Morning 2023 01/14/2024 AM

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Viewing All Of Life Through The Lens Of The Gospel  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  54:46
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"Viewing All Of Life Through The Lens Of The Gospel" Philippians 1:12-15 Dr. James P Rushing

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Regards to it and so we will have that and I trust that you'll be here be in your place as we starting that series but the days that I'm this is a part of the service where we worship and we worship and giving so let's give to the Lord give obediently and give joyfully, let's receive the offering man.

Was Steve Greenwood us Lord's blessing upon the offering pusher?

Someday this stammering Tom will falter and a grander sweeter song. I shall see.

Call Rodger on the ransom choir on heavy is the king keep on praising him and my boys will never Tire or grow up my song shout ever be praised who died for me and I'll sing in the shower.

When a million years have passed and that wonder my song of Praise will just have begun.

And my joy will never end while I look on his face and my song it will never be. It will never tired or grow up.

And by Charlie, she'll ever busy praise.

And I'll singing while AJ.

Amen, thank you so much. Mary, Jo wonderful song migrate reminder of what we have to look forward to. You take your Bibles. Please be fighting Philippians chapter 190. We preached through the book of Philippians. So don't be alarmed. We are starting over. But we are going to look here today for our message and so Flippy and chapter one after you found out if you look this way just a moment. We'll make a few comments before we get to our scripture reading today because we're going to talk some I like to be able to kind of set the stage for what are some objective. We want to have for this coming year and I'm going to talk to at the end of the service today about encouragement to be here on Wednesday night as we talked through some of these things work through some of these objectives for this coming year. I ran across an article just this week and as I read through the article, it was an article and the the title of the article was as the world heads toward a post religious life. as the world heads toward of post religious life many struggle to find meaning there seems to be a cultural shift and we're seeing it even within our country and it is one of those things that to be mindful of where we live. We live in an area in the Chattanooga area is growing. In fact, I got some statistics flowchart here to show you. This is the population growth and I was able when I went to the side I was able to kind of put in the time that I wanted you so I put in from 1980 until 2023 and in 1980 the population here in Chatham of the Chattanooga area was around just under three hundred thousand now, it's about four hundred and thirty thousand in the Chattanooga what classify the Chattanooga area. We are approaching a half million people. in the Metro, Chattanooga area That's a lot of people Chattanooga the population within the city may not be it isn't near that but the surrounding areas and everything you have it. So we're seeing a great growth. But at the same time we're seeing a great growth in our area nationally and I would suggest that even locally we are seeing a decline in church attendance show with the next chart if you would please this is the chart and I know you probably won't see this from the back but you can hike baby distinguish that there are some different color lines here. This is percentage of church members that attend regularly. This is a this is a nationwide United States and he was a Gallup poll that did this their their survey it if you look this right here is 2000. So this is tracking since the New Millennium this week going into the 21st century where Church attendance has gone in 2000. This bottom blue line is the percentage of people that attended church about once a month. And it was about 13% would say I attend church once a month. The the Gold Line is those who never attend was I never attend church and then the black line is those who attend weekly those would say I attend church somewhere on a weekly basis and if you'll notice this chart in 2000. It was about 32% said I attend church on a weekly basis. By 2022 that number is down to about 20% It's dropped 12 percentage points so far this year and at the same time which is logical if you see those who never attend you see it has climbed it has gone from about 13% up to about 32% who never attend. One of the things you'll notice is about right in here where you see the Steep line. There was something called covid. And that it so I think that contributed but I don't think that was the whole core of the issue but that is some statistics. So now we are a church that considers are a nation that considers herself a Christian Nation a third of the people in our country. Never darken the doors of a church. I would say it would say we're moving toward. a post religious culture Now at the same time it be to look at that in until all this is terrible. We can also say this this provides a great opportunity.

