The Incomparable Body of Christ
The Incomparable Body of Christ
Colossians 2:16-19
I. Warnings regarding strict adherence to holy days & religious practices. (Col.2:16)
A. Laws regarding food were enforced under the Mosaic system, but not under grace. (Romans14:1-8)
B. Understanding of this principal frees the mind from the abusive judgment of others’.
II. Warnings regarding idolatry (Col.2:18)
The Biblical mandate is simple. We are to worship God and He alone.
III. Warnings regarding negligence to the Church (Col.2:19)
A. The Body is one in communion.
B. The Body is nourished, drawing from the interconnection of the members to one another, flowing from the head, which is Christ.
1) A visible church.
2) A gathered church
3) A cooperative church
C. The failure to recognize the prominence of the local church, here, alienates the believer from the life giving interaction of that body, and isolates them for satanic breakdown.