In every family, only obidience children received his...
In every family, only obidience children received his father's will, but wayward children are wandered and have nothing to receive. Life does not mean how much we gain here on earth, what matter most is where we are goin to, after departing this earth, because market place is not our home. Son pleased his father and he gave him "authourity and power without measure" to overcome all powers. Isaiah61:1-3 Revelation12:11. Through this authority Jesus received from his father to take us home with one condition. BELIEVE As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name John1:12. Believing is starting point of receiving Christ Jesus because you can never receive whom you don't believe. All authority hath been given unto him to lead us to the Father. We gaind access because of his precious blood