Because just like as a read the article those who are moving away from that moving away from religion moving away from church attendance. Now, they're struggling. with a purpose for living Now they're struggling with a mime have I made the right decision in in these areas of my life because they now have no foundation for it. And what I want to talk to you about today appreciate you from this thought as we go into 2024 as we move through this year. We as Believers need to come to understand and that we should do everything of our life. Through the lens of the Gospel. Children begin to make us conscious of those times when we're going to cross paths with someone that's looking for answers. cross paths with someone that needs to know Jesus I'm going to look at what Paul said here is I was looking at coming to the day. This passes came to mind. We're going to forsake of time for sake of context. We're going to read verse 12 down through verse 21. We're particularly going to look at verses 12 13 and 14 today for our time. And this is something you're going to see over the course of the next year through the lens of the Gospel. Seeing life through the lens of the Gospel when Paul wrote his letter to the church at Corinth. He tried to kind of as he dealt with all the problems of that church. She said all the answers could be found. If you look at life through the gospel through look through the gospel in the message of it being 1:12. Let me read you can follow along if you would please it says this But I would you should understand Brethren that the things which happened under me have fallen out rather under the furtherance of the Gospel so that my bond in Christ are manifest in all the palace and in all of the places. And many brethren in the Lord waxing Confident by my bonds are much more bold to speak the word without fear. some indeed preach Christ, even of envy and strife and some also a Goodwill the one preach Christ preach Christ of contention, not sincerely or supposing to add Affliction to my bonds, but the other of love knowing that I am set for the defense of the Gospel what then Notwithstanding every way weather in pretense or in truth Christ is preached and I there Ian do Rejoice. Ye and Will Rejoice for I have for I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer. That's not salvation trust in Christ. You said his release his freedom. He's anticipating being released from jail by salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ according to my Earnest expectation and my hope that is nothing I shall be ashamed but that with all boldness as always. So now also Christ shall be magnified in my body. Whether it be my life or by death for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

back to work 12 He says this what I would you should understand Brethren that the things which have happened unto me have fallen out rather under the furtherance of the Gospel. Father Ed your blessing to the reading of your word and our time together. What I pray that you help us to leave here with a commitment and determination that this will be a year when we will view Our lives our circumstance. Our situations are errands. Our jobs are hobbies are work play. Our Lives through the lens of the Gospel. and through that they will be a testimony to others and we ask this in Jesus name. Amen, what I was preaching through Philippians. I gave you a quote when we when we work through this passage verses 12 through 14. I gave you a quote that good can come from bad if we maintain a proper purpose focus and relationship with God. When my relationship with God is right. I live with a confidence that he is aware of and working through my circumstances to accomplish his will when I have a proper relationship with Christ. I know the truth of Philippians of a Proverbs 3:6 in all thy ways acknowledge Him and what he shall direct thy path. As we look at these passages, we understand that Paul Graf and is he looked at his wife? He said everything about him. He always viewed it through this lens of the Gospel great Bible examples when you come to acts 27, I think it is when Paul is making the journey by ship where they're taking him from Sesser area to Rome and he ends up in the storm so much so that it's threatening the life of Sailor Sailors who had spent their life on the sea experienced seamen were fearing that this was going to be the end of their life and Paul stands before them. It's his ear The angel of the Lord stood by me tonight. Dodge Dylan control everything that Paul did he live with a scent and a reality that God was in control now here in this passage only give you kind of free thought since I'm going to wrap some things up today. About the viewing life through the lens of the Gospel. What does that mean to view life through the lens of the Gospel? What does it do the first thing you'll see in first 12 is it does this provides a context for my circumstances? When I view my life through the lens of the Gospel, it provides a context for my circumstances. Would a 12 where we look just a moment ago. It says but I would you should understand Brethren that the things which happened under me. Look at the things that have happened every what's Paul talking about. They understand from the life of pulse on the things ten years before he wrote this letter he had been in their City. And when he was in there City, he was thrown in jail.

He ended up in jail because he cast the demons out of the girl that the men were using for profit. They went to the leaders and when they went to the leaders, they cast Paul and Silas in jail, and they they they put stripes of on the back they cast him in jail and they told the Jailer if they escape your life is on the line. So he puts into the innermost part of the prison puts him in. It was not where you want to spend the night. Okay, like one guy said talkin about a hotel he stayed in I spent a week there one night.

They had seen him now. Paul is in jail in Rome. But yet in the mr. He says look everything about my circumstances. I look at it through the context. God is doing something to advance the gospel. The things which happened under me, that's a circumstances. The things that have happened to me. Results in the furtherance of the Gospel. That's the context. The circumstances I'm dealing with. The context of the Gospel when you view life through the lens of the Gospel it provides a context to my circumstances, perhaps the most clear Bible example that came to my mind is the death of Lazarus in John Chapter 11. Google what happened to John chapter 11 Lazarus get sick. a circumstance Mary and Martha, they immediately know what to do send for Jesus. They sent for Jesus Jesus Terry's. He doesn't come. The Lazarus dies, but an interesting thing that Jesus said in John 11:4 when Jesus heard that heard about the sickness. He said this sickness is not unto death. But for the glory of God that the Son of God might be magnified there by so they're dealing with this circumstance their brother who they love their family member who they love he is deathly ill they sent for Jesus. Jesus doesn't come and Lazarus died the circumstance. When he gets there, what are they do Martha Lord if you'd been here this wouldn't happen. Barry Lord Why don't you come?

