Jan. 21, 2024 Sunday School Life After Death #3
The same that we pray amen.
I sold all of my outline today at lessons are up on the rent on my website Larry bureau.com then if you already get that now if you want to I usually send out send it out to email on Friday or Saturday before the Sunday that I'm preaching. So if you want to be on that list just go to my website barre3.com and you can subscribe like they're on the homepage and that that'll put you in the contacts for the website. I do know of you but I don't assume that you want that stuff. So if you do want it go there subscribe, and then that'll put you on the list and you will be able to get the out buyer. Thank you for all the fish from you give me feedback and I'm looking forward to 2024. I want to thank the leadership here for inviting me back for another year. So you'll see me every third Sunday again. So, you know, I love you guys and put a lot of work into this is just great to be able to continue in that way. So thank you for that. All right, for those of you at home bear is girl.com you meant outline and follow along. What were doing today? And I'm glad he decided to continue this study in our life after death. This is one of the topics that gets a lot of people and also plays in very well with the theme for this year being spiritually mature and fruit is a spiritual issue right now. If there were no life after death then questions about the spirit will be Nolan boy. Right, there will be no spirit so we would need to be talking about this. So I think that the very fact that all of mankind has questions about life after death is a great signal a wonderful Beacon that there is a God and man is worried about or concerned about or is interested in his eternal destination. All right and connecting the dots from your Eternal destination and how that reflects your current situation is a very easy line to draw. Okay. So obviously something we do here will affect what happens with us over there. Is that alright? And so the teacher that we get from the Bible becomes Paramount in our understanding about Things like this and so Tony has talked about how we should consider this type of study and I'm going to talk today about what do we know about the resurrection Dead who does ask you out there? What are your questions about the resurrection? What do you understand about the resurrection? What questions do you have about the resurrection? Anybody? Anybody have any understanding of the Resurrection? What is the resurrection?
Okay, so we resurrected from the dead. Okay, you're under standing on the resurrection.
Will happen when Jesus comes back. Okay, Zack symbols of baptism after you exit the water symbol of baptism when you come up out of the water. That's certainly a resurrection. That's a good one.
Okay will be separated. Absolutely Tony this body that you now operate in. Is is going away? It is if it it has a purpose and its purpose is it in the life that we live now? We are in our bodies because it is the apparatus by which we operate in the Physical Realm that we operate in the world. Our bodies are physical and they have been equipped to operate in the Physical Realm. Okay. And God who is Spirit also lets us know that there is a spiritual realm right and that that's where a lot of these prices come from. That's where the Bible talks about the resurrection and we're going to take a look at the the resurrection as well. All right, and we're just going to talk about what do we know about the resurrection as the Bible has revealed it to us because just because you have an opinion of something doesn't make it true that everybody agree with that just because you had heard something talk before doesn't make it true. All right. So where do we find truth and gods were we can count on that right where we know that when everything else is done away with what will still exist? Crossword go past even the destruction of this world his his word with the so we have a Dependable source, which is why bring this up. We have a Dependable Source available to us to consider things about life after death and we're just going to deal with it one little part of that today and that is the resurrection. All right, and so Jesus has already been here once raise your hand if you know that. Okay a call all your participation of call keep him awake. There is warm down here making moves. All right, but Jesus is coming again. How many new that Jesus is coming again? And so with the Lord sex second commenting that is going to usher in so me some different events. All right with the Lord comes again that's going to usher in a different event one of those Ricky. This is the first one that you see up there the resurrection of the Dead. Okay, I'll order one is is that and I'm going to write this down cuz for some reason I didn't tell put it up there. Jesus is going to deliver. the kingdom
back to the father
Okay, because the kingdom now and we are members of that Kingdom. We are members of his body. He is the ruler he is the head over that body, but when he comes back again and the Resurrect The Dead are resurrected. There's going to be an event in the afterlife where Jesus returns the kingdom back to the father and that right. There's going to be a day of judgement.
Now I always like to qualify your understanding of this because we speak English and Williams first English words, not all English words, make good equivalent to Greek words that the New Testament was written mainly in okay. And so when we use the word judgment, I like for us more to understand that what we're talking about is a sentencing. Okay, because when Jesus comes back, we're going to receive our sentence. reliving our judgment Okay, and there really is no need for a judgment or trial because God is omniscient. Who knows what I'm nishat means. President not ever present anybody knows all he have all knowledge. So anything you do even the little things you did in the closet if the things that you think our secret guess who knows? God knows. All right. So God doesn't have to put you on trial be already knows he's on this and he already knows what you've done. So in in that day you going to receive your sent it. Okay, and that even happened with the rich man and Lazarus the parable that we talked about a lot right? When when the rich man die he woke up in torment. Wright didn't go to trial he woke up in torment. He has received or the beginning of his sentence. Right, I won't get into that too much. Alright. When I think of judgment, the only thing I can think of as punishment, but Christmas aren't going to be punished and get Jasmine, you know, it's like Monopoly don't go to jail for the dollars. We don't get the money will be meeting at all. But great question. Good good. Good question. All right.
innocent Yes.
