Rahab: A courageous woman
This week we have an unlikely example of courage - the woman Rahab from Jericho who hid the spies. Women of the Bible is a very interesting study; and Rahab is certainly one of the most colorful characters in that study. She starts out as someone we probably would not want to associate with. However, she ends up in the family ancestry of King David and of Jesus Himself. The story of Rahab is a foreshadowing of the story of redemption.
37 Wine is unrighteous, the king is unrighteous, women are unrighteous, all human beings are unrighteous, all their works are unrighteous, and all such things. There is no truth in them and in their unrighteousness they will perish. 38 But truth endures and is strong forever, and lives and prevails forever and ever. 39 With it there is no partiality or preference, but it does what is righteous instead of anything that is unrighteous or wicked. Everyone approves its deeds, 40 and there is nothing unrighteous in its judgment. To it belongs the strength and the kingship and the power and the majesty of all the ages. Blessed be the God of truth!”