The Year Of The Lamb

New Years Eve  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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A new year is a new you

This morning our Pastor reminded us to make “Time with God” your number one priority for 2024
That is priceless advice!
Whatever plan you, have keep God is your plans...
People make Resolutions for the New Year
?Which do you think is the most common resolution” Lose Weight
Improve Finances
New Trend “Improve Mental Health” after everything that has been happening In the world… people want mental health, sanity
people want to feel free from opression, vices
People are salves to this world....
Free from the Slavery of sin.
The effects of sin
Self condemnation
You can be free to live out.... all that God has set for you to be and do.

Leave behind all your burdens.

Baggage that you carry every year.
How Much longer, how many more years will you carry this baggage into the next year?
Stop, Don’t cart it over, Leave it behind.
Dont be a salve to all the things you carry....
Matthew 11:28–30 RVR95BTO
28 Venid a mí todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y yo os haré descansar. 29 Llevad mi yugo sobre vosotros y aprended de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón, y hallaréis descanso para vuestras almas, 30 porque mi yugo es fácil y ligera mi carga».
Psalm 55:22 RVR95BTO
22 Echa sobre Jehová tu carga y él te sostendrá; no dejará para siempre caído al justo.


Time continues waits for nobody
We can all use a New Beginning
Exodus 12:1–2 RVR95BTO
1 Habló Jehová a Moisés y a Aarón en la tierra de Egipto, y les dijo: 2 «Este mes será para vosotros el principal entre los meses; os será el primero de los meses del año.

Jewish New Year after Passover…

a new season
Jewish New Year
God sent them a liberator.... Moses
a new life of freedom
no longer enslaved by the power of an empire.
430 years of enslavement
will end with the death of the first born of Egypt
They are to take a lamb according to the size of the family to kill it and eat it… they can join with their neighbor if its too much...
John 6:53–58 RVR95BTO
53 Jesús les dijo: —De cierto, de cierto os digo: Si no coméis la carne del Hijo del hombre y bebéis su sangre, no tenéis vida en vosotros. 54 El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre tiene vida eterna, y yo lo resucitaré en el día final, 55 porque mi carne es verdadera comida y mi sangre es verdadera bebida. 56 El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre permanece en mí y yo en él. 57 Así como me envió el Padre viviente y yo vivo por el Padre, también el que me come vivirá por mí. 58 Este es el pan que descendió del cielo; no como vuestros padres, que comieron el maná y murieron; el que come este pan vivirá eternamente.

Preparation for the major event

in the life of the nation of Israel,
An event that is still commemorated annually.
1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, 2 “This month
“This Month” an ordinance to the Jews…
Requires a response of obedience
• What if Moses would not have obeyed?….
They would still be in captivity
• Pharoh could have taken vengeance on Israel for all the plagues…
• They had to Obey and do as God told them….
If we allow time to pass without a response, the urgency of the challenge dwindles, and we can be guilty simply of neglecting to respond.
Not rejecting, simply neglecting!
This is something we cannot pass-on to others, but we need to do this for ourselves. It has
“It is a new Year for You”
This month is to be for you the first month, ‘For you’.
A personal relationship with the Lord “for you”
The Lord has us in mind constantly is incredible.
A new beginning was that the Lord had something new for the nation
• they were about to be set free from bondage,
• and commence the journey to the promised land!
The Lord cares for the individual! See what David says;
Psalm 40:17 RVR95BTO
17 Aunque yo esté afligido y necesitado, Jehová pensará en mí. Mi ayuda y mi libertador eres tú. ¡Dios mío, no te tardes!
Let me stress the need for a personal response to the challenge of the Lord. Joshuas Response.... He said to the people,
Joshua 24:15 RVR95BTO
15 Si mal os parece servir a Jehová, escogeos hoy a quién sirváis; si a los dioses a quienes sirvieron vuestros padres cuando estuvieron al otro lado del río, o a los dioses de los amorreos en cuya tierra habitáis; pero yo y mi casa serviremos a Jehová.
as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD
Has the Lord something special in store for you?
Is it possible that ‘This month is to be for you the first month’?
It was to be the first month of your year. (the beginning of months [Holman] )
BEGINNING: be-gin’-ing (re’-shith; arche):
The word is a reference to time. . . .
Their calendar was changed as a result of this happening!
( they had an Egyptian calendar before, marked by the seasons, the harvest, the stars, the Egyptians had a 365 day Year)
God is giving them a New Year.... A New Hope… A New Life
They were about to be set free from slavery –
the promise made to their fore-father Abraham was to see fulfilment at last.
There are times in every Christian’s life when they have to face this sort of decision.
Do I stay as I am? Or do I listen to what the Lord is saying, and move on?
These times can be land-mark times in our lives.
Perhaps a mention here that a beginning is just that – it is a beginning, there is more to follow!

