Christ: The Hope of the World and God's Promise Fulfilled in Jesus

He Shall Be Called  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Jesus’s role as the Saviour of the world comes from a longstanding hope that Israel had about the way God would restore the world to its proper intent and place.


Introduction (5m)

Do you know what your name means?

Sheets: Robert, Gail, Sarah, Simon, Taryn, David, Peter

In order to understand who the baby in the Manger is, we need to understand his names

Last few weeks: Isaiah 9: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

Now NT: Gabriel visits Mary to foretell the baby’s birth

Commands her to call him Jesus, and explains he will be the child prophesied by Isaiah: Messiah, the Christ

Explanation (5m)

You will name him Jesus

Luke 1:31 NLT
You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.

Jesus = Saviour

Common name. Greek form of Hebrew Joshua. Yahweh saves.
Emphasises the humanness of the baby.
But just as Joshua had led Israel into Promised Land. Jesus would lead his people into eternal life.
Made clear this baby was sent to earth for a particular purpose.
In this name people would be healed, demons would be banished, spiritual enemies defeated, sins forgiven.
One day:
Philippians 2:9–10 NLT
Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High

Luke 1:32–33 NLT
He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!”

Now the staggering news: He will be the Son of God, and echoing the propechy of Isaiah, the long-awaited Messiah, the Christ

He would be a King, inheriting David’s throne, reigning over God’s people and the world forever.
Explosive - a huge theological claim - Jesus is identified with God in a unique way. And huge political claim - he would challenge all human empires and be the true ruler of the world.
He will destroy Satan and save the world from sin.
Bring good news to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to those in chains, recover the sight of the blind, to free those oppressed, proclaim the year of the Lord.

Application (5m)

We need a Saviour

Anything short of that is not enough.
One day a Hindu philosopher visited a women’s school of village evangelism and asked if he might lecture [the] women on Hinduism. [He was] granted permission, and returned with two others. All sat on mats round [the] floor, and [the] Hindu pundit gave [an] interesting talk on God, ending with a transcendent Being so far away and unapproachable, and man in the depths of such abysmal ignorance and degradation, that they were left gasping for breath. When he suddenly stopped, the women cried out, ‘But go on, go on, you can’t stop there.’ ‘Our religion stops there,’ he replied.
How terrible if the worst of the world and the worst of humanity is all there is, and nothing can be done about it.
We need a Saviour to save us from ourselves.

We need to accept our Saviour and abide in Christ

To live in, to continue in, to remain in, to make our home in Christ.
Need to be in a close, intimate relationship. Not just know who is and what his names mean.
Must be united to him, like branches to a vine.

So, how can we abide in Christ

Perhaps the best way is to follow Mary’s example in this passage:

Be humble and poor in spirit

Not self-sufficient. She was open-hearted to God and his purpose for her.

Take time to be reflective and meditate on the Word and work of God

She was not superficial. She was deep and pondered the things of God in her heart.

She believed God had the power to achieve his purposes

Whilst she asked Gabriel how she could give birth to Jesus as a virgin, she accepted the explanation with grace and without further question.

Perhaps most importantly, she gave herself in full and wholehearted submission to God

Luke 1:38 NLT
Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.
Mary’s heart is our model for discipleship.
This Christmas take time to revel in the names of Jesus, and pray with me:
Oh, help me see Thee and adore
This little child, my God and Lord.

Next Steps

A Cradle Carol

Video: A Cradle Carol | 4:00
Lord Jesus, Savior, infant weak,
Why come to earth as one so meek?
A newborn babe, helpless and small;
And yet Creator of us all.
Thou hast no beauty, form, nor grace;
No fortune, rank, no fame, no place
That men should see Thee and adore
A babe so humble and so poor.
But to the soul whose eyes are healed,
To whom the Truth has been revealed,
Thy glory challenges the sun;
Thou art a thousand joys in One.
Though strangers see a babe in straw,
Thy children see the Lord of all
Who laid aside His rightful reign
To take away our sin and shame.
This sacrifice of love divine,
This condescension to mankind
With beauty robes Thy lowly frame,
And sanctifies Thy simple name.
O aid my worship, Mighty King,
That I might with the angels sing,
“Glory to God on high!”
Now crowned again beyond the sky!
Oh, help me see Thee and adore
This little child, my God and Lord.
Lyrics by Rebekah Pringle
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