The Apostles Mark 6:7-13
-Jesus sends out Apostles to proclaim the Good News
I. He Sends v. 7
II. He Instructs vv. 8-9
Do you say that you do not live by faith? But you do. It is simply a matter of in what or whom your faith rests. A husband eats food cooked by his wife without having it tested to see if it contains poison. Why? Because he has faith in his wife that she will not try to poison him. You accept paper money as legal tender because you have faith in your nation’s monetary system. These are but two of many examples of how you live by faith. Yet strangely, so many people become agnostics where God is concerned. This is but another of Satan’s wiles by which he causes people to reject the salvation which a loving, faithful God so freely offers.
III. He Warns vv. 10-11
IV. He Empowers vv. 12-13
Lloyd C. Douglas had a friend who was a violin teacher. Although not too successful, the old man was imbued with considerable wisdom. One day Douglas asked his friend, “Well, what’s the good news today?”
The music master went over to a tuning fork suspended from the ceiling by a cord and struck it with a mallet. “There is the good news for the day,” he said. “That, my friend, is ‘A.’ It was ‘A’ all day yesterday. It will be ‘A’ all day tomorrow, next week, and for a thousand years. The soprano upstairs warbles off key; the tenor next door flats his high ones; and the piano across the hall is out of tune. Noise all around me, noise; but that, my friend, is ‘A.’ ”