Mine is also going to be a new heavens and a new Earth. Back, so we're going to talk about. Will you may or may not get to all of these that this is that the study of eschatology if you ever heard that word is the study of my life after death-row things are included in there. Alright, we're going to talk about is what you see in that box to your left. We're going to look at the fact of the Resurrection really look at that agent of the Resurrection will look at the universality of the Resurrection because the resurrection is not just for Christians is for everybody. It's Universal. Okay, I'll look at the time of the resurrection and then we'll talk about the body of the Resurrection. Okay, so that's what many other things pertaining to life after death. There's a lot of speculation about the resurrection. There are Churches and denominations who have complete different ideologies about what happens after death or and leading up to it right in as a lot of different schools where those are concerned but not all of them are what they'll do is they'll take one verse or a couple verses of scripture and then build on that a hole Pottery instead of just sticking with the Bible all the way through. All right, and that's when we're going to attempt to do to the best of our ability. Okay, so can we do anything about the resurrection absolutely because the Bible tells us and we trust the Bible. All right and what has been clearly revealed in the scriptures about this subject is what's going to allow us to get a better understanding about what's going to happen in the resurrection. Let's start off talking about the fact of the Resurrection first. All right now, geez The one thing that we know is that Jesus taught on the resurrection is that the ultimate Authority had something to say about the resurrection and so we should be able to trust in that a man has so and Jesus taught that there will be a resurrection UK in John chapter 5 verses 28 to 29. And if you want me to put a scripture up, let me know but I'll give you the passages on the screen and I'll read you parts of it because we have a lot to go through. All right, but I'll pull them up if you would like but Jesus lets us know that our time is coming it. Which both those good. And evil, right? That's me to Universal reality of the Resurrection because both good and evil, we're going to be resurrected. We understand that he said both good and evil will come forth from the grave. John chapter 5 verses 28 and 29. Jesus also says you were those who believed in him will be raised up at the last day John chapter 6 verses 3940 4454 any write that on there? John 6:39 40 44 54
map to work on my kidney-shaped table. All right. Now we also noted his Apostles proclaimed a resurrection of the day, but Jesus caught on it and his Apostles taught on it and they taught on it and Acts Chapter 4 verses 1 through 2 Peter and John preached in Jesus the resurrection of the dead that's what they say, right they say in his defense before the Sanhedrin and Felix pahl confessed his hope in the resurrection. He does that it acts chapter 23 verse number 6 and also in chapter 24 and verse number 15 for Paul confesses his hope in the resurrection before political authorities in that day. All right with his Apostles thought on it. To the church at Corinth Paul asserted the necessity of the Resurrection in 1st Corinthians 15, and that's a long as the scripture but you'll have that available to eat. Once again, if you're taking notes, you can also get this outline on my website buried your old.com for later study for the 1st Corinthians 15:12 through 23. Paul talks about the necessity of the resurrection of the Church of thessalonica. He taught the doctrine of the Resurrection as a source of comfort because both my kids doing everybody remember my Bible students
rest stop
working cuz they thought the resurrection ressentiment. They thought I was coming soon. So why should we go to work? And I had to tell him know how to get back to work. And what did he teach them if you don't work? You don't eat but he was trying to really get them back to work. Right and we all like eating a man. Okay, and so he taught them to guess the resurrection is, but it is not imminent in their day. Anyway, we don't know when that day is today. It could be tomorrow could be this afternoon. Who knows? Hopefully we're living right? All right. So I last one has the authority of Christ and his Apostles. The fact that there is a resurrection is undeniable. I just released you pass the scriptures that I like that I given up. How can such a thing happen is the question that we want to know then right? How is his resurrection going to happen? And so with that we're going to look at it real quick of the Resurrection. All right now Jesus attributes the power of the Resurrection to the power of God. OK Google how he himself was resurrected from the dead by the power of God, but he reminds the Sadducees and this is really important because the sadducee for my Bible students did not believe in the resurrection. Write sentences did not believe in the resurrection. But Jesus reminded them of it, Matthew 22 and verse number 29. You can look that up later. And of course with God nothing will be impossible for these impossible for God. Matter fact, I love the statement. I forget which one of the sites that I try to do some studying from said, but if the first verse of the Bible is true, then every verse of the Bible is true. If in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth than anything else is possible. Because he brought the heavens and earth. From what? Nothing and from nothing, we got what something everything. So if that is possible the first then anything is possible in the Bible. If you can create something from nothing then he can raise the Dead. And give them life. Century that's what he did in creating the heavens on Earth is that not right? That's what he reminds them of that fact that we look at the agent of the Resurrection Paul. Also emphasized that very same power of God. So Jesus attributes, the agent of the ability to have a resurrection is because God is omnipotent. Now