Wholehearted Devotion
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God has freed the Israelites from Egypt (Exodus) and given Moses the 10 Commandments and others on Mount Sinai (Leviticus)
At the start of Numbers, the Israelites are at the foot of Mount Sinai and marching to the Promised Land
God guides the people by cloud and fire
Halfway there, Moses sends spies to scout out the land at God’s command 2 dozen go and all but 2 think it’s too difficult
Read Numbers 14:1-24
v. 9 — the people they would overtake were child sacrificers whom God gave opportunities to repent, this is not an endorsement of violence, if you still struggle with the violence suspend it for today and we’ll discuss later
v. 12 — not sure if God really intends it, or if he’s testing Moses
v. 18 — Moses remembers God’s character that he learned on Mt. Sinai
v. 21 — the glory of the Lord fills the earth, but not knowledge of it
Recap what happens
Explain the differences in the passage between them and us, but how it still applies
the temptation to return to slavery (v. 1-4)
can you imagine this? their lives were miserable once they get some distance, they forget how bad it was
remember tonight why you left your old life behind for Jesus
be certain that this year the temptation to run back to sin will come
to crowd our spiritual disciplines even though we talked about it at GCG
to cross boundaries in a dating relationship
to slip back into consumer mode at church
to lack integrity when finals come around
to be quiet about your faith around your friends
the reasons in ch. 14 (death) are different than later in Numbers (good food), and the reason for all of us will be different, but they will come
the risk inherent in wholehearted commitment (end of ch. 13)
read 13:28-33
there were different reasons for fear (the land itself, death for the men, plunder for the women & kids), and there are different risks for us too
2 Timothy 3:12 — “…everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”
I’m so proud of the difficulties y’all have faced to follow Jesus all in
some of you have risked acceptance by family
some of you have left acceptance by the world
some of you have delayed gratification to choose holiness
some of you have given time and energy for the needs of others
some of you are laying down your future before God
Risks like these and others will be a part of wholehearted commitment. We don’t know all the ways they will happen, but they’ll be there.
We need God’s help to see clearly when things get difficult. there’s a reason only 2 had faith in God are you regularly in the Word? can you lean on Scripture’s truth when times get tough?
the loss guaranteed by half-hearted faith (v. 20-24)
God had something great planned for them and they forfeited it
The reason so many Christians don’t feel like they experience “abundant life/life to the full” is because they aren’t “committed to the full”
Dean’s year of devotion to God + 6 more months
Sophie writing 2024 — GOD
What step do you need to take right now to be wholeheartedly devoted to God?
Show up at Reach every week
Start reading your Bible every day
Join a discipleship group
Engage in Spring Training
Confess some habitual sin to a mentor
Be baptized like Sophie
Make 2024 a year of wholehearted devotion to the Lord Jesus.