I Think I’ll Change My Mind Preached 11:00...
I Think I’ll Change My Mind! Romans 12:1-3
Preached @11:00 am February 1, 2009 SMZ and
February 15, 2009 Morning Star, Montross, VA
Main Idea: Restructure in the church begins with change in the individual.
I.Introduction – The Call to Change
A.Change is coming is what we’ve heard
1.Obama started it
2.McCain tried to steal
3.January 20th brought it.
B.The promise to change every New Year
C.True change can only take place in the proper place.
II.Body – Change in the church begins with you.
A.Paul writes the church of Rome
1.Need to be a Christian is Condemnation.
2.Gift = Justification/
3.Progress = Sanctification/
4.Work = Application/
5.Final Results = Glorification
B.Physical Dedication
1.Be in the House – brings the body
2.Be set apart (Holy)
i.This well pleasing to God
(Worship) loves the frozen chosen, enjoys raging praises
3.Logical response to His goodness
C.Mental Transformation.
1.Don’t be conformed – schema/fashion
i.Be loosed from the ways of world
2.Do be transformed – metamorphosis
i.Caterpillar to butterfly
ii. Change your thinking
D.Spiritual Revelation
1.Understanding what the will of God is.
III. Conclusion – The Example of Jesus who changed the world.
A.Committed to the mission
i.Gave His body
ii.Gave His mind