January 28, 2024 - Seek the Lord with Your Whole Heart
I forgot to there we go. I am on. I can hear myself.
I used to say I used to leaving I used to say. The answer to the question. What is more dangerous a clock that is? 17 hours off for a b 5 minutes off you always believe the answer was the clock that was 5 minutes off cuz 17 minutes. We are 17 hours a week pick up on right away. Something's wrong with 5 minutes. We just going to let slide so just being a little off. Today, I've got to say probably the most dangerous thing in this room is we have a clock that's one hour off and if I get going in this sermon and look at the clock and see I got time left. I'm going to go all over the place. So just you know, if I go too long or get tired just kind of pretend to you on or get up and leave and I'll take it personally, but that's okay. We'll get out of here before. It's too long.
If you spent any time in the church, you would have heard the phrase seek the Lord. And have you ever wondered what that actually means? Like I grew up in the church and I was never taught this but I learned by osmosis. I thought seeking the Lord was that you would pray louder you would pray longer and if you were really serious you would fast and that was kind of the realm in which it stayed.
when I
Decided to look into it as an adult. I really died. I was blown away by what I found but seeking the Lord actually is and what what it means for us today and how important it is for us today because we're told in scripture this bit when we seek him we'll find him. We're told to seek his face always were told to seek Him and live. And so she can God is not an option for us. Do we need to know how to do that and what it looks like? And how he empowers us to accomplish it and so it is really an amazing dance we have going on with the creator of all. I found twelve reasons to seek the Lord. I'm going to these are on your list. You can study them up on your own time. 12 reasons to seek the Lord. You're more you will more fully understand just as you will find wisdom and discernment. You don't need to worry about every Everything. Everyone else worries about God's ears will be attentive to your prayers. You'll be delivered from your fears. You'll be strengthened. You'll be filled with joy, you'll be filled with hope you will leave you will lack no good thing. You will be led to righteous that righteousness and you will find God like those are fairly important things for us to know about seeking the Lord. You need to seek the Lord and find him. You need to seek his face. Always you need to seek Him and live.
This week and next and then in a couple of weeks following I want to do in a small mini series on the sea came and live and what we're going to do is we're going to look at 33 of the lives of the kings of Judah and we're going to look at it as of today and then his son Jehoshaphat next week and then jehoshaphat's great-great-grandson in about three weeks from today three or four weeks from today. And all of these men. sought the Lord at least for a Time they they all wanted to do what he wanted them to do. And yet they all teach us something about how we can seek the Lord because quite frankly not all of them. Got it, right.
The goal for this series is that will be encouraged to seek God and find him to seek his face always and to seek Him and live it. We open in prayer.
Heavenly father. I do think you that you are here with us today and Lord It's not the words. I say it's the words Holy Spirit you speak to us here for a gathering in this place watching online or watching this later Lord God. You are not bound by time or space and so Holy Spirit speak your words of Life speak your words of Hope speak your work the words of challenge to us today. In your name we pray amen.
So I'm going to start by reading 2nd Chronicles 14 126 his as as as as as life is kind of Chronicles fat since the end of the word by the book title is life is Chronicles between chapters 14 and 16. And so I'm going to be going back to those that passage throw today starting at verse 1 says when a bird died, he was buried in the city of David and his son as I became the next king and there was peace in the land tent for 10 years as it did what was pleasing and good in the sight of the Lord. He removed the foreign altars in the Pagan shrines. He smashed the sacred pillars and cut down the asherah poles. He commanded the people of Judah to seek the Lord the god of their ancestors had to obey his laws and commands as of also remove the Pagan Shrine as well as the incense altars from everyone of judah's town. So as his kingdom enjoyed a. Peace and during those peaceful years. He was able to build up for 25 lb turo Judah and no one try to make war against him at this time.
As I had peace. In his Reign because God had given him peace on every side. And it's a clear steam. If you read through the book of 2nd Chronicles that first Chronicles 2 that that it's sort of a rhythm that happens people either seek God and succeed or don't seek God and fail miserably. Some of them seek God for a season and then stopped seeking him later on but some of them don't see come in and start seeking him and it's kind of like all of us a tank.