When you come to when you follow through the story Jesus is showing me where you laid him. They take him to the tomb. He says roll the tomb roll the stone away and then he says address come forth.

The circumstance would be difficult except when you come toward the end of chapter starting verse 43 it gives you the context. Here's what it says. And when it does spoken he cried with a loud voice Lazarus come forth and he that was dead. That's a circumstance came forth bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face was bound about with a napkin and Jesus saith unto them loose him and let him go and then verse 45. Then many of the Jews which came to marry. And had seen the things that Jesus did believed on him. In fact interesting if you look at that many of the Jews, which should come to Mary. Why do they come they came to pay respect? Because her brother had died. Mary was such a loving person and was sure certainly loved by many. So when this circumstance came about they come the throngs come to Mary to comfort her and the common Express their condolences.

That was a circumstance. God brought them there. raise Lazarus from the dead and many believed viewing your life through the lens of the Gospel it helps to provide a context. To my circumstances Mary and Martha could not understand why Jesus did not come circumstances until they saw the event through the lens of the Gospel the salvation of others. How important that is. Sometimes we almost have to get on the other side and look back before we see it. We've utilized it will try to see everything through how can God use this for his honor and Glory. A preacher preet was preaching up Revival service in rural, Mississippi the true story. Preaching of Revival service in rural, Mississippi. He was a pastor. So we agreed he preached but Monday through Friday night. He preached he wouldn't priests. I mean he preached. Still sweat till it was sweating in the shirt Tails out. Preach Monday night. Nothing happened. Preach to tonight nothing. Preach Wednesday night. Nothing. Nothing nothing. They actually if I remember correct the service actually going through Saturday night. He preached Saturday night six nights. He loaded his family in the car that come over to be with him for part of the Revival service any left from that little church and he's driving home and he's thinking to himself. I just freaked my heart out for a week and nothing happened. He's on a roll roll Middle of Nowhere Road.

Steam started coming out of the hood of his car.

He pulls over the side of the road circumstance. Is it 6 nights preaching? So no results headed home to be back in his home from church the next day. Broken down on the side of the road to Midland nowhere with a family.

Got out. I mean there's nothing. He remembered passing a little dirt road off of the side. I thought might be somebody's driveway. So they walked back up in the dark walk back up that road and started walking out the road.

Will tell them about Beware of the Dog and all the other thing, but he gets the house he calls for to his church and lines up someone to cover for him cause back to the other Church where I had been preaching cuz he was closer. They are Pastor came and got him. Took him back. You going to be around you may as well preach Sunday morning, right? He preach Sunday morning. It was just like the floodgates of Heaven opened. people got saved Revival book out that little Country Church You see sometimes in the moment. It is difficult to see my circumstance through the lens of the Gospel. By the way. It was a little $2 piece of hose. They shutting down so what even inexpensive repair?

Viewing life through the lens of the Gospel helps to give context to my circumstances pulse it. Look what happened to me. I'm I'm in jail. Call the price of advanced number to it produces a Clarity in my purpose.

When I look at life through the lens of the Gospel, it produces a Clarity in my purpose. Look at verse 13. He talks about the furthest of the Gospel look at this so that my Bonds in Christ are manifest are made known in all places. Is it in the palace and it all other places? Pizza Hut

Where I am.

Has produced a Clarity for what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I'm taking the gospel in the gospels going to Cesar's house. Hold your phone to the Palace that never would have happened without the prison that never would have happened without the arrest and it brought Clarity always brought Paul back to why he lived what he was seeking to do. Remember the first Corinthians chapter nie. That's the chapter works the context at beginning of that chapter. He's talking a little bit about spiritual Liberty and the things that he would do and wouldn't do but he goes on Facebook. I don't want to be in a fence. I want to be able to provide and he says this He said they taste talk start talking about the gospel in verse 18 He references the gospel. I make the gospel of Christ without charge. He begins to tell himself about being a servant and he comes to the end of this and he says to the week we came out as week. This is Worth 22 or 1st Corinthians 9 through the week became is weak why that I might gain the week. I am made all things to all men that I might by all means. save some

