CHURCH MATTERS: Membership Matters (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)
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Augusta National Golf Course
Augusta National Golf Course
course is only open to public during Masters tournament
how to become member?
if ask, probably never will
membership only by invitation
1 of 300 resign membership then decide who to invite with their $40,000 initiation fee
it’s not about the money
it’s about the prestige
some of most powerful men (Warren Buffet and Bill Gates) and now 4 women (Condoleeza Rice one of first 2 in 2012)
issued green jacket
access to all resort-type amenities (swimming pool, dining areas, golf course)
the idea of exclusive membership has crept into church
church is to serve me and my preferences
blank screen
Expectations vs. Commands
Francis Chan with church leaders
list things people expect from their church
really good service
strong children/youth ministries
certain style of singing
well-communicated sermon
conveniences (parking, clean church building, coffee, childcare)
list commands God gave the Church in Scripture
love one another as I have loved you
visit orphans and widows in their affliction
bear one another’s burdens
make disciples of all nations
which would upset people more…
if church didn’t provide things from first list?
if church didn’t obey the commands in the second list?
would you get more upset that we change the color of this carpet to blue or that we are not making disciples?
when church gatherings are about me being served and getting my preferences
stinks to high heaven
we are here to serve, not be served
what if church were about outserving one another?
have you ever been in a room filled with humble people who count others more significant than themselves?
when servants gather together, everyone is built up
who wouldn’t want to be part of that church?
that is what it looks like in a healthy church full of healthy members
Membership Matters
Membership Matters
what is a church?
everyone present? no
saved people? yes
but all saved people in world? Texas? Nacogdoches?
saved people committed to other saved people who gather here? yes = members
clarity on membership before proceed
1. no one is saved by church membership or church attendance
2. church membership is a local church’s affirmation that the member is continuing to give evidence of genuine Christian salvation
3. church membership is a commitment to one other here
“We believe that the universal church is the body of which Christ is the head and to which all who are saved belong. It is made visible in local churches, which are congregations of believers who are committed to each other for the worship of God, the preaching of the Word, the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, for pastoral care and discipline, making disciples and for evangelism.” FCC What We Believe
“We believe that the universal church is the body of which Christ is the head and to which all who are saved belong. It is made visible in local churches, which are congregations of believers who are committed to each other for the worship of God, the preaching of the Word, the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, for pastoral care and discipline, making disciples and for evangelism.” FCC What We Believe
turn in your Bible to the 2nd book on church membership, chapter 12
so much of NT makes little to no sense w/o membership
obey your leaders for they will give an account (Heb 13:17)
one another passages
Paul wrote to A local church
a church is like a body made up of members
pew Bible # 1,139
God designed the local church to be one body with many members
God designed the local church to be one body with many members
God designed the local church
God is not borrowing “member” from a club
it is His idea
when criticize church, you are criticizing God’s work
like saying, “I like Jesus but not His bride”
it would be like you standing in front of a painting and criticizing
later to find out the artist is within earshot
God designed every one of His children to be a member of local church
member/part is in every verse except 12:13, 17, 21
thus being member/part of local church is being part of something God designed
not to be connected as a believer is unbiblical
God designed all members to be different, yet united in Christ
God designed all members to be different, yet united in Christ
how are many members made into one body?
baptized by one Spirit
united in Christ
baptized by HS into universal church (invisible)
manifested by baptism in local church (visible)
NT assumes all Christians are physically baptized
when spiritually baptized, given spiritual gift for benefit of whole body (12:7)
at salvation, HS resides and gifts
a healthy church needs diversity in spiritual gifts
many members (12:12)
Jews, Greeks, slaves, free (12:13)
not one member but many (12:14)
diversity, not uniformity, is essential for a healthy church
but this is not natural
our society doesn’t celebrate diversity
any difference gives excuse to make fun of
clear we don’t have all the same spiritual gift
we desire unity amidst diversity
universal church
visible on one night
united in Christ no matter our differences
BUT Paul writing to local church
Trinity—same Spirit (12:4); same Lord (12:5); same God (12:6)
1 God; 3 persons
thus, this should be reflected in the church—synergy
we are better together than we are individually
God designed all members to be equally important
God designed all members to be equally important
what is the most important part of the body? head
then who is the head of the church? Christ
which member is most important?
not who you think…not the pastor
which member is most important?
all members are important
not all the same (12:19) one eyed monstrosity
different gifts
ask every new member how they plan to serve with their spiritual gift
do you know your spiritual gift(s)?