we use one word already with the Omni in it. That was omniscient. That means all-knowing now we use another Omni word, which is omnipotent omnipotent means what all power. Okay. God is all-knowing and got it all powerful. There is no power. That can be above God because God has all power. Right and all power comes from God and because God is omnipotent. He is able to create the heavens and earth this make sense everybody so far everybody with me. Okay. Alright. I talked about the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Paul teaches this the same power that raised Jesus from the dead he mentioned in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse number 14 that same power will be used on you and you don't me Okay. You also said he who can raised Jesus from the dead can certainly raise us up at the last day. That's what he said the 2nd Corinthians 4 and verse number 14. So Jesus talks about that. The agent of the Resurrection is the power of God God is what makes the resurrection possible. This is not a Mindless progression of events from a physical perspective. There is a challenging perspective of human kind that says that things just evolve. Write Natural Sciences want to believe in in the Darwin theory of evolution right hand and things just happen mindlessly. They just a plain evolved into one thing to another the resurrection is not that it's not something that just happens after you're dead. You evolve into life after death. Everybody understand what I'm saying life after death happens because of the power of God God is what makes it happen. If God doesn't want to make this happen. He's also determine what happened.
We talked about the judgement right which is a sentence a is a good place and that's what we call a bad place. right so that also lets us know that
I just like the pillows always bring this up that it if Justice will always ultimately be served.
Okay, it may not happen in your lifetime. But it will ultimately always be sir. Nobody. gets away with anything
I think we're really slick right away with that one.
Nobody gets away with anything ever. God is going to make everything right in his time. And that's why we need to trust in him. That's why we don't go get Vengeance for ourselves. We allow God to administer the Vengeance. My fat guy says what are the Lakers?
Vengeance is mine says the Lord. God letting us know I'll take care of it. What you worried about Prozac when you were talking bad about me the other day. You know. Okay. We need to have that type of patients that type of Faith as well. Right cuz we're here to do good and we only have a certain amount of time to do it. We're going to take our time spending and do an evil that doesn't allow us the time we need to do. Does that make sense? Okay, that doesn't make you weak and then doesn't allow people to run all over you don't you worry about that God's got it. God's got it. Trust trust in him. Okay. So while it may be difficult for us to comprehend the how the dead can be raised we're not going to get into the science of it and all of that just come to understand that that happens because of the power of God. God had that power bk8 what God can do and all of you notice to be a fat guy can stand out in darkness. And you say Let There Be I guess what happened?
even nothing can't refuse. And says Get Up guess what that dead bodies got to do and did that happen in the scriptures about the resurrection. A time is coming when God is going to say. Get up.
You're not good.
restaurants that have hope in that piece of that brother ages
That's right that Lazarus everybody with heavy feeling. Who is power going to be specific? Zurich is right about the fact that there is a resurrection. We talked a little bit now about the agent of the resurrection and we got to summarize to get to all of these and I'll give you scriptures to go along with that. Another question that we have to address concern who will be resurrected and this is what this is why we do what we do because too much of the world even if they don't believe in God think that they're so you know, they're scot-free. Okay, there's a TV show that I that I like watching than me and Tony were important nerves and also there was a show I think it was called American Gods anybody watch the show American Gods what the thing was is that these guys were losing power because people weren't believing in them anymore. Right and so they were turning their power directly to how many people believe in them. That's not how God operates. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not. God is still omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent. Okay, if it is his strength has no bearing on your face. Your face has everything to do with how you are a veil to the power of God. Right now I'm about to pick some more teaching later on. So it don't matter what you believe or not. That's going to be a resurrection of the Dead. And and what you believe in other gods you still are responsible Tuesday one God. Hear o Israel the Lord thy God, he is 10K and a guy tried to show up and give us a shadow of this in Egypt because an Egypt they believed that a lot of different guy. And if you didn't know every last one of those plagues that you read about in Exodus was a direct affront against a God or so-called God. They had a job for the Nile forgot. They look at me to do Somethin. I have your God do something and nothing happened. They had a lot of God over the firstborn got the okay all the firstborn. I guess you do this if you didn't do that your first-born die. He's okay. What's your guy going to do about it? Okay had a person had a guy over the cattle got infected the cattle. Now with your guy can do it. I was trying to show it don't matter what you believe. I'm still God. Right, you better believe in me. So the resurrection is universal. It happens to everybody. Alright, Jesus taught that in John chapter 5 verses 28 and 29 and there he says all Now some people think that the Bible is very hard to understand I would like to prove. Otherwise, I like to ask this cracked glass a question. What does all mean y'all understand that?
