The Command to Walk in Truth and Love

New Year Challenge - stand alone  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Believers are to live with discernment and love


Open: Last week we celebrated the birth of Christ. We have observed the Messiah’s First Advent, and I hope and pray it was a joyous time for your family. This morning we observe the final day of 2023 and find ourselves on the Eve of a New Year. A new year is like a blank page, and it can be both exciting and scary as we look ahead. What will the New Year hold for us?

Transition: We live in confusing times. We are constantly being presented with news stories and situations that challenge our beliefs. Is this true? is it fake? How am I supposed to respond to this group of people?

We cannot know all (or even most) of the events that will take place in 2024. We do, however, have the solid assurance that Christ is the Solid Rock and we can trust on His unchanging nature. He has given us His Spirit and His Word to guide us in each and every year. This morning we are going to look at a few navigational markers that will guide us as we seek to honor Christ.
READ the Text: 2 John 1-6

Honor God in 2024 by placing a premium on Truth

Explanation: The Apostle John is encouraging fellow believers with a letter that challenges them to live out their faith in the public sphere. John is expressing his love for this Church (or actual lady) in the truth and the declares that these people are also loved by all that have known the truth. He then states that this same truth abides IN us and will be with us forever. John is telling us that truth as a category is a BIG deal - very important!
Definition: We use the word truth in everyday language, but we may struggle a bit to actually define what the word truth actually means. In essence, truth is that which corresponds to reality.
Illustrate: step on a set of scales. That number you see is the truth, whether you want to believe it or not!
Argument: Truth is absolute and universal. Most of our schools are indoctrinating students to accept the concept of “relative truth,” a shift to the emotional instead of the logical. More importance is placed on feelings rather than the actual truth of the situation.
John, along with the other writers of Holy Scripture, was guided by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to place an emphasis on truth. He is writing to express approval to this group of believers who are “walking in truth” (v. 4). These believers have allowed God to impact their daily lives in such a way as their lifestyle choices can be described as living in a way that reflects reality.
The reality in view here is that Jesus Christ is Lord and the life choices are being made to honor this reality, This is not a random outcome - it is the result of being saturated in the teachings of Jesus and making willful choices to honor and follow the Master in daily decisions.
Application: It IS possible for you to pursue truth in this new year and to honor God with your lives. Embrace the timeless truths of God’s word through Bible intake. God has given us His Word, but we have to spend time in mining and exploring the Truth He has given us.
You and I will most likely never know the truth about specific current events: the origin of Covid, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the legitimacy of indictments against Trump, the altering of pictures through AI, just to name a few. We can, however, know the Timeless Truths of God’s Word. We CAN live out His Truth in the public arena. Are YOU willing to KNOW His Truth in a deeper and more fulfilling manner in the New Year?

Honor God in 2024 by expressing unconditional love to others

Explanation: John not only emphasizes the importance of truth, he also discusses the importance of love. He states that he loves them in the truth (v. 1); he extends the grace, mercy, and peace of God to them in truth AND love (v.3); he reminds them to love one another (v. 5) and then explains how we are to love (v.6). In each of these four uses, the Greek word agape is used, which describes love that is unconditional.
John then ties this agape love with the exhortation to obey God’s command to live in a way that displays this type of love. John is urging (beseeching) these disciples to follow God’s commandment in this area. Note the language of commandment is used (4 times in three verses) - this is NOT a suggestion!
Argument: It is possible for those of us who are IN Christ to love others with this type of love. It may not always be easy, but it is possible. This is the how we demonstrate the reality and superiority of Christianity to an unbelieving world (cf. John 13:35)
It is also crucial that we are aware of the connection between truth and love as we relate to others. If our love is not based on truth, it simply becomes a sentimental and squishy kind of love.
Example: Recognizing a trans-gender person by his or her “preferred pronouns” is not authentic love. Doing so just affirms the person in their delusion, and it also removes the element of repentance from the Gospel. This is NOT genuine love that has the best interest of the other person.
Application: Realize that agape love is a choice, not a feeling. Those of us who are IN Christ have been empowered to love others in an authentic manner. You CAN love that person(s) in your life!
Understand the connection between truth and love - they go together. Believers are commanded to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). Doing so is pleasing to God (3 John 4), and helpful to others!
Conclusion: We close today’s service by observing the Lord’s Table. The Table demonstrates the fulfillment of the One who walked in Truth and Love. Jesus loved unconditionally and He always expressed the Truth, even when it was not popular or received by others.
Honor God in 2024 by following His commands to walk in Truth and Love
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