and this I do for the gospels sake. If you remember when Paul went to Corinth. He worked a side job to provide for himself his side job. He had to stay at a background as a tentmaker. He worked as a tentmaker alongside two other believers name Aquila and Priscilla. Who would become lifelong friends bought pulse is your everything that I am the clarity of brings whatever I may have to do whether it's working as a tentmaker everything I do whether it's as a prisoner whether it is as a Jew even says or as a gentile those with all those without law those Jews who have the law of God those without the Gentiles. He says I am what I am. It gives me Clarity of purpose when I view everything of my life and see my purpose through the lens of gospel. Old Testament example. Esther

what was Esther?

Who is this? She was a she's a queen, right?

But more than that, she was a believer. right God put her where he put her not to be Queen but the saves people so much so that when the decree went out in the conversation remember that Esther and Mordecai had when Mordecai Commander to answer Esther when she sit close to him try to get it looked clean yourself up you're embarrassing the family.

He sends we're back. She's a look. He said you got to go in the kitchen, so I can't go to him if I go in and he hasn't been me and if he doesn't extend his Sceptre toward me, it'll cost me my life. Did Mordecai commanded to answer Esther? Think not with myself that thou shalt escape the King's house more than all the Jews for if thou all together hold a star piece at this time, then shall enlarge but in Deliverance arrived to the Jews from another place God is going to accomplish his purpose. But that was my father's house shall be destroyed. He was that famous parlors and who knows?

Will you come to the kingdom? Such a time as this. You know what Mortal was saying? Hey, Esther.

You need to understand with Clarity for purpose. It's not to be a queen. Is to provide Deliverance? It's not to be a queen is to be a messenger of God. It's not to be a queen. used to be God's servant I brought that Clarity of purpose and hear Paul gives a piece of look when I look at everything through the lens of the Gospel gives me a Clarity of purpose. Believers are called to be Witnesses. The church is called to carry out the Great Commission. It's easy to become distracted with responsibilities and other tasks that are secondary to our true purpose.

Distraction you need to get distracted from your primary thing. I looked at some statistics. They said that in 2023 there were more than 400,000 serious injuries caused by distracted drivers.

Anybody want to guess what were the primary distractions was? Cell phones now did find this statistic interesting 20% of drivers admit to doing their hair while driving?

The I'm Steve Green. He battles that all the time.

I passed your mother that he was polishing his head.

What is it? They forget the primary thing or distracted from the primary Thing by the secondary thing 400,000 serious injuries because of distractions.

Is it possible that there are 400,000?

Who's lies plunged into eternity without Christ last year? because of distracted believers

It's easy to get distracted with life. Looking at life through the lens of the Gospel produces Clarity in my purpose number 3.

The third thing that Paul says here this is so important looking at life through the lens of the Gospel promotes a confidence in other believers.

most confidence that other believers are 14 and many of the brethren in the Lord waxing Confident by my bonds.

Are much more bold to speak the word without fear that much more bold is the idea of being more abundant or daring?


they're more daring because they're hearing about Paul. Hey if he can do it. In the palace if he can do it in the prison, what's to keep me from doing it? That without fear they were Fearless they were because of what they heard and saw and Paul it led to them being more fearlessly daring to speak the word. Nopal was conscious What by the Holy Spirit he would write later. For none of us leave it to himself. And no man die to himself. Do you have the decisions that you make infant others? Your timidity can lead to timidity and others. Trombonist in witness can motivate someone else?

Someone in the word that sits Anonymous my life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done leave countless marks for good or ill are sets the Evening Sun. This is the wish I always wish the prayer. I always pray Lord may my life help other lives it touches, by the way.

Oh that are wise with that.

God good can come from bad if we maintain a proper purpose focus and relationship with God. Yelp

or have your attention right here for just a moment. I want to show you something only show you a graph and I want to give you a challenge. I'm going to ask you to do something. This is a chart of the population of East Ridge and actually starts at 1940 and comes to today. Okay? The Groves that shows the growth phase is kind of in kind of constant of the little bit of decline since 2020 is what it's showing and it probably it may not be at a client if you count the air is right outside the city limits, but if you look at the population, here's the number I want you to catch you see this number I hear What would I talk about the population of Chattanooga is approaching a half-million people that can be overwhelming?

