7th January 2024 - Communion Service - Dave Food - My Church is...

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My Church is  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  26:46
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Thank you. Do that money everybody. Happy New Year to you, too.

How are you? Are you good?

2024 You change the right checks anymore. But yeah, that's the kind of place where I often make the mistake at the beginning of the year, and we got even hand write letters anymore. Adjust my handwriting, but Happy New Year. I'll series at the beginning of 2024 is my church is This is a bit of a loaded rifle. We're going to explore this throughout the month, but it's a loaded rifle because just those two words my church means so much firstly who's my well, that's you and me and I want to say you welcome to a few other people who are joining us online. We've been building relationships with these around the world. Once I get off soon. Will the joining us for all service when I leave the place that you own the place where you look to Forfeit the place to you look to for inspiration you do you need help. Christopher I'm in first place we go to we don't need help because my quest questions you will be have you prayed already and if you have them on you. But yeah, she's at work.

I'm going to go to Festival Foods on the British TV that used to take say something like the AIO the all right, see those road assistance emergency service joke about the ambulance and the police and the fire service. But you know, what is an emergency service for me this way about the police and the ambulance and the fire service and that's God that's cry out to him. When were in the place where we need help that's krauts in anybody already in 2024 had a place where you go. Oh my goodness. What is this? Anybody? Has anybody had something this weekend, maybe something has happened.

God help me.

I know there's nothing better than getting your eyes fixed on him. But you know, she's something I hope that with proud of. If it's not if it's not something we're proud of then we need to change. I'm pleased when we encourage everybody this morning. So when I talk about my church. Just don't give out my church. I'm talking about you at church to church what is church is a family of people know if you invited a friend to church and you brought them to his building that we can use his church when you can talk to people don't realize that church can be a cat is a gathering of people is a gathering with people who are looking to God. I did not mix with looking for he knew they were looking for answers to private looking for. So moved by his holy spirit.

So when I say my church, I want you to translate it to you at church, too. So let's start in Matthew chapter 16 and let me just read that it's from the new King James version when Jesus asked his disciples saying who do men say that I the son of man.

I bet you've already been off this week. How was your holiday? How was your break? How was your Christmas?

And you choose how you want to it. What a good song. That's a good food. On Monday, some people will say to you at some point. How was your weekend? I wonder what you'll say. I was a good weekend. You are the sunshine shining now. Are we going to say something just get a little church? Who do we say he is? I'm so sorry John the Baptist some say Elijah and others gem021 of the profits. He said to them but who do you say that? I am and Simon Pizza answered and said you are the Christ the son of the Living God Jesus answered and said to him bless you Simon bar-jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. But my father who is in heaven, and also I say to you.

But you all pizza and on this rock. I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not Prevail against it.

And all these of the kingdom of heaven I'm whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in heaven.

Ghost building Houston out, please. Don't just look at this something. This is scripture. This is a person. Building Justice building his church to die in his truck. She go back to that scripture and I see if you could go back to that bus and then she just said to him to you. What's today you put your name in that place at the moment for flesh and blood and not reveal this to you. But my Father in heaven Revealed that you're part of the livingstones about. He's building in his bike fuel part of the livingstones of what God is building around the nation Living Church drawing people. There are plenty of cheddar cheese closing. I want to talk as we pushing the 2024, you know, we went fishing this room on a Sunday. We were the answer might room to move out the tables. We did that last year. We not have to do that every Sunday, you know making room in the thing that I will push into throughout the year making rude is not just about making some more Spice in terms of physicality. I don't know what you would do. If you came to church next Sunday and there was so many guests in there that they wasn't a seat for you. I wonder whether you looked around and go home again or whether you be stopped. This is fantastic. And you cooks I didn't know so many pieces of chicken and you have to go without chicken that died because he was subbing chicken to somebody else. To be honest if I came in to church and somebody floor cuz they're more important than I am pressing to evangelism.

Okay, and he's the first thing it's quite difficult to find our building something is getting better, but it still not working perfectly. So that means they'll be people wandering around looking for the building. That's a big brother. Welcome as well. Do we need to go outside the door? Okay, so I stood outside in the time leading up to church and I didn't know who this person was that you sent me, looking.