The only way we can get the life we were created for is to seek the Lord. As it was able to build up towns and fortify cities. He had an army of three hundred thousand infantry in 280,000 Archer's Ethiopia came to a the king of Ethiopia came with libyans and Ethiopians to come attack Judah and we don't know how many people they had. The Hebrew says thousands upon thousands. Some translations will say a million. All we know is if as I had half a million soldiers, he was afraid with his army coming towards him. It was that big and as I felt completely helpless he knew all of his fortifications all of his planning all of his army wasn't up for the match that was coming their way. influence in chapter starting at verse 11 We read then as I cried out to the Lord his God. Oh Lord. No one, but you can help the powerless against the mighty help us O Lord Our God for we trust in you alone. It is in your name that we have come against this vast horde. Oh Lord. You are a Godless. Don't let me or men Prevail against you. So when the Lord defeated the Ethiopians in the presence of a sign in the army of Judah and the enemy fled and as I and his army pursued them as far as guerard so many Ethiopian spell that they were unable to Rally when they were destroyed by the Lord and his army in the army of Judah carried off a vast amount of plunder. And while they were in the garage are attacked all the towns in the area and the terror of the Lord came upon the people there as a result of a vast amount of plunder went from that was taken from these towns to so they attack the camp of the herdmans and captured goats and sheep and camels before finally returning to Jerusalem. They were in a situation where they felt they themselves powerless. they had
It it wasn't like they were unprepared. It wasn't like they weren't they didn't have the tools in place. But they chose to look to their God instead of the strength of their armies are those drinks drinks Springfield their horses. They call out to God and he heard them and he fought on their behalf and they went from Getting plunder to getting plunder. How many of you like that in your life when you go from getting plundered to get into getting plunder? I mean hello? Kikkoman live
it's not that we can do more. It's not that we can do it in our own strength. It's not the size of our army. If not the size of our horses. It's God being found when we seek him.
When they got back to Jerusalem starting at verse 1 of chapter 5 the spirit of God Came Upon. Azariyah Sanibel bad and he went to meet thing as a as he was returning from the battle. Listen to me as that. He showed it listen to all you people of Judah and Benjamin the Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him. Whenever you seek him, you will find him. But if you abandon him he will abandon you.
God is with us when we are with him.
good news When Jesus came and he left Holy Spirit God is always with us.
The question becomes am I with him?
When we seek him, we will find him.
If we don't seek him his Bible is so full of foreshadowing, you know, something's going to happen, right? You know, it's you know it he's getting set up.
the prophecy continues in verse 3 He says for a long time Israel was with without the true God without a priest to teach them over without the law to instruct them whenever they were in trouble and they turn to the Lord the god of Israel and sought him out. They found him during those dark times. It was not safe to travel problems troubles every did the people of every land Nations fought against Nations and cities against City for God was troubling them with every kind of problem. But as for you be strong and courageous as for your work will be rewarded. That's a good word.
If you're struggling with something that just eat your seeking God for the answer, but it just isn't coming. Take that person. Put it on your mirror when you wake up in the morning as for you be strong and courageous for your work will be rewarded. He will finish the good work. He started in you. How did as a respond to this prophecy? This is significant to verse 81 as a heard this message as up from Azariah the prophet he took courage and he removed all the detestable Idols from the land of Judah and Benjamin in all the towns that he had captured in the Hill Country of ephriam any repair the altar of the Lord which stood in front of the entry room of the Lord's Temple.
When as a heard this message from the prophet? He decide he took it. As truth and it encouraged him to do the work that God. He knew God wanted him to do. So he removed the idols in the high places. He repaired the altar of the Lord. He goes than any calls a secret assembly to seek the Lord and Eddie even deposes his grandmother who set up an asherah pole and the chop down the asherah pole and put it out to be burned and he removed her as Queen Mother at so she would have that space of influence that she had before.
I think we need to remember with the story of Asia. Is that seeking the Lord can be an event?
But we are. Wood as a mist is it needs to be a lifestyle as well?
We need to make seeking the Lord our rhythm. And don't leave it as a remarkable moment.
How can we have the rhythm of seeking the Lord with our whole Hearts? That's a great question. That's why I've developed the how to seek the Lord with your whole heart tool. It's on my back.
