Cold Christianity
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Cold: marked by a lack of the warmth of normal human emotion, friendliness, or compassion 〈a cold stare〉 〈got a cold reception〉 also: not moved to enthusiasm Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
Visitor posted online in 2023: “We visited Shelbyville Rd while visiting in the area. We did not receive a warm, friendly atmosphere.”
Churches often think they are friendly—and they are, but with each other.
The heart of Christianity is the heart
Mk 12:29-30
The heart grows cold
Is our Bible study cold? (Heb 5:11-14)
Is our worship cold?
Cheerful giving (2 Cor 9:7). Recent visitor: Where’s the contribution? Did we have it? (Ben 3)
Joyful singing (Ps 100:1;
A cold church—Ephesus Rev 2:4 c
Are we cold in our benevolence? Mt 5:42
No greeters
The cure for a cold heart
The only cure for a cold heart is to look at the heart of Jesus.
Did not our hearts burn within us?
We do not need to be afraid of emotions
Love the Lord with all our hearts—emotions