I'm looking for running because you're looking for the station for three or four minutes. I don't know what why couldn't the point was I had a conversation with him cuz I was looking for someone to know what a seed was stuck in that hospital.

But you know what? I am sure. Let me tell you a story a story about one of the life is a Dodge Charger. It's at his teacher and let me play the story in two or three pieces a lady was driving to church she become a Christian a few weeks before hands and I see was driving. So this is the kind of second or third time. She's going to church is driving to church and she sees somebody running down the road to pick them up. So they pulled out how to draw a church in the past. I said she's driving to church.

Great. Fantastic. I'm so she said and how did you find out about it? She said anything about this.

What this person typing in judge. I mean nothing but the following Sunday, I think that's what we're doing. Why'd you want to give me a lift? So I saw you joking? I thought you might be late for church.

The only charge you if you want to church unless you're coming to church in a few you see someone looking lost.

Who do you say that? I am? I want to encourage us to be bold. I want to swing cars to be boating 2024. See what happens. Just see what happens.

In Ephesians two verse 11 and 12 talks about equipping us and we going to bring some guest speakers in throughout. We've already booked in in the notice you were in the night. We bring people in because we want to equip us they want to keep ourselves and we trust where in relationship to have gifts and talents. We don't have that will be bringing clam will be with us in in bird will be with us will be with us soon as he's going to die out there. That's final in the calendar. I'm sorry, if you want if you don't put them in your calendar, I'm just so that we can and he will get used to be a possible some proximity vandalist and SunPass isn't teachers for the equipping of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the 80s. Body of Christ equipping of the Saints who's the Saints anybody but because of Jesus and your ass ain't too because if you put your trust in him and so we're going to be ready for 2024 in lots of different ways. We going to be ready because we're going to be assigned to a quick Church to be who got schooled us to be to stir up the gift that is in you so pressing to order that and to release Mission. I really want to press into a place where some people want to go mission number of years ago. Chill. He'll remember this a number of years ago one of us wanted to get at you kind of Tenerife with us. And did you speak any Spanish still didn't speak any Spanish one of my Fondest Memories of the whole trip without the church. Bring two Services. I saw Jill sitting there. I don't think she does until I went to leave.

So, I don't know whether you just speaking that you would just being polite to one another or what do you speak in tongues? But you know, what is that person still carries a gift is any 2024? Let me encourage you'd be an encourager. If you want me to fold between Silence of encouragement. Please do not use violence. So let's say quit that we're going to acquit the Saints are going to really speak a little information and not me. She might not be it might not start with me. With me. I've got a friend of mine who is leading a small Church in this part of the world and I'd love to go for the weekend. Does anybody want to come with me simple things we can just take it off of just two or three people we can go somewhere because he stretches us. Do you know what one of the things being prophetic at home is a challenge if I'm honest with you cuz I know you guys pretty well. So go to you too Whispers In Your Ear you don't say anything cuz you think it's the mama light all the cheese that you at least think that's just my brain running me go somewhere completely different. We don't even question it. We just go. Okay. Well, I don't know this person is standing in front of me. I don't know him from Adam, but I will share what I was saying. You said it was a fight than you when something somebody confirm something you can. So I want to release the prophetic got home like dying away a bit more by encouraging people when you're at work. What do I do with your friend when he was small group when you were on a call with a friend? Why not release the prophetic? Why not? Why not just complicated fastest the Lord my situation. That's exactly my circumstance. Thank you so much. Thank you for setting up and then on the foundation of those words you can inside. Come from Then you can tell them you don't have to leave me broken spoke to me and I want to share with you because the word will carry the word will carry he's up to his spirit and then sometime and we can share it but I believe how do you hear from God? Well off you go to A discipleship training has not started even before that reveals things to them and then they get to a point in my side. You know what I want to put my I want to put my trust in Jesus. Woohoo. I read about Nicholls this permission. I want to grow up. I want us to come if we if we teaching that means to youth group have not used it for a long time. I used to be a Spotify children's Sunday school this morning in the prime. That would be a sign first Sunday in 2024 to double the number of children in Sunday School. Well, I wonder if Judy's ready for double next week. Maybe we need to stand with us like you did. You know what? Sometimes you might need some support because there's a whole bunch of things. We need to tell you conscious through Sunday School. Yeah. We need to get played so that we doing things right so that we can say that we know that all those who are helping in Sunday School.