We're told the search for the Lord and for his strength and is continually seek Him in first coronavirus 6th 11. We were told that when we seek Him will find him when we seek him with all of our heart and Jeremiah 29:13. How do we seek the Lord with all of our heart those of you who've been around for a while? Right? What's the Hebrew understanding of heart? It's a decision a decision to seek the Lord. What is Psalm 28-7 save my heart says of you seek his face your face. Oh Lord. I will see it's a decision. I will seek the Lord. It's an emotion. What's the emotion? We should have seeking the Lord Psalms 119 to joyful are those who obey his lost whose search for him with all of their hearts when you seek the Lord with all of your heart. You're going to have joy you're going to be rejoicing.
The action. Oh, you're getting a bonus today. I woke up early to work on this message. And I thought I got to put in the seven ways. You can seek the Lord. So in your notes you got seven ways to seek the Lord and then when I went through it one more time, you're going to get the 14 ways today. I just they're not in the notes and they're not up there 14 ways. We can seek the Lord by praying to him by praising him and worshipping him by serving him by doing good by not doing bad by confessing and repenting when you don't do good or you do do bad by living humbly by expecting you find him when he will reward you by fasting by obeying his word by obeying his voice with an event with your whole heart. and with your whole life and I think all of that is going to show up in one of the other sermons I do here because I just double bed without even. This was just I shouldn't have been doing that. It was just I had seven ways you would have believed there were seven ways. There's more than 14 ways all over them all and will put them all in there. Okay. This is seven ways to seek the Lord to just on my website and that's when they gets the most hits from people. So I kind of feet that one, too. But anyway, What all that means is? The action that we do to seek the Lord with all of our heart.
Is basically to make him Lord of our life. It's the it's the act of his lordship in our life.
1st Peter 3:15 says in your heart set apart Christ the Lord Christ as lord it's it's it's not a decision to make Jesus your lord. It's a decision to recognize he is Lord. What does that mean in the day-to-day of my everyday?
Romans 14:8 says it if we live we live for the Lord if we die we die for the Lord. So whether we live or die we belong to the Lord 1st Corinthians 619 don't you know your bodies are Temple of the Holy Spirit. When is whom you have received from God you are not your own you were bought with a price you belong to God. Lordship is Sookie in seeking seeking the Lord that will use that word lordship. On the back of your notes to understand what that means. Okay. 24 lordship we're going to let him direct your steps. You're going to be what he says you're going to repent of whatever he tells you to you're going to do good. You're going to serve and worship him with your whole heart. You're going to walk humbly with God. You're going to intake the very word of God and you're going to pray to God always and never give up. We'll just try to expand that quickly here. Let him direct your steps Psalm 37 through 25 trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your stats.
easier for us to seek God when we have a major life decision. Should I date this person? Should I marry them should I take this job? Should I quit this job or receipt? We generally will seek the Lord every should generally be seeking the Lord.
but he's directing our steps.
Sometimes it's as easy as following that prompting in your spirit to talk to that person who's in front of you in that line. Sometimes it's it's a friend comes to your mind that you haven't seen for a while and you take the time to text the number to call them up to see how they're doing. Sometimes it's his leading board for going. To do something good for your neighbor shoveling the walk or clearing off ice or whatever it is this time of year. Keeping letting him direct your steps means he's in control of your calendar in your day.
I'm not seeing how I can't go to work today because God wants me to go have coffee less your pastor. That's your job. But
I am saying in your place of work. How is God directed your stats?
Take the time to seek him. so that you know he'll director stats.
It's really in those those the day today of every day those little Nuance things. If you haven't felt those little promptings of Holy Spirit lately. One thing that I can encourage you to do is to go to God. In prayer and ask him when was the last time you told me to do something and I disobeyed. Right you get that prompting in you and you say all that's not God. And then sometimes those promptings just stopped.
The good news is if you haven't had any promptings. He will show you what you need to do. You were created to walk with him in the garden of the cool of the day. He wants that relationship with you. That is such a gentle. leading it doesn't set you up to fail. He doesn't. Sometimes it might look like that but he doesn't.
Let him direct your steps question, you can ask do I allow you to hurt to direct my steps?
