Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (2)

Speak Lord, for your servant listening
Prayer communication w/ God
often one sided
foster listening, not simply asking, or worse simply telling
how find God in prayer?
help from first reading and gospel
speak Lord, for your servant listening
Samuel + Gospel
Notice where both Andrew and Samuel are staying when the voice of God
student of Eli
is sleeping in the Temple away from the world!
student of John the baptist
in desert away from the world
Both rely on intercession of God’s servants on Earth for education
Both living outside the world
Both waiting for God’s actions in life by cleaning up their own house
Made straight the paths, washed/baptized themselves of spiritual impurities
requires help of others and purification to better hear
IT person to fix a broken phone thats would be ringing
not necessarily fun, tho perhaps some enjoyment in spiritual combat
Now ritual washing/baptism, what a formula to listen?
Speak Lord, servant listening
Response to God
desire or knowledge that should pray
stronger and louder more we seek
phones already ringing ‘Dime Senor’
must trust that
Recognize who we are asking to speak
He is fundamentally simple honest Truth itself, Goodness Itself, Beauty itself
Infinitely more intelligent than us
not vastly more, infintiely more
the one you ask knows better than you do
know who ask so youre actually asking Him
Your Servant
acknowledge this relation
as Christ agony for our example
not my will be done, but yours [Mark 24:36]
stop asking Him as if you were God and knew best
seek His will first as a servant
pride and self-importance no place in prayer
not a fairy God father goal and reward Himself
as James says we ask wrongly to spend on our passions and so do not receive [James 4:3] telling us love of world is emnity with God
God, and nothign in this life is where our identity is ultimately found, for ourselves and others
so if seeking God for ulterior motive, then don’t expect insight
He alone is the Good
what gets in way listening?
be brutally honest
don’t try to hear what you want, try to just hear truth
don’t tell God what to say
even if think it is not what you want, remember God wants what is best for us like a parent
hardest part
treating all anxieties, thoughts, appetites as noise
think of 1 Kings 19:12 (not earthquake or storm but the light silent sound
God, Goodness itself, speaks through direct peaceful truth
found in the dead quite of the distractions
This takes time and practice and it is utter dependence and reliance on God, letting go of our last self-reliant attachments (the interior attachments of the mind)
like for Samuel, God is already speaking in ourselves which are Temples of the Spirit, we often just need to learn to actually listen.
How do we pray, think of Samuel
speak Lord, servant listening,
but best way to find God is as Christ says in the Gospel today:
come and you will see


We hear God speaking “b4 we know him”
God initiates it
Samuel: “God hears”
Eli “my God”
leading up to this call is grave sins of Eli’s house
Sams in a holy place
get house in order if expect to hear God
---What are you looking for, you will be called Peter
---who say I am, you are Peter.
Behold Lamb of God”
probably referring to:
exodus 12
Is 53. (silent like lamb led to slaughter)
where staying (abide meneo) used alot in John
close proximity
4 o clock
dwelling b4 sunset in Judaism
you will be called (already knows who be)
Andrew and other disciple are quite religious already
ready for call (Probably Samuel too)
Shemu’el ‘God hears’
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