1. What is the Bible?
The Bible is simultaneously the most loved and most hated book of all time. I have been captivated by this book…
What do you think the Bible is?
A book of ancient history?
A collection of the theological musings and philosophical speculations of ancient pre-scientific people?
An anthology of morality stories?
A product of the culture in which it was written?
Here are a few facts about the Bible.
The Bible was written by more than 40 human authors in three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek) over a period of 1,400 years.
We have about 5,800 ancient Greek manuscripts of the NT. The oldest copies that still exist date to within 100 years of Jesus’s life.
We have only seven copies of Plato’s writings about Socrates, and the oldest one was made 1,200 years after Plato’s death.
We have only five copies of Aristotle’s book Poetics, and the oldest copy was made 1,400 after Aristotle’s death.
There are only five known copies of the Gettysburg Address that still exist today, 160 years after Abraham Lincoln gave that famous speech.
As Christians, we believe the Bible is God’s Word, God’s story, and God’s instrument. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we recognize the Scriptures are God-breathed, the revelation of God, and the medium through which God changes lives.
We believe the Bible is God’s Word. We recognize the Scriptures are God-breathed (2 Tim 3:16-17).
It’s inspired by the Holy Spirit. This doesn’t mean the human authors went into a trance, woke up, and were surprised to see what they’d written.
It’s not just true—it is truth.
What is truth? Truth is that which corresponds to reality. Any other definition of truth is by its own admission not real.
The Bible is the source of truth that answers the big questions of life.
What is real? What is good? What is beautiful?
Where did everything come from?
What does it mean to be human?
What is the meaning of life? And what is our responsibility?
What’s gone wrong in the world? And can it be fixed?
What is our destiny? What happens after death? Is there any hope for the world?
It’s the highest authority by which we live. Submit to it and find freedom… Like when my kids listen and obey… Who are you are is defined by God, not you…
We believe the Bible is God’s story. We recognize that the Scriptures are the revelation of God.
The Bible is not…
An ancient form of Google
A history textbook or an encyclopedia
A blueprint for your life
The Bible is a story—the story of God and the world he created.
It’s an artistic literary masterpiece. It contains narrative, poetry, laws, proverbs, genealogies, historical accounts, philosophy, prophecy, humor, romance, suspense, drama, action, battles, intrigue, and apocalypse (the ancient form of Sci-Fi).
It’s not just a true story or based on a true story. It is the true story—the truest story ever told.
Read the Bible like you read a story. Don’t treat it like a Google search, an encyclopedia, or a textbook. Read like a story because that’s what it is: God’s story.
We believe the Bible is God’s instrument. We recognize the Scriptures are the medium through which God changes lives.
Look at Ps 19:7-11.
It revives the soul (v. 7). It restores life, vitality, and hope.
It makes the simple wise (v. 7). Wisdom = skill at life.
It brings rejoicing to the heart (v. 8). It is the foundation of your joy even in season of suffering and loss.
It enlightens the eyes (v. 8). It gives you the ability to see what is true, good, and right.
It endures forever (v. 9). God’s Word never fails. And his Word leads you into a right relationship with him, which brings you eternal life.
It is altogether righteous (v. 9). It is the source and foundation of justice.
It both warns and rewards the servant of God (v. 11).
My grandpa used to say, “This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book.”
As Christians, we believe the Bible is God’s Word, God’s story, and God’s instrument to change lives.
How to Engage the Bible
How to Engage the Bible
Read it to know God and be with him.
We aspire to grow in wisdom and understanding. We are a learning people, seeking not just a deeper knowledge but a deeper relationship with Christ. We cannot grow closer to God without learning more about him. We believe that God has revealed himself through his Word and that we can come to know him better through studying it, both personally and together with other believers.
Use a Bible reading plan.
“Bible before phone.”
Think of it as a vitamin rather than a medicine.
Read it TOGETHER (LV Sessions).