the material/physical world
And David was at the stage where He has to wait and wait and wait and finally in
Gods time David is restored
So many were wanting David to fall, so many were waiting for David to slip away,
Psalm 38:11
11 My lovers and my friends keep away from my disease; my relations keep far away.
12 Those who have a desire to take my life put nets for me; those who are designing
my destruction say evil things against me, all the day their minds are full of
Now we come to the Psalm 41 as we read....
Well we come to Psalm 41 and we read verses 1 - 8
And then suddenly the Holy Spirit takes over and David begins to speak about Jesus
sitting at the table sharing the bread and the wine , here in verse 9 we see Jesus
as David gives a prophetic utterance about Jesus which is one of many hundreds in
the Psalms
And we see a cross reference to Mark 14:18 and John 13:18
You see David waited patiently for the Lord, David was ill in bed, feeling empty,
he had been struck by a sickness, He was sad, alone and no one could save Him except
David was in the Miry Clay, he could'nt walk with God he was maybe out of
"communion " with God, he repented but had to wait,
and in due time God lifted him up,
the cloud of sin that had separated him from God was lifted and the sun once again
shone and he was able to hide in the shadow of His wing, he once again found the haven, the refuge, the shelter,that is on the Rock of ages,
Not just a shelter from harm against those who were against Him and God but a shelter
and haven in Jesus ,
NOW ,we come to Psalm 41 and we read verses 9
Where David begins to speak about Jesus
sitting at the table sharing the bread and the wine , here in verse 9 we see Jesus
as David gives a prophetic utterance about Jesus which is one of many hundreds in
the Psalms
And we see a cross reference to Mark 14:18 and John 13:18
Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread,has lifted up his heel
against me.
And so David here in the Psalms before Jesus ever sat at the table speaks of Jesus
Here we see Jesus sitting at the table and sharing the wine which was His blood and
the bread which was His body with His disciples at the table in perfect (1)"
But at this (1)"Communion " there was one who was a betrayer .....as in the garden
Even the disciples did not know who this might be and asked " Who Lord ...who will
betray you ?
John 13:18-30
"I am not referring to all of you; I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfill
the scripture: 'He who shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me.'
Jesus answered, "It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have
dipped it in the dish." Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas
Iscariot, son of Simon.
As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.
And you have to ask to question " where did the root of this come from ? "
You see Judas had walked with Jesus and the disciples, he had followed Jesus as his
Rabbi, he had walked behind Jesus , copying and walking in the dust of his Rabbi"
But there were times when Judas did not always stay in communion with Jesus, there
were times when he in fact had already began to be tempted and fell to temptation,
the table of communion with God has already been broken before Judas ever betrayed
Jesus with a kiss
And we ask the same question with Adam and Eve and we ask "were they where they
should have been ? why did God have to walk to them ? "
We have to ask the question also for David, "why was David not out in the spring
with his armies as Kings go to war ? what was he doing looking from his palace ?
was David where God wanted him ?"
And we look to Judas and we realise that Judas embezzled the money and funds of
Jesus and put his hands into the money that did not belong to him ...as David took
that which did not belong to him and as Adam and Eve took that which did not belong
to them
For Adam and Eve took the "Its my way " instead of " Its Gods Way"
And so we see that the root of this was started long before Judas sat at the table
with Jesus and he was not in "communion " with God and was not where he should have
been...even though he looked and appeared to all to be like any other on the outside
The cloud had covered him and the sun no longer shone and Judas was no longer under the
haven...the wing...the shelter...the refuge...the city...the protection of Jesus
that sheltered him from the anger of God or did Judas ever enter into Jesus ?
You see David spoke words of things that were to come in Psalm 41,
this is a word from God, this is the God whom was and is and is to come
This is David speaking of things to come, this is David speaking years in advance of
what was to happen.
This is God speaking from the past, the present and the future, this is the God of ages,
the great and mighty time traveller, who travels through time ...the TIME LORD
OF TIME LORDS and yet lives outside of time, the God that no one can fathom or
He is outside of scientific analysis and outside of human comprehension
Here we see Judas the betrayer, here we see the darkness uncovered, her we see Judas
brought to light, here we see a man that had put his hands into the funds of Jesus
You see time and time again Judas had been given the opportunity to repent
New International Version
Yet there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus had known from the beginning
which of them did not believe and who would betray him.
John 6:70 (New International Version)
70 Then Jesus replied, "Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a
John 6:71 (New International Version)
71 He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was
later to betray him.
I wonder if at times Judas was not in the place he was meant to be ?
I wonder if his heart layed in the wrong places ?
He was putting his hands into the money that was meant for the Lord of Lords and it
meant "consequences"
You see he was out of "Communion " with God, and he would be cast out
of Gods prescence and HE who shared in the "Communion " would in fact be
cast out of the "Garden "
You see we all have a place in the creation of God, we all have a place in the new
We all share in the inheritance of God, we are all "Saved " we are all " Adam and
Eves "
BUT the simnple fact remains within the heart of each and every person
Are we in the right place ? where is the root of our hearts?