And Jesus said all who are in the grave will come forth. If Universal the good and evil, he said earlier on right we look at that and then he said both those who have done good and those who have done evil are all going to come from the gray why because of our God God is already determined if that's what's going to happen. I could just waiting for that time to come. Yes denominations come up with the idea of the Rapture Revelation. I don't mean to Yeah, I don't want to get off in the Revelation but kind of real quick. That's what we talked about the resurrection and they can interpret some symbols and their to be things that they aren't to save it for another words when they read that Satan is going to rule for a thousand years. So they're making that a literal thousand years of saving rule in here on Earth. We're in a fact if if if they would understand that the Book of Revelation is apocalyptic which means is all about symbolism and thousand just met the perfect amount of time. And so was just talkin about the things going to have his way for an amount of time that God has determined what that will be. All right, and it doesn't mean that God is going to take his hand away from Earth. And then you're going to say okay say in your turn your turn to roll you go ahead and do and I'm giving you a thousand years. That's how they've read that. So they taking scriptures like I misinterpreted them in that way, right is the prince of the air today.
Today, there's not a thousand years coming where God is going to let him loose without refuting him or fighting against that's going on right now.
You guys will know what nothing is no more today. Get me started on that.
Play 1000 years is going on right now. And if people don't realize that shame on them. Right, and so and then other scriptures like the exact that would take the rest of the class to go through where they they take what is figurative and have made it literal. And it come up with different doctor and then those doctrines that split in the other doctors. And in those doctors that split has split again. It's all about you and it just keeps on going like that right until you return to the scriptures and read them for themselves. Like the bereans did I know about the bereans right? They had the Apostle Paul himself, preach to them. And what do they do? They search the Scriptures Daily to see if what is true? And we can still do that today. You're going to hear me preach later. And and when I preached I'm going to give scripture to what I'm saying. I'm going to do my best not to give you bury his opinion. There is going to encourage their you going to come Joel Berry is going to invite but it's all going to be based on the power of God. Not going to be based on Berry at all. I know y'all think I'm all that and a bag of s***. It ain't me. Is him and man okay for Jesus teaches there and in order for want to experience or resurrection of Life the other or resurrection of condemnation the good experience with the Bible Jolie called the resurrection of life. And those who do evil will experience the resurrection of condemnation. That's what the rich man experienced after. He died. He woke up and torment so much snow did he just wanted to a little drop little water off of Lazarus finger? Right how much torment he was in and then we found out that that couldn't happen. He was still in torment. He says you don't send somebody to my family. And warn them if they don't end up like I did. And the beautiful thing is they were told he was told what you'll be. All right, that's what that's why I was given. And so that's what we need to be doing from from the rich man's lament. That's what we need to be doing Moses and the prophets which has been expanded into the New Testament in the Bible that we have today a man. Alright, so we also also along with Jesus because the Bible is consistent in that way Paul them to something different than Jesus talk my fact the Holy Spirit came to remind the Apostle what Jesus taught and so they caught it. Based on the power of the Holy Spirit to bring them into a remembrance of the things that he taught that makes sense so far as a teaching that all would be raised as well. He mentions that in 2415. He said both the just and the unjust We're going to be raised. All right, he also said the 1st Corinthians 15 verses 21 through 22 for as in Adam all die even so in Christ all shall be made alive for Jesus taught that the resurrection was going to be Universal and Paul the Apostle taught that the resurrection Adobe Universal is well nobody escapes. the Judgment of God Okay, it's just like I wish world of people would understand this. You didn't escape the power God to come into this world. What makes you think you going to escape it leaving this world? Cuz I want you to know I saw my twins being born. I want you know, that's a miracle.