This New Year Requires A Lamb

They were to take a lamb, a spotless lamb, and that lamb would die for them.
Exodus 12:5–6 RVR95BTO
5 El animal será sin defecto, macho de un año; lo tomaréis de las ovejas o de las cabras. 6 Lo guardaréis hasta el día catorce de este mes, y lo inmolará toda la congregación del pueblo de Israel entre las dos tardes.


– Your Freedom, Liberation , Your New Year Start With The Lamb
They had to slaughter the Lamb....
The Lamb had to die so that they can be made Free!
To Start a New Year… a New Better Life…
The Lamb Must die for You!
You must accept the sacrifice of the Lamb
The Way Of The Lamb
?Do you want to experience deliverance?
?Do you want to experience Blessing?
?Do you want a Better Year?
Even though we are saved
We may be neglecting Him in our daily lives
If we go the way of the lamb then we must be determined to Follow Jesus
5. The Blood of The Lamb
Exodus 12:7–8 RVR95BTO
7 Tomarán de la sangre y la pondrán en los dos postes y en el dintel de las casas en que lo han de comer. 8 Esa noche comerán la carne asada al fuego y panes sin levadura; con hierbas amargas lo comerán.
Their deliverance came by way of the blood of the lamb!
The blood was placed on the door posts and lintel.
They had worked hard for years, but were still in bondage.
The Blood made them free…
death passed over....They needed to Obey
They would have died...
They are free from death
The blood of the lamb saves us from death....
The blood of the Lamb gives us life everlasting with Christ
Through His blood we are saved
We have a victorious year
We reach the goals that God has for us
We can be better do better
Because of the Blood we have a New Year!!!!!
Ephesians 1:7 RVR95BTO
7 En él tenemos redención por su sangre, el perdón de pecados según las riquezas de su gracia,
6. A PREPARED "Eat with Haste” Deliverance is coming!
Exodus 12:11 RVR95BTO
11 Lo habéis de comer así: ceñidos con un cinto, con vuestros pies calzados y con el bastón en la mano; y lo comeréis apresuradamente. Es la Pascua de Jehová.
• They needed to believe!
• Actions confirming words.
• They had to Believe that Deliverance was coming.
The return of our Lord Jesus Christ! If we do believe this,
• we should be ‘as fully prepared for a journey’.
• How real is the expectation within us?
• Are we packed and ready to go at a moments notice?
A new beginning - get ready
Do you feel the urgency
let us be willing to ‘get packed’ ready!
• The Lord brought about their deliverance,
• but they had to prepare themselves for the journey.
Leave behind what Binds you
Get ready.... Leave behind the sin that wont let you take the journey
Exodus 12:14–17 (RVR95BTO)
14 Este día os será memorable, y lo celebraréis como fiesta solemne para Jehová durante vuestras generaciones; por estatuto perpetuo lo celebraréis.
7. Our Holy Communion is a Reminder that
The Lamb gave them their freedom
Jesus nos instituyo la Santa Cena durante la celebracion de la pasqua. Dejandonos saber que
El es el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo....
El es el cordero inmolado por nuestros pecados...
Jesus is the Lamb of God
Jesus is our Passover
Jesus is our New Year!!!!
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