Are we as adam and eve in the wrong place with God ?
Are we as David..................... in the wrong place ?
Are we sitting at the "Communion " table having embezzled the funds that were meant
for Jesus ?
Are we listening to the wrong voice ?
Or are we as David ?
Seeking after Gods heart? you see Paul, found the answer, in whatever circumstance
in whatver situation, in whatever trial or tribulation.
Even when in prison Paul praised God
You see God hates sin but not the sinner, in fact God loves the sinner and gave his
Life for the sinner,
And lifts us up, the sinner from the dirt and miry clay and sets His or Her feet upon
a Rock' that is Christ, and gives then a haven, a refuge , a fortress, a sanctuary,
a refuge. when God looks at a person in Christ , he see's His Son Jesus
and all the anger of God was placed upon Jesus on the Cross
All the judgement and anger of God was put upon Jesus
You see its not about us but about what Jesus has done
When God looks upon a person in Christ he see's not a sinner but a new creation.
When God looks upon a person in Christ He see's not a fallen Adam and Eve or a
forgotten David or a sinner but He see's Jesus
The person who repents and turns to God is lifted up from the Miry Clay and seated
in heavenly places with Christ as an heir and adopted child
They who walked in the darkness of the cloud of sin see a great light and that light
shines through the cloud and the cloud is lifted so that the sin is no more
They are raised up and God puts a new song in their hearts , a song of praise to our
God, so that like David they can praise the living God
The cloud of sin is lifted, the banned person is freed, the dead person is alive
the person who was in the wrong place and once an enemy of God and under Gods anger
and the "Judges Gavel" can be hidden in Christ and seated with Christ, under his wing
and in His haven and sanctuary and City, refuge and shelter
The wrath of God went upon Jesus on the Cross instead of us
Its not about what you can do to save yourself
but it is all about what He can do, its no longer David in the sick bed , but its
about David restored, its no longer about Adam and Eve cast out its about
Adam and Eve being back in communion with God
Its no longer about sin but about repentance and forgivensss.
We are being made more like Jesus every day as Christians...
Lets look briefly at 2 Kings 4:8-37 (New International Version)
And verse 34 Then he got on the bed and lay upon the boy, mouth to mouth, eyes to
eyes, hands to hands. As he stretched himself out upon him, the boy's body grew warm.
You see God brought somone back to life using Elisha, mouth to mouth,eye to eye,
hands to hands,!!
Jesus can bring you back to life....mouth to mouth,eye to eye,
hands to hands,!!
You can be a reflection of Him as you gaze into His eyes and speak His words and
are used by Him, He can bring the dead who are under Gods wrath to life
You can be His mouth piece, His hands, His eyes.....
He lifts us up from the pit as He did Jesus and sets our feet in high places with
For the world is set to decay and mortal death but in Jesus God see's His son
All the anger and wrath of God was poured upon Jesus and it was finsihed
the "Judges Gavel" has come down and we are declared " INNOCENT "
This does not mean that we can do as we wish as we see with Daivid, but it means
that we can be restored and be in communion with God and go on being saved
Repentance is not just about words, repentance is a visible thing, it means that
when a person "Repents" there is a change of direction in that persons life.
The "wrong " or "sin " is revealed and the person repents before God and there is
a change in that person and the person no longer walks in that way,
Maybe you cannot repent? then ask God to give you the desire to repent and maybe
you feel that it would be impossible for you to change ? then repent anyway and
ask God to give you the strength because HE CAN DO IT
This is an ongoing salvation of God
You see we who were aliens and strangers to God have been restored
WE whom were under the cloud of anger and judgemnent have been released by the
"Judges Gavel" and been announced " Free "
we who walked in sin and have been under Gods anger have been released and set free
from judgemnt and the anger of God , and we hide under the shadow of His wing and
we shelter in Him who died on the Cross
Who is our rock and fortress and our haven and when god looks at us He see's Jesus
Jesus is our haven and fortress and shelter and the wrath of God is not upon us
And we are lifted up from the Miry clay, and we are lifted up from our sin and death
and we are alive in Christ and death has no hold on us
we are seated in heavenly places with Him and the cloud of sin is removed
Are you in "Communion " ?
Or are you cast out ?
Its all to do with you heart
Am I in the right place with God ?
Or am I under His anger ?
He can pull me out of that Miry world and set my feet upon a Rock when I have been
in the wrong place, and when He see's me returning He runs to me on that day
He can pull you out of that Miry World and make you into a son or daughter making you
rise up on eagles wings and seating you in Him that you would be in that haven and
sanctuary of His protection,
that you would no longer be under Gods anger and but be
saved by grace and know His loving protection as you walk in the fear of Him who
delivers you from the fear that is not of Him
Speak to the Judge now and He will listen and say "NOT GUILTY"
Lord God , great Judge and ruler of all , release me and set me free,forgive me...
I repent and turn to you, fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me a heart that
deires you
Lord Judge and haven and sanctuary, let me hide in you and know the freedom that you
give, I give my life to you now in Jesus name Amen