And one of the things I also want to encourage us to upgrade the quality of the way. We reach out to play with we doing so much we doing for 2023 into 2024 now, I don't know what do you know if it's videos everyday on the internet now something out there and if you look at the number of people watching it's going up and up and up Nations. I saw your text. Just think about church with the people sit in his room. Let's think about churches the Y that Gathering who we're equipping why couldn't we have a choice blunt in 2024? Is that too dangerous to suggestion that one of the things that life exists in car jams 2 days to think about Church Lansing do it together with somebody else. So I think we could do one of my one of my personal goals with a set 1 hours a week last year 1 hour trying to wake up something on Facebook at the end of the last year and some weeks. I did three hours for wings, but the training in a year.

Through this better means of reasons we've invested in this to everybody in church right now media that we use for you woke up to Logan and you probably going to send you a photo for you to look on and there are millions of hours of their teaching. I'm ready to go to a staff member go to Holloway Wednesday, November Halo. I said, what would you recommend a millions of films and found a good thing sucks. What a grow leadership.

On the Hyundai Sansone you and I will build a different people in different ways to online others will do none of them. So I thought you didn't do it if you find yourself once and I'm still standing there in the microphone.

God is critical and the one of the things that you might have noticed the private conference in Canada online. That's how I know you could do that.

Joshua Sykes icing would be the neutral Eagles when they a new joint School start on it. So that was fun during Matthew 16:18. I know so I say to you that you are pizza and on this rock.

I'm sorry. I'm trying something.

Everyday, Jesus said to him I said to you so I'm involved China for flesh and blood is not reveal this to you. But my father who is in heaven, the Revelation from Heaven is something we need to get a I am so blessed that we got like what you mean 2023. We said we can't do anything till we're ready to turn number two. Now, she'll be part of the band you and I'm believing God will bring more musicians and we'll have to manage control light in some way in a good way. I believe God will give us some answers. I'm leave it as a songwriter already in the room and go to give me a few songs and just take this as a prompt to go to give me a few streets at least share it with the worship team. Let's see what happens.

in Ephesians chapter 4 verses 11

so when we might bring We make room for visitors and making really is exciting cuz businesses some will become new Believers some of those new flavors will want to present to you Monday remind me to get people even in the midst of church who want to help to be pop food by come and speak to me speak to Food Bank in something. That is so necessary in all died in in our lives to die. So pricing and let that she woke up with a small groups. I believe will grow that will mean that I will need a new house and places where people will be people will gather

Finola evil remake room for visitors but will need to make room for New Vision in making you a new Believers will need to make room for new Ministries. I am making room for new Ministries. Who knows what God will do?

My final scripture just to bring this war to a close. as we present to 2024

I've lost control again.

Lost Creek

I'm so a sweet person to 2024. Let me courage you miss a promise called this by the offering both summer and others have helped us to bring something of encouragement. So if you didn't take one on you, you say you haven't got one already. Please do type 1 from is called that I have for you.

We got the final solution.


Amy Bryant

All the gold I thank you. A new calendar year Lil B give you a year?

Will be pressing to all that it contains, but we don't know what that means for many of us. We don't know what we'll be doing. Our lights are on this year. We're in moments of change in seasons of adoption in father. I pray that Lord you help us to step into the distaff us into the months that was into the year we both Miss. Called you like five a rise in US. That fights arising is for the days ahead. Let us look at a mountain and realize that in your eyes. It's a molehill father help us to look at circumstances where the door is shut and you giving us the keys ask me right from scripture you giving us the keys. the kingdom so I probably go when we got the keys worked. Yeah, if you if you could be another code to the front door this building the door's unlocked you press the code the door is open. Somebody, stop the door being unlocked because if you got the key and it does give us something to somebody freshness.

As it says in Philippians 4:19 and my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.

Baba thank you that you will meet Olan eggs. All the fun you do that. You will meet me Lisa towsley mix meet the needs of those become across and so father open our eyes to all of you will do as we Embrace with you 2024 in Jesus name.

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