Chrismas night
Weekdays Homily • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Do not let your Christmas be stolen
Today the day of our salvation, many people are collecting thigs to celebrate this day, it seems like this day is the day of shopping; we have to buy something to have a good Christmas.
1. Jesus is the cause of our joy.
And also, many people feel sad int those days, because they do not have new things, or maybe because they will be alone, but those things happened because miss lead the meaning of this day.
Is no the day of have toys, food or clothes or be together, is the day of stay with the baby God, the son of God that is about to born today.
If we forget this truth, we are no celebrating the Christmas we are using the birth of Jesus as an excuse for our celebration.
The Angel declares unto Mare rejoice, because you will conceive a child this is the reason why we are happy, because God has had mercy and has given on to us a child to pay for our transgressions.
He is approaching, who casts all our sins to the bottom of the sea, cures all disease. He carries us on his very shoulders to restore us to our dignity. Saint Bernard
2. Do not let the Evil stool this true
In my country there is a traditional drama, the Angel announce and they have to go and adore Jesus, but trough the road the evil put many tricks.
Is doing the same thing to destroy in your heart this meaning, inventing that today is the day of Papa Noe, that is the day of stay together and drink, and given each of you gifts.
But not, we have to affirm is the day of the born of the son of God, and we have to adore him.
If this Christmas you got drunk, the evil win in you, he convinces you to offend Jesus in his birthday.
3. Give space in your heart for Jesus.
When Mother Mary and Joseph were to beg a room to have the baby they say do not have space. Give a space in your home today for Jesus, make a prayer together give thanks for his coming, but most important come today and visit Jesus for a moment this night at the temple.
The baby Jesus is here, maybe this night many houses will be full of lights and music, but Jesus will be alone, here and I will ask why? Jesus will answer there were no space him his heart, they were busy drinking, but they left me alone here in the tabernacle
Como this night makes a visit or sing the happy birthday because a baby has been given for you that you also became a son of God.
Jesus, I do not have gold or incense, only my heart full sorrow cleans it.