Don't give you something else is up to notice 20,000. 453

Listen 21,000 people.


not I know that it doesn't always end it every person through this means but let me let me give you a little math if you take 21453 and / 52 weeks. Weeks in a year to speak to that many people you would need to speak to about 413 people each week.

That's still a big number, right? 413 people each week

but what if You had 25 people.

If you had 25 people.

Who were willing? Just speak to three people each day 25 people who said each day. I'm only just speak. I'm talking through the lens of the Gospel taking the context. Get 25 people. In one year's time, that would be 27450.

That's more than the population of East Ridge.

More than population of East Ridge.

30 people it only take two per day. 30 people committing to view their lives live their lives with a cop with a with a with a consciousness of the Gospel. two people today

two people a day for 366 days. This is Leap Year. Now we are living in the year would be 20 1960.

What if you had 60 people? List of the top population in this room right now. 60 people

You know what it would take to speak to as many of the population of East Ridge.

if 60 people committed to speak to one person a day.

one person

in the course of a year That would be 20 1960.

one person give me 60 people that would say I will ask God by his help to allow me to speak to one person each day.

top Christ

and you could speak to we could speak to. More than the population of East Ridge in 2024.

I'm going to deal with this some on Wednesday nights, but I'm going to give you what I say speaking to people. Let me give you.

Five types of speaking. Okay. I'm going to be very quickly. Take a lot of time. Five Heights number one. Church invitation

is you're going somewhere giving him a travel church. I say if you're looking for a church home, or if you if you if you're looking for a good church. Here's a church of people that would love you and welcome you.

That's just a church invitation. second There's what would be called.

a gospel engagement I want we're going to talk about this some day of the week on Wednesday. So a gospel engagement gospel engagement. I think I shared I shared was where it is a brief opportunity hours at Lowe's dealing with something and making a purchase in that in the girl that helped us as we finish up next Marissa as we're finishing up. I say Marissa as I as you come to my what is something I can pray for you about

What's a gospel engagement? Adele and Griffin I was in the bank with my mom taking care of some things. I was speaking with the Jamie. I spoke to her this week and I speaking with her as we're leaving to say. Hey Jamie, I found out she was a single mom has a couple daughters as I was getting ready to leave. Hey, Jamie as you come to mind. What can I pray for you about? That's a gospel engagement. Okay, the Third Way is what's called a gospel conversation.

That goes a little more extensive there many times when you can't maybe have a gosling a gospel conversation, but you have a gospel engagement you go out to eat in a restaurant your waitress serves. You don't keep them. Don't just don't keep them from doing their job don't over there. So I can't get the other people that are needing thing. But you can simply say this to them had a few minutes. We're going to ask the blessing on our food or something we can pray for you about you'll be surprised what they say. Estoppel engagement gospel conversation is when I begin to talk to them about where they are in their life what they're dealing with how Christ plays or doesn't play into it. What's a gospel conversation? The fourth one is what you would call a gospel presentation. That's what I actually have the chance to share with them. I've given the equation our people before before. Plus I'll plus it's because my face story. Tell him what my life was before I came to Jesus how I was brought to Christ the difference. He's made in my life. It's a gospel presentation.

And then there's what you call the gospel invitation. gospel invitations when you say would you like to know that? This is how you like to be transformed.

Church invitation gospel engagement gospel conversation gospel presentation gospel invitation you'll never get to a gospel conversation without a gospel engagement. You can have a gospel engagement without getting killed off the conversation, but it doesn't work the other way around.

What would happen if 60 people? Maiden termination that

this year

my goal will be each day. To do one of those five things. invite someone to church Ask somebody how can pray for them? Have a conversation about the Lord someone that's outside.

30 people that would say hey to I can talk to

that is what it means to live life through the lens of the Gospel. Are we serious?

Are we truly serious?

I will say this as far as independent circles I'm afraid a lot of what has happened in our area over. The last four five decades has been more members swapping.

then Evangelistic effort

Let's make Charity Baptist Church church. I hate and what it happened to be people that want to be a part of it. Let's focus on. Reaching a world. It's moving toward a post religion culture.

And refining they don't have the answers. Let's see if we can reach him.

