An Excellent Man

Proverbs: Living Like You Love Jesus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  46:51
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Saying: “God never gives you more than you can handle”
I’m on record as saying that is a lie - Bible doesn’t say that
Bible says God gives you more than you can handle so that you will learn to rely on Him
I know this is true from my own experience in life too
In God’s great sovereignty He gave me 2 daughters - I was in way over my head
Just when I think I might be keeping my head above water I become the father of 2 teenage girls
It’s like God put lead boots on me & I sunk to the bottom
Though I don’t always know what the right thing to do or say is I do know what kind of women I hope them to be
Proverbs 31 is often where we turn to when we talk about character of women and wives
It’s often wrongly used as a checklist for what women should be & do and what men should look for in a wife
Like the rest of Proverbs it’s principles, it is direction to the ideal, something to pursue
When I think about what kind of women I want my daughters to grow up to be the answer is the same thing that I want for my sons
I want them to be godly
Practically, that will look different for my daughters than my son
It will also be expressed differently in my daughters too
When we start at Prov. 31:10 we miss some very important context
While it is written about a woman, its also teaching us something about men too
So, this is not just valuable to my daughters and wife it’s also valuable to my son and I
Solomon has written much to men in Proverbs about the type of women to avoid
Here he points us to the type of woman to pursue
The man who keeps His heart with all diligence becomes a man worthy of a Proverbs 31 woman
While the details describe a godly woman this passage also tells us how to be a godly man
What does a Proverbs 31 man look like?

Be a Wise Man

Proverbs 31:10Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.”

A Man Worthy of Excellence

A Woman of Excellence

Virtuous = excellent, noble, strong, wise, competent, brave
She is a woman of strong, godly character
Remember a central part of wisdom is skill, mastery, excellence
She is a woman who pursues to be the best at all she puts her hand & mind to
Prov. 31 is a picture of the ideal situation - a family of godliness, love, respect & prosperity
You will find women like this even in less than ideal situations
Abigail is a virtuous woman (1 Sam. 25)
She was married to a fool in both name & nature (Nabal)
Her wisdom saves Nabal from being murdered & David from being a murderer
In an age where arranged marriages aren’t common a virtuous woman won’t be looking to make a life with a fool
A wise woman is looking to make a life with a wise man
She’s not marrying for urgency, riches, influence,opportunity, escape or spite
She is a woman in pursuit of godliness

A Man of Excellence

Notably this proverb is the advice of a mother to her son (Prov. 31:1)
The type of woman she tells him to look for is based upon the type of man she taught him to be
She taught him to be a man of strong character, moral, godly, strong, disciplined, just, compassionate
If you want a Proverbs 31 wife you need to be the type of man worthy of a Proverbs 31 wife
You need to be a man in pursuit of wisdom, in pursuit of mastery in life & godliness
Godly women aren’t looking for a guy who’s really good at Grand Theft Auto
They’re looking for a man who can figure out how to hook the kids car seat up properly
You don’t need to be a perfect man but a man in pursuit of wisdom
There’s no one way this should look
Look to men in the Bible
Nehemiah: Could live with kings and in the rubble of Jerusalem, He could stand against the enemy and cry with his people
David: Could kill lions, bears & giants and also write heartfelt, vulnerable songs
Paul: could make tents and argue philosophy with the elite even after being hit in the head with rocks
None of us are perfect, none of our lives are going to look the same
Be a man of wisdom

A Man that Encourages Excellence

What’s Good for Her is Good for You

Ephesians 5:28 “28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.
This isn’t motivation from selfishness
An expression that marriage unites you as one - one in heart, purpose, direction, life
If you do what is best for her, love her like Christ, you recieve the benefit of her joy
That is on full display through Proverbs 31.
When your wife is pursuing godliness & wisdom that is good for you and your family
Encourage her in her pursuit of excellence and wisdom

Nurture Her

Ephesians 5:29 “29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.”
Like Christ does for us - He cultivates our life, nourishes so that we will grow
In this way we are to act like Christ
A husband learns to be a master of husbandry
That is, how can we nurture & cultivate the wonderful gifts God has given her
What resources can I provide for her to flourish in her life?
How can I love her so that she is filled with confidence to use her gifts?
How can I create an environment where she is secure to try and fail in pursuit of wisdom?
What is the best way to praise her and strengthen her?
When she is weak, how can I care for her?

Be a Trusting Man

Proverbs 31:11 “11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain.”

A Man that Trusts God with His Whole Heart

Give Your Heart to God

Proverbs 3:5–6 “5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”
Your first priority is to be a man of faith - not in word only but in life
Remember your heart is a description of all that you are
To trust God with all your heart is to submit your mind, will, emotions, plans, all to God
It is to trust that God will keep His promises to care for you, provide for you, be faithful to you and lead you

Be a Faithful Man

Be a man that is trustworthy
Let your faith in God anchor you, establish you
Proverbs 25:19 “19 Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble Is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint.”
Don’t be a toothache
Unfaithfulness isn’t just annoying but painful, troublesome, dangerous and causes more problems

A Man that Trusts His Wife with His Whole Heart

Trusting Your Wife is Trusting God

Putting your trust in your godly wife isn’t idolatry
Why? Prov. 31:30 - she is a woman who fears God
This isn’t about trusting your wife instead of God
This is about trusting God together
When I fear God & I know my wife fears God I know we’re headed in the same direction
She has as much access to God as I do
Her trust in God frees me to trust her whole-heartedly

