Session 19: Does the Bible Teach That Women Are Inferior to Men?

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Join us today as we discuss the question: Does the Bible Teach That Women Are Inferior to Men?

Session 19: Does the Bible Teach That Women Are Inferior to Men? Apologetics and the Gospel with Pastor Jonathan White, MD / General Apologetics and the Gospel / Bible; Christianity; Atheism; A Wife; Apologetics; Gospel; Evangelism; Value; Scripture; Strength; A Mother; Evolution; Darwinism; Equality Join us today as we discuss the question: Does the Bible Teach That Women Are Inferior to Men? (Intro Music starts with first slide - read intro and move forward) Welcome to Apologetics and the Gospel. My name is Pastor Jonathan White, and I am the Lead Pastor at CrossPointe Family Church in Winfield, WV as well as a practicing Emergency Medicine Physician. Question for Today: Does the Bible Teach That Women Are Inferior to Men? Talk about a loaded question. Many of you are probably wondering what I am thinking taking on a huge issue like this in a short podcast. I want to hit this issue head-on because it is a common misconception among unbelievers that the Bible infers that women are inferior. Although the Bible is clear that men and women have different roles and functions in society and the Church, it is also crystal clear that we are equal before God. I want to clarify something in understanding inferiority. By inferiority, I am describing intrinsic worth of females and males being equal. I am also describing the intrinsic worth before God as equal. It is obvious that we are on average, very different physically-speaking. Consider the following facts: Page 1. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:49 PM January 22, 2024. Who is the Fastest Human Being to Have Ever Lived? Usain Bolt ran a 200-meter dash in 19.19 seconds in 2009 in Berlin. He also ran a 100 meter dash in 9.58 seconds. Both of these are world records. Keep in mind that the fastest woman to have ever lived (Elaine ThompsonHerah) ran a 10.61 second 100-meter dash - over a full second slower than Bolt. Still an extremely impressive feat and faster than I’ll ever run! Who is the Strongest Human Being to Have Ever Lived? Brian Shaw is a 6’8’’ and 435 lbs man who has won the World’s Strongest Man Competition 4 separate times (2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016). He is thought of as one of if not the strongest human being to have ever lived. He has bench pressed 535 lbs and deadlifted 1,025 lbs. He also squatted 903 lbs. There is a woman who has bench-pressed more than Shaw. Shaw is an overall strong-man and has worked his entire body for training for the strongman competitions. However, power-lifter Rae-Ann Coughenour-Miller bench pressed 605-lbs and holds the women’s world record for this. However, in 2023, Will Barotti just bench-pressed 1,105 lbs! This is almost twice the bench press record for the strongest woman’s benchpress. It is clear that we are made differently. But does being stronger mean that one is worth more? Biblically-speaking - absolutely not! Page 2. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:49 PM January 22, 2024. What About Childbearing? I understand that in today’s gender-confusion era, some may think that a man can have a child. However, it is scientifically impossible for a biological male to have a baby. But does this mean that women are superior to men? Biblically-speaking, absolutely not. It actually takes both a man and a women to make a baby! The Bible teaches that men and women are both valuable. Galatians 3:28 says the following: Galatians 3:28 ESV There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Although we have different cultures and genders - we are equal before Christ! This does not mean that these distinctions are unimportant practically-speaking - but eternally-speaking they won’t matter at all. We are all saved the same way. We are all saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. He shows no partiality. Romans 2:11 ESV For God shows no partiality. Just because the Bible teaches that the leadership of the church is for men (1 Timothy 2:9-15) and that men should lead their homes and families (Ephesians 5:23) does not mean that the Bible teaches female inferiority. In fact, the Bible calls husbands to love their wives sacrificially as Christ loved the church and laid His life down for the Church (Ephesians 5:25). We, as husbands are called to be willing to lay our lives down for our wives. Wives are only commanded to respect and submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22,33). Sacrificing one’s entire self seems to be a bit harsher than respecting someone! Page 3. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:49 PM January 22, 2024. What About Eve? Many unbelievers point to the Garden of Eden and the fact that Eve ate of the forbidden fruit first. They rail at the fact that this demeans women more than men. Yet, listen to Paul blast Adam in Romans 5:12: Romans 5:12 ESV Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned— Note that Adam is the one blasted here - the man and not the woman. Because of his leadership responsibility he is the one who is blamed. This is even more clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 15:22: 1 Corinthians 15:22 ESV For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. The Scriptures are clearly showing that Adam is ultimately responsible for the fall of mankind. This does not propagate or assume the inferiority of women. It actually is protective and holds women in a higher regard. Does the World See Women as Inferior? Sadly, our world continually demeans women. Sex-trafficking is at an all-time high with the vast majority being oppressed women. Women’s sports are being demolished by men declaring themselves women. Women are continually being objectified by advertisements and media. Page 4. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:49 PM January 22, 2024. What About Evolutionary “Science?” Does it See Women as Inferior? Charles Darwin, the poster-child and biggest propagator for evolutionary “science,” taught male superiority. I put the word science in quotation marks because it is not real science and is instead an unproven theory. In his book entitled the Descent of Man, Darwin argued that adult females of most species resembled the young of both sexes and that “males are more evolutionary advanced than females.” The Bible Holds Women in High Regard Proverbs 31:10 ESV An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. Do you see the value of the excellent wife? The value of this woman? More precious than jewels. She is beyond worth. The Bible also teaches that for a man to divorce his wife is to sin against God (Luke 16:18)! Instead a man who finds a wife is said to be blessed. Proverbs 18:22 ESV He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. Proverbs 31, which we already gave one verse from, mentions the excellent wife. This woman is exalted for her godliness and work ethic. She is highly valued and treasured. Although there are certainly historical narratives where women are not treated well in the Bible, the Scriptures are clear that this is sin. These are given as true historical accounts that we should learn from and not emulate. Page 5. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:49 PM January 22, 2024. Colossians 3:19 tells husbands not to be harsh with their wives. We are told to treat our wives as fine china (1 Peter 3:7) and be loving with towards wives. Sadly, many atheists do not fully understand the Biblical view of women. Christians who follow God’s Word see women as sisters in Christ. They are valuable. They are worthy of respect and dignity. Their lives are important and matter. They are seen as intelligent and necessary for our society to function well. They are to be viewed as sisters in Christ and never objectified. The Scriptures teach that even to look upon a woman with lustful intent is equivalent to committing adultery (Matthew 5:28). The Biblical view of women is that they are not inferior to men. One could argue that women even occupy a superior role in our society as mothers who raise up each new generation. A generation is only as strong as the mother’s who rear the children. I know that my children are blessed to have my wife teaching them and training them while I am away at work. I assert as strongly as possible that there is no more important job in all of the world than being a mother. I hold my wife in the highest of honor and respect. She is certainly more precious than jewels - truly invaluable to me. May our world get back to the Scriptural understanding of the value of women and embrace God’s plan for our lives. (Slide Closing 1) This presentation has been put together to strengthen the faith of believers and to challenge the unbelief of others. I pray that you have found this presentation helpful. Page 6. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:49 PM January 22, 2024. Also, please note that this 10-15 minute presentation cannot exhaustively address most issues. My prayer is that it stimulates you to personally research further, and I am assured that you will find the Word of God proven time and time again. (Slide Closing 2 with outro music) Feel free to email any ideas you would like to see addressed by emailing me at There are slides prepared for each of these presentations which can be accessed at our church website at and select ATG. God bless and have a blessed week. Page 7. Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:49 PM January 22, 2024.
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