The Song of Moses
The Song of Moses
Exodus 15:1-21
• Yahweh led his people to a place of total
vulnerability and dependence.
• Yahweh spread the waters of the Red Sea (Sea of
Reeds), dried the ground, surrounded his people,
and lured Pharaoh’s vaunted chariot core into the
• Yahweh delivered and destroyed; judged and
redeemed. God is both Savior and Judge.
• Now, Moses promptly writes a hymn for the ages.
Moses’s Song
• Structure:
1. Sung by men (v. 1) and women (v. 20) in an
antiphonal fashion (compare v. 1 and v. 21)
2. The divisions may revolve around similes (see v. 5,
7. 10); or may be crescendos of praise (see v. 4 as
the best example)
3. Frankly, none of what I read struck me as
completely convincing.
• Personal Praise: Past, Present, and Future.
Personal Praise
• Moses’s song is deeply personal
1. Begins with a pledge to sing, “I shall sing!” (v. 1); I shall
exalt (v. 2)
2. Takes personal possession of God’s blessings: my
strength, my song, my salvation, my God, my father’s
God (v. 2)
3. Personal aspects are chiefly repeated by the ladies (21)
• Moses’s song is directed to a Person
1. With the Pillar, it would have been easier to direct praise.
2. Specific directed “to Yahweh”
3. Notice the “You’s”: Your right hand (6); You overthrow (7),
You blew your wind (10); Who is like You? (11)
Personal Praise
• The song exalts the LORD – “For He has
triumphed gloriously”; can also be “For He is
highly exalted”
• The song marvels at the uniqueness of the LORD
– 2x “Who is like you?”
• The song is an extended marvel at the
unexpected, dramatic, and thorough redemption
of God (15:13)
Past, Present, and Future
• Past Acts of Yahweh worthy of personal praise
1. Yahweh Delivered: become my salvation (2);
led/redeemed/guided (13)
2. Yahweh Judged: hurled (4); drowned (4); shattered (6);
threw down, consumed, unleashed (8)
• Present Acts of Yahweh worthy of personal praise
1. He’s a strength, defense, and warrior (2-3)
2. His very name conveys present sovereignty (18)
• Future Acts of Yahweh worthy of personal praise
1. God will strike fear into the heart of Israel’s enemies
2. He will guide (13) and establish (17)
1. We’re not done singing the Song of Moses – Let’s
turn to Revelation 15
2. Praise of this sort comes only from people
overwhelmed by the enormity of their salvation.