The Owen lordship remains is to obey what he says. Deuteronomy 24 25 it somewhat it changed in that one. I will go to that one too. But it in Deuteronomy for 25 and 26 Moses is telling the people of Israel were dancing into the promised land. He says if you disobey your God God is going to remove you from this land. But if in that former land you repent U-turn and you call out to God he will and seek Him He will find him and he will return you to this place.
If you go to him and and say Lord, I haven't been feeling your prompting lately. What how can what it what it what did I do wrong? He'll show you that. Sometimes you still have time to go and do the good he wants you to do.
other times you need to be able to humble yourself and go apologize to that person that you're supposed to do something good to
We'll get to that humility is important. Jesus even told why do you keep calling me Lord Lord when you don't do what I say.
When he is Lord, we obey.
Question you can ask is it can Mayo being what you told me to do?
The our reminds us to repent whenever he tells you Isaiah 55 6 and 7 seek the Lord when he can be found call upon him when he is near let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the Lord that he will have mercy on them yesterday to our God for he will forgive generously.
Keep short accounts with God.
His grace is sufficient.
Don't think you've ever done something so bad or for so long that he ever redeem that that's the business he's in.
Don't draw close to him. Don't. Draw close to him. Don't stop from drying close to him.
If you feel like you haven't measured up to his standard you can't measure up to his dad heard without him helping you, too. The good news is he will enable you to accomplish every good work prompted by faith.
You won't let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
He has a grease to show you that enough until it gets past here and get down in the year.
Do I need to repent of any sin? question we can ask
the D in lordship reminds us to do good. A big part of seeking the Lord is doing good to others. It's doing the good that he wants us to do. Psalm 2464 and 6 only those who have hands and hearts are pure only those that's not how it's only those who have clean hands and a pure heart who don't worship idols who never tell lies They will receive the Lord's blessing and have a right relationship with God their savior touch people may seek you and worship you in your presence. That's a terrible translation. I don't know why I chose that one. It was our translations say it better like how I said it when such are the generations that seek your face. when we seek him We have pure hands and a pure heart. We don't practice this honesty in lying. And we receive his Blessing.
A question to ask you why am I doing the good that you want me to do?
Yes and lordship reminds to serve and worship him with your whole heart and willing mind this was David talking to Solomon in the second first Chronicles 2890 said it and saw him in my son learn to know the the god of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and willing mind. Is me for the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought if you seek him you will find him. But if you forsake Him He will reject you.
Am I serving the lord with my whole heart? It's a decision to serve. If the emotion is joy.
and the action Is anything he wants you to do?
The ancient worship reminds us and lordship reminds us to humbly walk with God.
Zephaniah 2:3 says seek the Lord all who are humble and follow his commands seek to do. What is right in the live only. Micah 6:8 thousands of people. The Lord has told you what is good and what he requires of you is to do what's right. Love mercy and walk humbly with your God. My mind was going to and Ivy 1984 do just lights. Love Mercy walk humbly.
We talked about humbling ourselves before God. This is I think this is where fasting comes in for seeking God. We can seek God through fasting and prayer. And if you want to know more about fasting I can. Give you as much as you want to know if you've never fasted before check with your doctor. Make sure it's okay. If you don't have any other conditions, it's okay start out missing one meal and go on to a date and then from a day go to 3 days. And from three days cool go further on I tell you when you're fasting.
after three days It gets easy. After 10 days for sure. It gets easy. It's only you know, you stand up too fast. Anyway ft kind of problems, but I get that anyway.
Daniel 93 says I turned my face to the Lord seeking him by prayer and with fleets of Mercy with fasting and just a cloth and Ashes. Question we can ask is it might humbly walking with you?
B i n worship is remind us to intake the very word of God Psalm 119 10 tells us I'll get to that one, too. I seek you with all of my heart and let me stray from your commands. I've hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. We're seeking God we get in the book that the word read us. Colossians 3 says that the word of Christ dwell in you richly teaching and managing one another with songs and hymns and spiritual songs with thanks and thankfulness in your heart to God.
I don't think you can say you're seeking God if you're not in the word of God.
Because this book is sharper than any two-edged sword.
His word is life. We see Caravan live at there's a connection there.
Not in the book get in the book. Haven't written in a while. Get into it. There are so many many different ways.
