Revelation 3: Philadelphia & Laodicea
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Ancient Philadelphia is marked by the Modern City of Alasehir, Turkey today.
Unfortunately, the excavation of the ancient city is inhibited due to the modern city literally being built on top of it.
The ancient city of Philadelphia was one of culture and language but was destroyed by an earthquake in AD 17.
Something to understand about the Greek / Hellenistic people is that they really held their language and culture to be superior to all others.
Hellenist - a person who is greek in language, outlook, and way of life but not in ancestry.
Romans 1:14 - I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish.
Paul is not championing the idea of Greek or Hellenistic superiority, however he is most definitely aware of the mindset.
And his point is that since he surrendered his life to Christ on the road to Damascus in Acts 9, his whole life has been consumed with spreading the Gospel “Good News” of salvation with the entire world.
Like Paul, because our identity is found in Christ, we become ambassadors for Christ. And if not ambassadors for Christ, then our identity is not found in Him. You cannot have one without the other.
If you do not have something within you that draws you to draw others to Jesus, then you are in desperate need of evaluating your salvation.
As believers, God obligates us to proclaim the message of salvation to all people, both jew and gentile, across all cultural, social, ethnic and economic lines.
We cannot repay what Christ has done for us, but true believers live out their gratitude by showing and sharing the love of Christ with others.
Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Verses 7-9
Philadelphia was kind of out by itself stationed in-between Sardis and Laodicea. It was was approximately 30 miles SE of Sardis and 40 miles NW of Laodicea, the gateway to the dry desert of Asia Minor. (modern day Turkey)
And the Lord makes three affirmations about Himself:
He is Holy - a distinction from all created things
He is True - as opposed to human character
He retains the “Key of David” (Is. 22:20-23)
Shebna had been dismissed as King Hezekiah’s Steward and replaced with Eliakim who is said in Isaiah 22:22 to “possess the “Key of David .”
Note: That the Royal Steward had the authority to make binding decisions in the interest of the King. “None can shut the doors that HE opens, and none can open the doors that HE shuts.” (Is. 22:22; Rev.3:7-8)
In the same way that access to the King was made possible only through the King’s Steward, John reiterates the message that “access to God is through Jesus alone.” HE holds the Key.
And HE had big plans for the Church at Philadelphia. You see the City of Philadelphia was born out of Pergamum to be a “missionary city” for the export of Greek and Hellenistic culture eastward to Phrygia (a Kingdom of Nomads) and beyond but Jesus had other plans.
Philadelphia was going to be a “missionary city” alright. Because God was going to use their “little obedient, poverty ridden church” to spread the gospel throughout the world.
Three Options of Verse 10: “Keep you from hour of trial”
Basis of Belief for Pre-tribulation Rapture
Believers will go through Tribulation, with God sustaining them
God sustaining his people throughout History
***Whatever the option you choose…Our emphasis as followers of Christ should be on obeying God no matter what we face.***
As followers of Christ, we possess different gifts, abilities, experiences and maturity. God doesn't expect us all to be the same , but he does expect us to “hold fast ” to the gospel and to persevere by using our resources for him.
The Philadelphians were commended for their effort to obey and to hold tight to the portion of strength that they had.
Revelation 3:8 “I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.”
Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22)
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Laodicea was the wealthiest of all 7 Cities due to:
The city was a Financial Epicenter
The Manufacturing of Wool Clothing
The Production of Eye salve/drops
The only problem the city had was substantial because it was a problem with their water
Their answer was to aqueduct water from nearby Hierpolis and Colossea who were know for their hot and cold springs
The issue was that by the time the water made it’s several mile long aqueduct trip through the desert, the hot and cold water had become lukewarm
Is lukewarm water good for anything?
The answer is no . And this is the message that the Lord reserved for the Laodicean Church. They had become as bland and useless as the water they drank.
In verses 15-16, the words the Lord use to describe the Laodiceans illustrate that they had become repugnant to the Lord.
The Laodiceans had quit taking a stand for anything and their indifference had led to idleness and apathy , they had become hardened toward the Lord and self-satisfied , the church was destroying itself.
There is nothing more disgusting to the Lord than a half-hearted, self sufficient, in-name-only Christian.
Have you or are you settling for mediocrity ? How long has it been since you felt God “Move ” in your life.
We must allow God to fire up our faith and “ Move ” us into action.
Verse 17 - We sometimes assume that material possessions are a sign of God’s blessing or stamp of approval on our lives. But they are not .
****Satan will give you the World to keep you from the Kingdom !!!
The Church at Laodicea had replaced eternal things with what they could buy, with luxury and comfort …The question is “Have you ?”…