Spiritual Gifts Survey
mainly affirmed by fellow church members
you don’t determine your spiritual gift
you discern the gift God gave you
whether you like the gift of not
all members are needed
yet many members don’t contribute
many are consumers rather than servants
it works like this
put money in the offering plate
pays for staff salaries
staff do their jobs to minister to people
efficient and effect
just not what God wants
God wants you to serve the body with your spiritual gift
why do some members not contribute???
if you feel inferior or insignificant (“the church doesn’t need me”),
we need you
feeling insignificant doesn’t make you right
opposite of God’s design
without you we are not complete
for Corinth, it was those w/o spiritual gift of tongues felt useless
today, it may be that you are not as noticeable as other parts
not up on the stage
don’t think: I feel like the big toe so I don’t matter
you ever stubbed your big toe??? you need your big toe!
never think
my contribution is too small
I’m not using my spiritual gift on the stage, so I’m not important
we need you in the way the HS gifted you
mercy seems minor BUT empathizes and keep other aware
faith seems behind the scenes BUT encourages the whole church
all members are important but…
no member is more important than another
if you feel superior/self-sufficient (“we don’t need them”),
don’t understand God’s design
others only seem to be weak
yet, God says they are indispensable (12:22)
unpresentable parts (private parts) are treated with greater modesty (12:23)
crazy thing, you are really dependent on them
in God’s economy
the lowly (clean toilets) are elevated
do we elevate those who seem to be insignificant? because they are significant
either way—if think insignificant (not needed) or if think superior (don’t need others)
then you are saying, “God, you don’t know what you are doing!”
it takes a monster-sized ego to say that God doesn’t know what He is doing
what happens when we neglect these principles from 1 Cor 12?
membership parable
we must celebrate different gifts in our church
then tongues
if didn’t have it, then felt useless or not part of body
now “showy” gifts where in front of people
if can’t utilize spiritual gift in front of a crowd,
then feel useless or not part of body
we will not be whole without you
limp along
arm doing legs job
ear doing fingers job
not only are all members equally important…
God designed a church body to have equal love for all members
God designed a church body to have equal love for all members
opposite of division is NOT unity, but equal love for all members (12:25)
if we fully grasp and implement this concept, then those outside the church will “drop their jaws”
at a baseball game, how do you know them? church
at a funeral, how do you know them? church
at a graduation, how do you know them? church
at the hospital, how do you know them? church
doesn’t have to be the pastor
equal love
helps prevent people from slipping through cracks or needs overlooked
less likely to turn the other way towards people in their sin
cliques will be destroyed
love for physical family…God wants in church family
you probably don’t geehaw with everyone in your family
no different in church body
BUT this equal love comes from above
breaks down walls
different race, age, interests, social status, hobbies, etc.
opposite of cliques or clubs, FAMILY of God
BEAUTY OF CHURCH—boundary crossing love that unifies
slave/free, Greek/Jew, hands/eyes/nose/big toe
this is God’s design for the church and it is beautiful
who wouldn’t want to be part of this kind of church?
we want to grow in our equal love
TODAY sit with new people at lunch
ask how long at FCC
get to know you questions (family, work, hobbies, etc)
pray for one another
membership directory with pictures
gotta know them (who are the members??? cause not everyone on Sunday)
gotta pray for each other
gotta love on them (more next week)
black screen
God’s design for the church is beautiful
do you believe this to be true?
if saved, what church are you a member?
pray if this is where the Lord wants you to unite
membership class 2/4
if member, are you serving the church body with your spiritual gift?
where do you need to grow?
in trusting Christ as Lord and Savior?
in valuing the local church?
in viewing your service to the church as important?
in viewing yourself as equal, not greater?
in loving your fellow members?