What about Good Works 01-28-2024

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Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  15:47
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Are we saved By Work?

Have you seen the cartoon with the man standing outside the purely gates and he is shocked
that he’s not on the list to come into heaven. he says
“Really, I thought saving that cat from the burning building would have counted for more then that?”
The common world view is that you can live a good enough life

What does the world think about Good Works?

In this country,
many people seem to think they can live good enough lives to please God and get into heaven.
even some Christians enjoy holding that view and
sharing it with others.
Some blissfully believe that you simply cease to exist.
And if mater can come into being without God creating it
If non-living chemicals spontaneously become living creatures
It might be reasonable to assume
there is no God
there is no judgement
there is no afterlife.
But piles of rocks don’t become living creatures, do they?
So why would anyone doubt that there is a power beyond our senses
that created and is sustaining this world, as we see it now?
Back to Good works
Many religions , and some legalistic Jews and Christians appear to believe we are only saved by having a number of good works.
The Jehovah witnesses are criticized for their emphasis on
good works,
on showing up at your door and doing
“Bible Studies with you”
I have read they have a point system and since they believe only 144,000 will make it to the highest heaven
they are working on their points to make sure,
they get a good spot in heaven.
I found The Fisherman's Pray, author unknown this week. It is probably exactly the same prayer that was on my grandfathers wall in a little plaque.
God, grant that I may live to fish until my dying day. and when it comes to my last cast, I then most humbly pray:
When in the Lord’s safe landing net I’m peacefully asleep. That in his mercy I be judged as big enough to keep.
Sweet sentiment, but not at all biblical!
What about the Pharisees and others who are idealists at heart.
They just know they are better than everyone else and
Relying on their good works
being better then your works
and my good works
they are certain
they are going to heaven
and we are not.
Then theirs the other extreme
Some are plagued by the question of what’s good enough?

Nabeel Qureshi

He was a dear brother in Christ who grew up as a Muslim.
In fact, he was a very devout Muslim before he became a Christian.
He shares in his books and his talks that
as a Muslim,
he never could be sure he was good enough,
good enough of a Muslim for Allah to accept him.
Sounds like a works based religion.
He wrote a couple books about his journey from Islam to Christianity, it’s called
"Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity”

Does the Bible say Good works save you?

What does the Christian have to do to be saved?
Acts 16:31 NIV
31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”
Does that say anything about good works
or penence to earn salvation
to earn forgiveness for one or many sins?
It just says
Acts 16:31 NIV
31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”
If we could be saved by our good works then, Jesus didn’t have to come and die on the cross
Boy, what a waist of time
what a lot of suffering for nothing
if we don’t need help to be saved.
But we do need help.
God’s word says
Romans 3:23 NIV
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Can you imagine,
what a man or a women would do if God gave them a certificate
a golden certificate that said
“Good enough, as spot is reserved for you in Heaven”
Do you think they would put that in a frame on the wall?
Do you think it would be a source of Pride?
As that pride grows,
can you see
God taking back the certificate?
Being human, what do you think we would do after receiving a certificate of salvation from God,
if our works were good enough
brag about it.
I’ve have been soooooo good,
God had to give me this golden ticket of salvation!
And as soon as we did that,
God would say,
sounds mighty prideful,
and take away our golden ticket.
It has never been God’s plan
that our good deeds would get us into heaven

Grace over Works

What do the Scriptures say
Ephesians 2:8 NIV
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
Ephesians 2:9 NIV
9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
It appears to me that
many Christians pray a prayer of salvation but don’t pursue holiness . . .
they don’t try to live better
Is that what God wants us to do?
to live unchanged lives,
to stay living in the sin we just confessed to God about.
Is that what the God of the universe wants for us
after He has poured out His Spirit in our hearts?
Jesus said
Luke 6:46 NIV
46 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?
Another place Jesus announced,
Matthew 7:21 NIV
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
So, Jesus made it clear
He wants to see obedience in His followers.

What about good works?

Are they a waist of time?

Should we get saved and live rotten? NO

Good works were designed for you and me

Ephesians 2:10 NIV
10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
God created you and I to do Good works.
The first good work to do,
Just might be addressing how you live and the witness you live in front of the world
How are you living.
I am working harder at not missing daily devotions
I’m such a perfectionist that I want to do an epic study every day but
I’m finding any devotions each day is better then no devotions.
What did God say about your good works?
They were prepared for you,
in advance
God just might have a ministry He plans for you to do
are you willing to get involved?
We have ministries here at the church, that could use your time and effort
lead a Sunday School Class
be more active in church leadership
help at the clothing closet
Cook dinners at Celebrate Recovery
Or maybe their is something else you can do in your own neighborhood.
Well those are things related to your time.
You can also do good works with your money by supporting God’s work
by supporting good causes and
by withholding support of some companies.
There may be things we can do
but the question is

Are you neglecting your Good works?

Do you know what you should be doing, but
Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.
I wonder, what happens if we resisted the Holy Spirit too long?
Will he find somebody else,
or will things not happen because you are not involved?
Consider what you should be doing as we stand and pray in closing.
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