The Roots of True Worship, Part 2: How Perfect Communion Fell Apart

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Genesis 3:8 NASB95
8 They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
Intro: I remember my last year in high school, there a good number of us who hung out often. And one evening we were out hanging, and me and couple of people made a store run. When we got back, there were folks arguing and yelling at each other. To the point where one started mouthing off at me. Half of us were about to fight each other!! We all used to be cool! But somehow, our friendships started falling apart.
The Deception (Gen 3)
Last week we learned the roots of true worship which began with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. They had a perfect union with GOD. But this perfect communion, this perfect, started falling apart. And if you and I are going to better understand how and why in 2024 we must live a lifestyle of worship, it is critical to understand “How Perfect Communion Fell Apart”. First we will look at ‘The Deception’ and what was involved in that deception, then ‘The Damage’ that resulted, and how they relate to worship.
One thing to note about deception is that there are layers.
Disguise (Gen 3:1)
Moses introduces a specific animal into the picture, a serpent, and highlights the fact that it was the craftiest, cleverest, and slickest animal that existed. But something very strange happens, it begins to speak to the woman.
We have to question, was this normal? No. Perhaps she didn’t realize because she wasn’t part of naming them. Regardless, there is a spirit/satan manipulating and capitalizing on the nature of the serpent. In two visions, the apostle John in Rev 12:9 and Rev 20:2, he describes satan as that ‘ancient serpent’, that being from the beginning of time. Thus it is clear that satan is the voice, but he has disguised himself with the serpent.
This disguise is the seed of idolatry, which is to worship the form of created things. Consider Deut 4:12, 15, Moses says they heard God’s voice and didn’t see a form of anything. The same in the garden. But here it is satan has controlled God’s creation to speak to Eve. Keep that in mind. - The first layer of deception here is disguise.
Doubt (Gen 3:2)
This deception is unfolded as satan speaks and Eve responds. The first words from him are “Has God said…?” In other words, “Did God really say this?”
One interesting point is that satan doesn’t challenge God’s existence!! It is amazing that people today and throughout history challenge God’s existence. But even satan didn’t do that! What’s also interesting is many people who question God’s existence begin by questioning “What GOD said!!”
Nonetheless, this question draws the woman into a conversation. And her response reveals she wasn’t very clear about God’s command because she adds “touch it” and generalizes the middle of the garden.
All in all, what is satan doing? Satan’s aim is to plant a seed of doubt about God’s authority. The second layer.
Disbelief (Gen 3:4)
But that’s not all. After she responds trying to affirm what God said, satan responds authoritatively, not only challenging God’s authority, but also challenging God’s power. Because to say “You surely will not die” claims that God can’t cause to happen what he said would.
What is satan’s aim? He is watering the seed of doubt and also planting the seed of disbelief about the consequences. This disbelief about consequences moves the mind to think “I can get away with this”, which is to mock GOD.
Dissatisfaction (Gen 3:5-6)
But then, watch satan back up his claim with an assault on God “GOD knows”. Wait wait. As if satan has the mind of GOD. But it’s no surprise for one who has already started war in heaven and loss. So no wonder his appeal to her is about being like GOD, knowing good and evil. Because being GOD has been his aim (Is 14)!!
His aim is to steal Eve’s heart with this faulty alternative. And he is successful. The success is seen in the shift of her perception regarding that tree. What was forbidden became delicious, delightful, and desirable. She became dissatisfied with all that GOD had provided, and being GOD to herself became more attractive that enjoying who GOD was to her. GOD was no longer worth what he used to be!!!
Disobedience (Gen 3:6-7)
Well when you put this all together: satan’s disguise, planting doubt, and watering disbelief, and then the woman’s responding dissatisfaction, it brought forth disobedience! She at the fruit, and gave some to Adam! Deception!!!
The Damage
Now, as soon as Adam ate the fruit, then the damage of this deception is seen. This was obedience to satan through deception, and equally disobedience to GOD.
Discomfort (Gen 3:7)
It immediately changed how they saw themselves and one another. Here it is they were married, but the damage of sin brings discomfort!! This level of discomfort challenges how open we can be with those whom GOD designed us to be closest with!! From our spouses, children, brothers and sisters in Christ, etc.
Dodging (Gen 3:8)
Even more, it damaged how they responded to GOD. There is an introduction of fear that didn’t exist! The used to enjoy the presence of the Lord. But now they’re dodging his presence!
I wish had all day to preach this point, because it even highlights how children of GOD in 2024 respond to GOD. Some times we try to dodge GOD: that bible conversation, call from a spirit brother or sister, direction to serve somebody, etc.
Notice too, there’s no problem with GOD. He’s approaching them like he always has. He’s still revealing himself and reaching out. But it’s their response that’s no longer the same. Why? Because they realize they have paid satan MORE THAN GOD!!!
Deflection (Gen 3:9-13)
So GOD calls out to the man, “hey man, where you at? This is not like you. What’s going on?” Adam tells him he hid, because he was naked. God’s response shows the order of this whole problem: “Who told you you were naked?
This right here, is the start and fuel of a broken union with GOD!! Who told you? They didn’t know no other GOD. God’s logical conclusion is that somebody has been in your ear. Next, GOD asks about the tree.
But watch this damage further unfold. Adam doesn’t even answer the first question, and he implicates GOD in his response “The woman you gave me”. GOD turns to Eve, and she points to the serpent. Now both are somewhat correct in what they say, but they’re not straightforward. Instead of owning what they’ve done, they instead are deflecting blame.
Death (Gen 3:21, 22-24)
GOD responds with a curse to the serpent and to crush the spirit disguised with serpent. Pain and subordination for the woman. Cursed ground and sweaty labor to eat for the man. But there’s one last part of this damage that we need to see, and that’s death.
See the mercy of GOD!!! They had tried to fix the damage to their presence and communion with GOD by dressing themselves in fig leaves. But that was insufficient for GOD! We know it was insufficient because they still hid from him!! Instead GOD clothed them with animal skins, which required the death of an animal! GOD indicates here, that the way to remedy the damage that sin does to the communion between GOD and humanity is, substitutionary DEATH!!!
And then lastly, because of their disobedience, GOD drove them away from the garden and guarded access to the tree of life. See, that perfect union with the presence of GOD included this access. Because death was the punishment to that disobedience, living forever was no longer an option on the earth.
Conclusion: Please be honest with ourselves!! Satan ain’t changed. He is still using these layers of deception, trying cause our relationship with GOD to fall apart!!!
Where, who, and what is satan disguising What doubts has he planted about GOD? What disbelief has he planted about consequences GOD has stated? What dissatisfies you about GOD, that leads you to desire satan’s faulty alternative and disobedience? How has this damaged you? To the point where there is a discomfort between you and those who should be closest? How much are you dodging GOD? Be serious!! How much do we deflect, not owning responsibility for what has happened to this communion? Do you recognize the damage? But then do you thank GOD for his mercy, in the death substitution he gives.
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