Karen that I listen she's on this app called. I don't know what it's called cuz it's on her her iPad but it's actually really quite good through the word or Through the Bible or something. It's a newer the guy give the devotional in and they read the scripture to you for that day. And he systematically go through all the Bible and it's actually quite good but really
I mean, I'm finding almost every day. There's something that jumps out at me that I've never seen before because I haven't. Reddit in this version that I've got marked up and focused over here, but it ain't that's over there like it's Do whatever you need to do if the word come alive to you, but always be in the word.
The p in lordship remind us to pray to God always and never give up. Jeremiah 29 does a 12 in those days when you pray I will listen if you look to me wholeheartedly you will find me. I will be found by you says the Lord I will end your captivity and restore your fortune Dell gather you out of the nation where I sent you and bring you home again to your land.
Remember, what was that in 2nd Chronicles? 7:14? If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven will forgive their sins and will heal their land.
I think that there is a responsibility for the church
The Humble ourselves and pray and seek his face in order for our land to be healed
We got to move past blaming politicians for all of our problems, even if they cause them.
We got to move past.
If we pray as much as we complain the world would be different.
How can I say that for 30 years because I've never seen us pray more than We complain.
I know when I pray more than I complain at least my attitude changes and I start this feel love more than contempt.
Haha, did you hear? Fat chance that went up in that UFC ring when Google was apparently there with his son. And I'm sorry I am not a fan. But I think what happened was completely deplorable.
I feel for this man.
And I feel for his kid. It's it's anyway. I don't know what's going on. Don't worry about it if you do. pray for them Am I praying to seek you?
When we do these things when we make him our Lord when we when we work out his lordship.
We're making Clinic seeking the Lord your Rhythm and not leaving it as a remarkable event.
Azodin do that
as it seem it seems like he he figured seeking God was an event.
He comes off this great Victory where God won the day.
And he brings everyone together to celebrate and to seek God.
and he tore down the remaining to keep on tearing down all these high places as if they didn't they don't get them all the time. It's a
An interesting study do I know what high places were but anyway, you could do that on your own time.
Is Nation saw piece for a long time? He was able to build up and rebuild and do all kinds of stuff.
But in the 30th 36 the year of his Reign king bushaw of Israel invaded Judah and set up a stronghold there.
and Being a king for 36 years he knew exactly what to do.
You didn't seek God.
He took the money from the temple. He took the the gold pieces from the temple and sent it up to the king of a Ramen that Damascus and asked him to attack the king of Israel. And that's what happened. The king of Aram came down and attacked Northern Israel and the Shah had to withdraw from Judah and going defend himself to the north.
And as a went and took all the building supplies, if he brought in that wish I had brought in to build up the stronghold and eat he was able to do that and build up to more strong places for himself.
It was a brilliant move. It only cost of the treasury of the Temple.
button 2nd chronicles 16 starting at verse 7
That time and I The Seer came to King Isaiah and told him. Because you put your trust in the king of a ram instead of the Lord your God you missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of a ram. Don't you remember what happened to the Ethiopians in the libyans and their vast Army and all their chariots and charioteers at the time you were lying on the Lord and he handed them over to you. Look at verse 9 the eyes of the Lord search the whole earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been from now on you'll be of War.
Did you catch that?
By language up to this point is you seeking God. We need to seek the Lord. Guess what he's seeking you.
He is searching to strengthen those hearts that are fully committed to him.
Holy Spirit empowers us to accomplish every good work prompted by faith.
So if we want to seek Him always and live out this way. He's the one that's going to empower us to do it. We can't do it in our own strength their own ability of it with their own decision.
We can make the decision and ask for his help.
But if you make the decision and try to do all this stuff without his help. This is nothing but frustration.
I'm in the last time that Prophet confronted Masa.
his response the king's response to that profit was to take courage.
When the second prophet approached him and these were shirts he chose to take offense instead.
He had just won a great Victory and this guy is coming and raining on his parade.
He had Hannah arrested and he started to oppress his people.
And he was at War for the rest of his reign.