That's a miracle. And an epiphany I saw blood I saw water and then I saw the life. And that just knocked me over. And I was like, there it is right there. It still moves me to this day, Tony.
To be in Christ like that experienced talk about that later as we get down to the body time permitting in in some way. Everyone will be raised from the dead. So what about the timing of the Resurrection? I'm at the speed up a little bit cuz my time is getting away from us at the last day in the Bible talking about the last day. That's the time that we talkin about when the Lord comes again, Jesus spoke again, and again of raising the Dead the last day John 6:39 4044 4054 Paul Road of it occurring when Jesus comes again to deliver the kingdom to the father. Having destroyed The Last Enemy and The Last Enemy to be defeated is has been defeated. There's no more. So life after death is going to be eternally and eternal existence. So it's a turtle life with Christ. awesome eternal life of condemnation
Please understand that you later said that it will occur at the last trumpet. All right, what about the doctrine of separate Resurrection? This is sort of your question that and maybe there's a charm call premillennialism. Hey now, if you are premillennialist, I'm not trying to insult you. But I want you to take my warning it's not biblical. Okay, and I just talked about one of the things that premillennialist believe in and why it's not isn't truth and after thousand year reign of Satan. Okay, and why and I told you why real quickly we can get into that what they've done all the time. So pretty much some of these verses here all premillennialist eat at least two Resurrection. At least you don't do more than that the resurrection to Believers at the beginning of the Millennium and the resurrection of unbelievers at the end of the Millenium 9 mm thousand million. And so when you talk about premillennialist that talkin about the Creve Thousand-Year reign Right dispensational premillennialist even to Morris brick Resurrection the resurrection of tribulation of the Saints at the end of a seven-year tribulation and the resurrection of Millennials say at the end of the Millennium. In other words, what they're trying to do is give people more and more chances to be safe. That's one of the reasons for all these doctrines, but we need to understand and now is your best time and chance to be safe. And and you have the best vehicle available to you Jesus the Christ. He was anointed Chosen and and fulfilled that designation so that we could be saved. So you don't need for there to be five different resurrections to be saved. You only need one. Cuz you only need one cracks. a man alright, so You talk real quick about the body. I'm going to have to close out. The resurrection body of the righteous will be our our bodies, but glorified changed and differ if you take up another three classes, but we don't have time. Okay, it won't be. This is 1st Corinthians 15 verses 3-5 through 55 talks a lot about that and how we get that body. Once again by the power of God Matthew 22 verse 29 our physical bodies serve as a colonel. I want then kernel less kernel.
For our resurrected bodies lower. This is the sea. for your glorified by
right if you think of a c when you get a seal SAS a tomato plant you could you in one way you can say this sea is a tomato. But really it's the tomatoes see right and when you plant the seed in the ground the sea opens up. Or is destroyed. And out of that sea grows a tomato. That's what this body is for our glorified bodies.
Okay. So that and that happens by the power of God and the Bible talks about it in this way with those verses and now I wish you had time to go but we are sown in corruption. We are raised in incorruption. We are sown in dishonour will be raised in glory. We are sown in weakness will be raised in we are sown As Natural bodies but will be raised as
don't don't don't get all caught up on it. Show me all the like me you got really good seed.
We mad at me.
God may be all right, but this body will give way to something even better. Even better. Okay, even those were alive the Christ coming will undergo. This change will receive a body of Life unto life and others will receive an indestructible body to of condemnation so that they can go through that combination for an eternity.
That's that's so boring when you think about that. Okay, and so that's the body of the Resurrection. So wet for things that we can know about the resurrection in a summary that it is a fact there is an agent which is the power of God that everybody will be resurrected. Nobody gets to escape there is a time and that time that the Bible is referring to in the last days the last day and then there's a body that we received in the resurrection that is eternal and it is spiritual and we'll be living with God for all eternity a Mac. All right. We're going have to stop there. Any quick question, Can you close this out with work? Thank you all for your very kind attention.
When we what can we do what now? No, no, you will not like this body is going to give away. His body's going to cuz what this body is this dust this is dirt, right? So when we die, I guess what happened to our body it turns into dirt. It turns into a those are worried about cremation and all that kind of stuff. Don't you worry about that? There is nothing that can happen here in this world that can overcome the power of God to raise you up in the last day. Cuz nobody escapes. Nobody escapes. So the people that got burned up in the towers the people to drown or speaking at the bottom of the ocean the people that you know, lazarbeam desegregated nobody escapes. a man Hi brother, Tony closest outfits.