Freedom and Fear
Freedom and Fear
Psalm 34
“When David Changed” (1 Samuel
• David’s Charmed Life: anointed to be king (1
Samuel 16:13); slew Goliath (1 Samuel 17);
victory everywhere (1 Samuel 18:5); married the
girl of his dreams (1 Samuel 18:20-27).
• A Soured Relationship: see 1 Samuel 19:1-17
• David Flees to Gath: Achish, King of Gath,
Goliath’s hometown; David shows up there
carrying Goliath’s sword (1 Samuel 21:9)
• David’s Great Fear: “He intensely feared Achish,
the king of Gath”
• Acrostic – every verse begins with the next letter
of the Hebrew alphabet (in English we might say,
Fearing God from A to Z).
• Because of this alphabetic structure, find
emphasis in the repetition:
1. Fear of God – Commanded
2. Fear of God – Coaxed
3. Fear of God – Commended
Fear of God – Commanded
• Call to Worship (v. 1-3) – be glad (rejoice),
magnify (cause to grow), exalt (raise high)
• Fear the LORD (v. 9) – addressed to those whom
God has already set apart
• Victory in Fear (v. 13-14) – David gives the secret
to overcoming previously unconquerable sins.
Fear of God – Coaxed
• Taste and See (v. 8): see the word “behavior” in
the title (and in 1 Samuel 21:13); David invites
you to put God to the test.
• Come and Listen (v. 11): by taking the metaphor
of a group of children sitting around a teacher, he
playfully hints that we all have much to learn in
this regard.
• Long Life and Many Days (v. 12): David asks a
rhetorical question, as in, “Who doesn’t love long
life, many days, and good things?”
Fear of God – Commended
• David’s Experience Commends the Fear of God
1. David sought; God delivered from all his fears (v. 4)
2. “This poor man” called; God mightily delivered (v. 5)
• God’s Commitments Commend the Fear of God
1. God delivers those who fear Him (v. 7, 17, 18)
2. God is attentive to those who fear Him (v. 15, 17)
3. God provides for those who fear Him (v. 5, 9-10)
4. God opposes the wicked on behalf of those fear Him
(v. 16)
5. God offers proof of His protection (v. 20)
• If you find yourself battling the fear of man, don’t
look backward, inward, or forward. Look to the
LORD (Psalm 34:8).
• We look to the LORD by looking into His word
(see Isaiah 66:2)