More than that and fortunately this isn't the worst final statement of a king of Judah this come with those free clothes. Look at his final statement 2nd Chronicles, 6:12 and 13 in the 39th year of his reign as it developed a serious foot disease yet even with the severity of his disease. He did not seek the Lord's help but turned only to Physicians
Is is God saying don't turn to Physicians if I'm sick. Do I just have to rely on hit? That's not what he saying at all.
He saying he just relied on position. They didn't seek the Lord. There is a huge difference there.
There's a huge difference to saying I'm just going to go by faith and not get any kind of medical help here. Listen, we are going to be tested in three areas all the time our entire life in our health and our relationships and in what we learned through what we get. What we do what we get for what we do our finances. So health is a major one for us.
Statement on as life is you just went to the doctors. He didn't see God.
Why because he was offended at God?
He had just won this incredible battle. It was politically astute. He didn't lose any man. He protected his people. He protected his land.
Then this prophet of God tells him. You messed up.
If you had a vent seeking God have you fasted have you gone to Revival's? Have you had special times in his presence?
if you had a season of seeking God sometime in the past you did it, but you haven't done it since really
Are you not feeling the first love you have for your creator?
You feel lacking in Zeal or are you simply going through the motions? Maybe you might be offended at God.
Because you did what you thought was best.
But he said if you would have thought me first.
I've learned the easiest way to live this walk is to seek God first and then just leave it the results of the him. My job is to hear and to obey and then he does the work. Really like yeah, I can plant I can water he brings the increase.
It takes all kinds of pressure off of me knowing know I saw him and that's what he said.
So the rest is on him.
If you know you haven't been seeking the Lord and you're feeling like you're really should start seeking him.
As I didn't use confession and repentance.
That's the response that happens when you're confronted with the truth of scripture. It's simply to go and fast is agree with God. That you he's right in your wrong. It's not a statement that I understand this God. It's just I'm agreeing to trust you that you're right, and I'm wrong.
And repentance is turning around and going it's metanoia. It's changing your mind. It's shoes in the heel boots to turn around and go the opposite direction.
If you feel you need to commit to seeking the Lord with your whole heart for your whole life. It's easy confession and repentance.
If you feel like you are seeking the Lord and it's been a long time. You've been seeking the Lord and you and you just your ear growing weary in that search. I want you to be reminded that the eyes of the Lord are goes throughout the whole earth seeking those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. You will see his promises fulfilled in your children and their children. You will see him be true and every other thing a liar.
Hold on. Keep seeking. Don't give up tea empowers you to accomplish it. You seek him? He's seeking you.
Make seeking the Lord your Rhythm and don't leave it as a remarkable moment.
Those remarkable moments are awesome. They are milestones. We can look back on and say yes. God was good.
Testimony, I just found a verse what I was looking for. boxabl
seeking those who seek the Lord remember his testimony.
So as we see Kim like it's it's remembering those high points in our life. It's remembering those little points has brought us through. It's in remembering that he has been through there and he's going to be true now that we true tomorrow.
Let him direct your steps. Obey what he says repent whenever he tells you do good serve and worship him with your whole heart humbly walk with God and take the very word of God pray to God and never give up. And I'm going to pray for you.
Tell you that clock is really messing with me. It's like
Just get started.
Lord first of all, I want are free for everyone who has been seeking you for so long. And yet Our God, it's don't let them give up Before the Breakthrough comes.
Help us to see Lord God the testimonies the things that you've done in the past. And the things the promises you've made for the future.
I pray Lord that you would speak life to that lose a just blow on them Lord and like they react like them on fire.
I pray for all of us store.
Knowing that is we seek you we will find you as we seek you we will live.
I pray Lord that we would intentionally seek you to direct our steps. We would seek you in your goodness. And your glory. We would Seek You Lord God in the day-to-day of a her everyday.
Holy Spirit Speak Life to everyone here today.
Ecolab speak truth Speak your peace God.
Lord speak your fire.
Lord I Thank you for what you're going to do this week. For the goodness you're going to show to us. Put the grease that you're going to extend through us.
Come at this time into your very capable hands. amen You may be seated. You don't have anything and I guess we're just missed. There's lots of stuff in the back pasture. Sean will be back not next week, but the week after. and
yeah, have fun with that. I can't remember any announcements.
I can't hear. But anyway, God bless. Take care.
I know.
Oh my soul.
a word