Ex 34:5-9 • A Fresh Start Pt. 2
Review & Overview
Review & Overview
1. Previous Study’s Review
1. Previous Study’s Review
In chp.33 The Lord told Moses that He would go before them into the Promised Land & drive out the inhabitants…
So Moses came down from the Mountain of God after spending 40 days & 40 nights with God…
He then set up a temporary tabernacle outside the camp where he talked with God as one talks to a friend…
2. Current Study’s Overview
2. Current Study’s Overview
Now here Ex.34 Moses will once again go up Mt. Sinai or the Mountain of God… for another 40 days & 40 nights, vs.28.…
Exodus 34:28 “28 So he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he neither ate bread nor drank water. And He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.”
There Moses will once again receive instructions & information from the Lord:
3. Series Description
3. Series Description
The title of our 4 part series is, "A Fresh Start”. We are in part 2.
Ever felt like you needed a do-over? Well, you're not alone. In this chapter we will discover how God gave His people a second chance and what that means for us today.
We are going to learn about Moses, the stone tablets, and God's unfailing love, and see how these ancient stories can inspire us to embrace our own fresh starts.
So, chapter is all about faith, forgiveness, and new beginnings!
Last time we were together we looked at Vs. 1-4 The Command of the Lord.
God commanded Moses to cut two tablets of stone.
Starting over & One mediator
So if you are taking notes we want to look at 1 thing today: The Nature of the Lord Vs. 5-9
1. The Nature of the Lord Vs. 5-9
1. The Nature of the Lord Vs. 5-9
1.1 The Revealing of the Lord’s nature Vs. 5-7
1.1 The Revealing of the Lord’s nature Vs. 5-7
He is a God of Love: mercy… grace… longsuffering… goodness… true… forgiving…
Truly He is a God of Love… the God of the O.T. is the same God of the N.T…. His nature hasn’t changed…
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And notice He is a God of Judgment: this is from Ex.20:5 the 2nd com. dealing with making graven images.
5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
APPLICATION: Point: there is a penalty for sin… a price to pay… we’re going to be Judged by God…
And subsequently so too might our children… because there is a good chance our children will follow in our footsteps…
They might end up doing what we’re doing thus be Judged by God…
When you guys have kids you will be setting an example to your children…
I pray we like Paul can say in 1 Cor.11:1 follow me…
APPLICATION: Here is a good question: What are some sinful behaviors we adopted from our parents?
1.2 The Response to the Lord’s Nature Vs. 8-9
1.2 The Response to the Lord’s Nature Vs. 8-9
He Worshipped Vs. 8 - when we realize who God is and what He’s all about what other response could we have.
He Worshipped Vs. 8 - when we realize who God is and what He’s all about what other response could we have.
This idea of worshipping the Lord isn’t just speaking of an outward action… but in inward attitude…
24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
He Prayed Vs. 9 - Lord after seeing who You are… I can’t help but see what I am… stiff-necked & sinful.
He Prayed Vs. 9 - Lord after seeing who You are… I can’t help but see what I am… stiff-necked & sinful.
Like Isaiah when he saw the Lord high & lifted up, Isa.6:5 woe is me for I am undone a man of unclean lips.
APPLICATION: We look pretty good when we compare ourselves to others, amen? I mean they’re pretty messed up…
But when we see ourselves in light of who God is & what God’s all about… our response should be:
Lord forgive me… pardon me… & take me as Your inheritance…
Inheritance Definition - In the biblical and contextual sense inheritance means: To obtain something by legal right from someone as an heir; usually after their death.
For us it was the death Jesus Christ that caused us to be inherited to God.
19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.