Monday Plan - Third Week of Easter - Year I
Thomas a Kempis stated,
“The word of God is the light of my soul
and the Eucharistic Sacrament is the bread of life.”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the people
that they has missed the point in his multiplication of loaves.
The real food which he gives
is the food we receive by our faith in him.
The one ‘work’ that God asks of us is to believe,
to have full trust and confidence in his Son.
We offer this Mass in memory of Mary Stanger.
To prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries,
let us call mind our sins.
I confess to almighty God…
As the people searched for Jesus
as the feeding of the five-thousand,
so we pray today for those who search for faith
and meaning in life,
that they may find the same Jesus.
May those without faith, who feel restlessness of spirit,
find life’s true meaning in Jesus Christ.
We pray to the Lord.
Heavenly God, your will is our delight.
Protect us from error
by leading us in your truth.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.