Gods Chosen Path for You Level 2
Reflection Paper
Reflection Paper
The Path of Faith, “In His presence is fulness of joy…” We have his pleasures for evermore as well as a shield of Salvation. A shield of faith to deliver me from all my enemies. I can remain calm because my faith in rescue and deliverance is true. So my path is smooth and sure because we ask and walk in faith our path as we seek to do His commandments. My walk is with my God and He illuminates my path with His Presence. Holy is the Lord my God. May I always produce a Fruit of repentance and walk humbly before you on our path together. we invite God to search us for He knows our ways, and then we seek His correction to make our ways straight again. Walking in His delight and loving Him.
Righteousness and Justice, are so important in our path as we consider them and ask for understanding as we walk our path with our righteous and just God. he will let us gain understanding as we learn and act in these ways of God. In all of these things, He reserves our place on the path directs our path, and guards us in them. He will Synchronize all this together for us for a complete understanding. Equity from God brings about His blessing and protection around us as the rest of the world is being judged. Many people may opt out because they do not want to walk in their path or don’t want to repent of their carnal ways. they just grow cold. we must pray but keep moving in our path and trust them with God hoping for mercy for these people. God will make our path brighter and brighter as we humbly walk our path together with God as we focus on our path.
God's Desire Made Known, is a very important fact to remember as we walk down our path, it is this, He is in charge and He does not need any council. He makes his ways and desires known to us who diligently seek Him. Seek a relationship with God through daily conversation. Remember, He knows our coming and going and will always clear our paths. Talk and relate to God and learn His ways. Walk in Gods desire and not our own desire. Actually , we need to synchronize our desire to Gods desire and we will be walking with God and his good pleasure and Joy. The past is behind us and can be forgotten, Keep your eyes ahead pondering our next steps with God while walking in our pathway with Him.
The Gift of Repentance, is a desire of Father God and a known desire and way of God we should be established in by being in Synch with Jesus and walking this out. We will have many supernatural encounters and need to be spiritually sharp by constantly walking in repentance and producing fruit of repentance. Repentance effects a lot of people if you do it and walk in it. Do not stay in deception or operate in it. Holy Spirit will let you know. However if you don’t people could be effected negatively and it keeps perpetuating. So, just repent and move forward in God. Take the correction and get back on course again on your pathway. We should be asking for the gift of repentance constantly producing fruit unto repentance. Repentance is always an ongoing process.
True Repentance, is receiving from Holy Spirit directions for correcting your life and course correction on your pathway, then following through for break through as you produce fruits of repentance. We do this all of our life as we are walking in our pathway with God listening and talking with God all along the way. We have to die to ourselves and our will and come alive in the resurrection power of jesus and pursue Gods will in the Kingdom of God.