I want to encourage you to be here on Wednesday night. If we start talking through some of this and more specifics. Oh, by the way, I've just I just hope that I ran across and I'm test driving it right now. There's an app. And I'm trying it out based on our church address and actually didn't think I'd know if I finish setting it up, but since I went on it started looking at it every day, I went to a place that's it would provide me with the 100 names closest to our church. I can do the same thing with my home address and it will tell me the 100 people that live closest to my house. And then each day. I get an email that has five names for me to pray for.

Yesterday it was names of people that burns Avenue. Let me pray for.

You know, it'll help me give us a heart for others. We start praying for them. Those are things we can do father. We've been given the greatest news in the world.

We've been given the country with the greatest opportunity to share that deuce.

My Lord worship. We're surrounded by people who need to hear.

break our hearts

break hearts for that person that will see your have seen on a regular basis. Help us not to be distracted questions.

one two or three

is there someone here to say pastor?

I really believe I could speak to three people a day.

And do one of those five things. Maybe somebody else is so pretty sure. I don't know if I do three, but I know what to do to.

Who here could say I do too, but I can do one.

The invitation is this today in with his bowels. I don't want anybody looking I just have to go pray for you and hope it. There's someone here. It's a preacher.

I want to commit the speaking to one person.

Through this year on a daily basis.

about Jesus

the gospel engage but looking at that person through the lens of the Gospel. I think I can do one. I'll join your preacher. Would you pray for me if you just raging Hunter for me to see it? I'll say thank you can put it back down. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much several several hands. Is there someone that was so pretty? I think I can talk to people.

the course of a day

I'll join you.

I want us to reach our Jerusalem. Who is Cypress? I think I can talk to to?

Anyone want to join me with that? Thank you so much. Thank you so much. What about 3? Who's the preacher I can talk the puppy? I think I could talk the three through looking at people through the lens of the Gospel preacher. I think I want to try to do three. Pray for me that I'll keep that commitment be mindful of it and view which dates of the lens of the Gospel which race has a preacher. That's when he thank you. Bother you seen these hands have been raised.

You're going to need more. But there are several.

Break a heart by Jerusalem.

break her heart for Neighbors

help us not to be distracted Christians.

I know you do somebody work in our midst. We ask this in Jesus name. The lodge going to come and sing. This is kind of our commitment time. You can come in Friday if you want to or you can pray where you are, but this invitation if there's someone here today, so you know what? I've never Place faith in Jesus if you come. Weather Gulf gospel conversation with you today the Lord. Would you sing please? Remember my name?

Whenever you think of me.

Remember my check.

What it is they mean to me.

They're not locked on me against my will.

What's your stand with us?

You probably never heard that song before because that's a course it logged wrote. And I want you to follow along maybe try to sing with him with that will kind of use this as a way of alluding wrapping up the service. Okay. Got it. Okay sing with him.

whenever you think

remember my check and what it is they mean to me.

They're not locked on me against my will but I told them stay strong and they take no wonderful. little wonderful testimonies from Paul a good song Whip singer again in the days ahead to remind us but a lot thank you so much for being here today. I trust you'll take the challenge take it with you today. I'm going to ask if I've been if you'll be making us in prayer before he does that. Baby, don't call me give announcement remind the ladies about the ladies fellowship and there's a sign up in the back and I'm going to ask her to say a word about that for any leads us in prayer to dismiss.

In today's bulletin beer has put all our details in there for us at the very bottom ladies of all of the announcements and what's going on here at charity at the bottom. You'll see that ladies Fellowship on February 4th at 4. How easy is that to remember? There's a sign-up sheet in the back. This is just a time when the ladies at charity can come together and I thought because it was a Sunday and we didn't have any responsibilities. I actually looked at sunset time that day. So we'll start at 4 and we'll have you headed home before dark. We just have some fellowship very easy relaxing time. But we like to know how many are coming. So if you just dropped $2 in the box back there, we know you're committed and put your name and phone number there and it's just going to be our first time to get together and get to know each other a little better. We'll have a little fun little food and So please join us that afternoon.

Let's pray your father in Heaven. We thank you for this opportunity today and other one to meet together in your name and to be equipped and encouraged maybe even reproved by the ministry of your word. But it should bless each person here and meet person that's in our number is not able to be here and we ask her to meet the needs whether physical or whatever and maybe and maybe will be conscious of spiritual needs of every person that we meet come in contact with that. We might give the word an invitation or an engagement or presentation of the Gospel as we live our lives this week. as should go with us today and keep us safe in our Journeys home. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Remember my check whenever you think of me.

Remember my check.

What it is the mean to me?

Luna against my will

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