Jesus And The Woman At The Well - Learning From The Woman
In John 4:11, we see the woman seeking. In John 4:29, we hear her speaking.
Through her seeking and speaking, others begin seeking (John 4:30) and speaking (John 4:42).
When she began her seeking, she was thoroughly perplexed and mystified.
The words of this stranger seemed to be absurd.
Did this stop her seeking? No! She kept on seeking. She didn't say, "I don't understand this. I'll just forget I ever heard it." What she did say was this, "I don't understand this, but I do want to understand."
Before we move from her seeking to her speaking, we must note the connection between seeking and finding - Jesus said, "Seek and you will find" (Matthew 7:7).
Once the woman had found, she had to speak. She had to share with others what she had found (John 4:28-29).
Her speaking led to others' seeking. She challenges them to think about Jesus. She asks them, "What do you think?"They begin to seek for Jesus (John 4:30).
They seek, and they find - "Many of the Samaritans from that city believed in Him" (John 4:39).
Finding the Lord has two stages: (a) They "believed in Him because of the woman's testimony" (John 4:39); (b) "Many more believed because of His Word" (John 4:41).
It is only after the second level of faith - believing because of His Word - that seeking leads to speaking (John 4:42).
It is only when faith is grounded in God's Word, and not merely man's word, that the hesitancy of speaking becomes the boldness of speaking.
Have you moved from seeking to speaking?