Stephen’s death
The Gospel with the Fathers • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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After the birth of Jesus we remember that first martyr Stephen
Christ came down to offer the pardon of God to whole human kind, and this should be the first fruit of Christmas, after the forgiveness of God, we have to forgive those who trespass against us, as Stephen did, he died forgiving a murderer, and with his physical death won the resurrection of Paul's soul.
When we renounce the deathly hate, we give life to our transgressors, when we close our hearts to forgive: we close our selves the gates of heaven.
This is could be our first proposal: to forgive, because God has forgiven me…
But let's continue in the Gospel of today.
Jesus predicts that his followers will be hated and brought in front of governors, as he did in front of Pontius Pilate.
And also predict the he will inspire the words, as he did, and as many martyrs like Saint Joan of Arc: Do you know whether or not you are in God's grace? “If I am not, may God place me there; If I am, may God so keep me. I should be the saddest in all the world if I knew that I were not in the grace of God."
Likewise, he foretold us that strong opposition to following Jesus will come for our relatives, like in his life his relatives want to take him, because they believe that he had got crazy.
But the promises are to whom endures, to the end…
The reward is not promised to those who start, but those who finished, many followed Jesus but a few remained at the foot of the cross, only the mother and his disciples, they endure because they love so much, only the love can overcome fear.
And the love is the key of perseverance, grow in love through prayer, through meditation, thought sacraments, and you will stay until the end… Only a big fire can keep us warm in the winter, the small fire will be quenched with a little wind.
Do not be afraid Jesus promised persecution and suffering, but at the same time all he helps you need to overcome those trials. But remember you get this trough pray, if you pray, God fight with you, if you do not pray the you fight against God.