Give Her Your Heart

Prov. 31:29 - in reality he’s probably exaggerating but in his eyes it’s completely true
To give your heart is to give your all, whole being
Give your wife everything
Don’t fall into the trap of comparing her to others - especially your mother :)
Don’t just say it to be romantic but learn to truly see your wife as the woman who surpasses all other women
A godly man’s work always leads him back home
The godly man heeds the warnings about the ‘Only Fans’ woman because his heart is with the excellent woman at home
When you trust her with your heart you free her to thrive
When you trust her you don’t feel the need to control her or everything she does
When you trust her your family prospers
When you trust her you are nurturing her soul

Be an Honourable Man

Proverbs 31:23 “23 Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.”

A Man that Values His Wife’s Strength

Recognise Her Strength

A godly man can be a fierce warrior and a romantic poet
So, a godly woman can be both gentle & tough
Any man who has watched his wife through pregnancy and birth has a profound respect for the strength of his wife
She is a paradox to modern way of thinking
She is homely & feminine but also strong & confident
She is neither the stereotypical 1950’s housewife (trad wife) nor the independent, self-reliant feminist of our day
Her hands are tough enough to shovel a field and nimble enough for a sewing needle (Prov. 31:16,19)
She has vitality and stamina to work long days

Value Her Strength

A Proverbs 31 husband isn’t intimidated by her strength
In part because he’s not lazy
He, too, is using his strength for her
A wise man finds joy in the strength of a godly wife

A Man that Makes Much of Her Work

Recognise She Uses Her Strength for Your Benefit

Your success and prosperity doesn’t happen without her
A virtuous, godly, excellent woman uses her strength for your benefit
She gives of herself so that you can fulfil your calling
That doesn’t mean she exists so you can achieve your goals
A wise woman knows when her husband prospers the family prospers
A godly man recognises that her strength (physical, emotional, spiritual) is being spent for his good and the good of the family
Her strength is building the relationship as you both work together for the same end
Wise husbands value & encourage her strength
Do what they can to nourish her and care for her so she can remain strong

Honour Her Hard work

This husband is well-known, successful, driven
He has honoured his wife’s hard work by working hard himself
He hasn’t lived off of her hard work & found a comfy, desk job with no responsibility
He pursues to be the best at what he does, to provide what his family needs
Doesn’t mean you have to pursue a CEO position or be chasing wealth & prestige
It means don’t be lazy, work hard and do your best in all you do
It means pursue your purpose, your calling with strength
You honour your wife’s hard work by being a hard worker

Be a Praising Man

Proverbs 31:28 “28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:
Proverbs 31:30–31 “30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates.”

A Man that Praises His Wife

Praise Her

Clearly a virtuous woman should be praised for the excellence of her work
She should be honoured by you for all of the good that she does
Don’t just praise her work - Praise Her
Praise her for the character she has that results in praiseworthy works
Praise her for her beauty
Praise her for her growing spirituality
Praise her for her fellowship and companionship
I’m not really a follower of the ‘Love Languages’ thing but I do know there are many different ways that you can express praise to your wife

Praising Her Nourishes Her

Godly man doesn’t just praise a godly wife because of the results
A godly man recognises praise cultivates the environment, nourishes the soul
You don’t tell your plants I’ll water when you produce a flower, the water nourishes so the plant can produce the flower
Nourish the soul of your wife’s soul with praise

A Man that Takes Joy in Her Joy

Take Pleasure in Her Reward

Rejoice with her as she reaps the rewards of her work
Celebrate with her & give her the credit she is due
Rejoice with her as she sees her children happy because of her work
Teach your children to give her praise - lead by example
Help her enjoy life by seeing the fruits of her labour, experiencing the goodness of it
A man who doesn’t find pleasure in his wife’s strength & doesn’t help strengthen her is a weak man
He doesn’t want a help meet but just a hand maid
Her life isn’t meant to be endless toil

Take Pleasure in Her Growth

Wise man finds joy in his virtuous wife, praises her and helps her enjoy life because he takes pleasure in seeing her grow
As the wise man and wise woman fear God they grow stronger together


Who can find a virtuous woman? Being a virtuous man is a good place to start
I want my daughters to become virtuous women
If they must get married, I want them to marry excellent men
How will they know what that looks like?
I want my son to marry a virtuous woman
So, I want him to grow up to be an excellent man
How will he know what that looks like?
One of the most powerful ways is if I am an excellent man
I married a virtuous, excellent woman and I need to be a man worthy of that excellence
That is a huge responsibilty but a wise man knows he must carry it
We will not be perfect men but by pursuing Christ we will be increasingly wise men
Men lets be the excellent the men that our wives deserve, let’s be the excellent men that honour God
For you young men:
To find a wife is a good thing & comes with God’s blessing (Prov. 18:22)
To find a wife that you can enjoy life with and rejoice with, a virtuous woman, start developing the right character
As we pursue to be excellent men, and you ladies pursue to be excellent women, our marriages will grow stronger, our families will prosper and God will be glorified
We must also remember that we’re not to be excellent, virtuous men & women because our spouses deserve it
We pursue to be excellent men and women because God deserves it
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